
Rounded corners not working in IE, CSS/DIV

Hi, My css is not working with Iexplorer, can someone explain me why this isn't working? The HTML <div class="myBox"> Content <div> The CSS: .myBox { margin: 0.0in auto; color: #FFF; width: 450px; height:450px; padding: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #444141; border: 0px solid #4e4b4b; ...

No root node detected when loading XML in IE using Javascript

I am attempting to parse a XML file using Javascript and I'm running into issues on IE7. If I have this code: function LoadXml() { var xmlPath = document.getElementById("hsTreeviewXmlPath").value; var xmlhttp=false; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5) // JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope...

How do make web application compatible with all latest browsers ??

How do i make my application (running on intranet) compatible with all the browsers. The problem is all the text boxes and drop downs size varies when I browse the application in different browsers. For example when I browse in Chrome all the drop downs size changes and textbox becomes small.In IE8 all the dropdowns , comboboxes a...

Text on the Button with space in between disappears in IE

I have some 6 buttons to be displayed in the toolbar and the buttons have to be displayed in such a fashion that there is a grouping i.e 3 buttons followed by a bit of space and then again another 3 buttons. I am using JSF as the UI framework. The issue lies when my last button in the 1st group has text with space in between has to be d...

Anchor in IE not displaying block

Morning all. Im currently working on the following site: username: codingforums password: password The site is to basically offer a my services as a sub contractor and produce a "round-about" quote ( as it is stupidly hard to let a form produce a quote when you dont know exactly what the proje...

png in div appears in Firefox, not in Iexplorer

Hi, Can someone explain me why the following css isn't working for iexplorer 8? .rounded_corners{ background: url(../images/achtergrond_homepage.png)no-repeat left bottom; display: block; left: 480px; top: 130px; z-index: 100000; position: absolute; color:#FFF; padding: 15px; width: 360px; height: 470px; } ...

How to Overwrite Internet Explorer Dialog's ?

I'm looking for a way to overwrite for example the dialog which pops up if you click on the "browse"-Button of a INPUT type="file" element in an HTML Page. I need to suppress the original dialog and show my own implementation. Is this possible in any way ? ...

List html and float IE !

Hello, Normaly i always manage to fing a soultion with my css problems. But it's driving me crazy. I trying tu place my list correctly on wordpress (sidebar widget). (i tried divs, but still doesn't work under IE). so here is the html code and some screenshots <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www....

How to use the AOL Pagetest tool?

Hi, I downloaded the AOL Pagetest tool from, and opened it from IE8. When I try to go to a page in IE I get the following error: (this is from the Load details tab) Results for 'Data Transmitted': Error loading page: 99997 (0x0001869D) Page load time: 0.000 seconds Time to first byte:...

Javascript: issue when dynamically adding a row from its HTML to a table in IE

I looked at some other questions like this one but they don't address this particular issue: When I run this code in IE (8): $("<tr><td>1</td><td>A</td></tr>").appendTo("#myTable tbody"); I end up with this HTML being added to the table's body: <TR> 1</TD><//TD> <TD> </TD> A</TD><//TD></TR><//TR> </TR> Any idea? Thanks in advance...

JQuery Slideshow not working in IE8, works fine in Safari/Firefox

The website ( for my upcoming wedding has a really nifty JQuery slideshow (courtesy of I hope I can get some help ASAP, I really want my site looking sharp before I send out the Invitations. I don't know anything about JQuery... hence I experience the pitfall of copy&pasting open-source ...

jQuery colorbox only binds to 1 element in IE 7 and FF 3.0

I'm just about finished writing a backend for a website in PHP/MySQL/jQuery, but my jQuery colorboxes aren't working in older versions of IE and Firefox. Steps to reproduce problem: 1. Navigate to 2. Scroll to the very bottom and click the Login link in the right corner 3. Leave the fields blank and click the Log...

CSS: positioning absolute divs in a relative div container (IE bug)

Hi guys, i have the following markup (i have stripped out the content by the way) <div id="playArea" style="position: relative"> <div class="widget" id="widget2" style="position: absolute;width:153px;top:282px;left:243px;" ></div> <div class="widget" id="widget8" style="position: absolute;width:278px;top:-2px;left:44...

jQuery fadeTo not working in firefox/chrome

I'm trying to do a simple example using jQuerys fadeTo method. It works as expected in IE8, but doesn't fade out Chrome/Firefox 3.6. Niether the fadeTo call or the one in the button click work in chrome/ff. Any ideas? Code: $(document).ready(function () { $("img, div").fadeTo("slow", .5); $("input").click(functi...

Why are these floats wrapping in Internet Explorer?

My website,, looks great in FireFox, Safari, and Chrome, but of course IE has different plans for the floats used the in the #content area. You can see what I mean if you view the site in IE. The main column is pushed below the first sidebar. The content boxes and the sidebar both sit within another div. ...

jQuery - IE returning 0 children

Hi, I quickly made this function for a script im using: $.fn.liCount = function(){ var i=0; $(this).children().each(function(){ i++; }); return Number(i); } problem is IE returns 0, anyone know why? alert( $("ul").liCount() ); edit: <div id="prev-quotes"> <ul id="quote-list"> <li id="quote_conte...

Spell Check in IE

In Firefox, if a user enters words which have spelling mistakes, the browser puts a line below the word indicating a spelling mistake. How can the same be accomplished in IE ? Any ideas ? ...

Simple named anchor doesn't work in FF but it does in IE

I have a href link: /agenda/#Testevent Which in IE it goes to the corresponding <h4> element but in Firefox it doesn't work. I have used this named anchor: <h4 name="#Testevent" id="#Testevent"> Any suggestions? ...

What is renowned as being the best IE PNG fix at the moment?

I've tried jquery.pngFix.js and pngfix.js and neither seem to cater for all issues. Any images that are anchored end up distorted with the former and the latter doesn't like positioned/repeating background images. Unfortunately the design I'm working on calls for PNGs to be used in the way I have done, so I'm not really sure where to g...

Cufon not working with Jquery UI Tabs

Hi, I am using Jquery UI Tabs, and within some of the tabs there is some text with Cufon applied to it. Works fine in all browsers apart from IE. Example: All works fine until you click on one of the 'tell me more' links then click back to the far left tab and the Cufonated te...