I'm having an issue with a page in internet explorer.
I have an ajax call that calls a form, in other browser, when I click the link it passes in the controller and load correctly data. but in IE, when its loaded once, it aways brings me the same old results without passing in the controller.
I am writing a plugin to an old IE-only WYSIWYG-editor which resides in an old CMS. I've created a plugin that opens an popup where the user can enter the url of an youtube clip.
The popup then creates the corrent <object..><param..> markup for the embed and uses Internet Explorers pasteHTML function;
var range = plugin.editorDocument....
I am working on a legacy ASP.NET web site that is highly dependent on Internet Explorer. I would like to migrate it to non-IE browsers. I know there are a large amount of differences (as detailed at quirksmode.org, etc.), so I'm searching for a javascript library that can help minimize the amount of source I'd have to change.
I'm hopi...
Is there a console logger for IE? I'm trying to log a bunch of tests/assertions to the console but I can't do this in IE.
I'm trying to do something like this (W3 compliant, DOM):
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' );
For ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') and XDomainRequest (IE8). I'm having no such luck finding it anywhere in microsoft documentation or even google. Any idea how I can achieve this?
Everything is OK in Firefox, Chrome and IE8.
This is the site: http://ada.kiexpro.com/html/index.html
Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to create an AJAX request in IE8.
var xhr = new ActiveXObject( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP' );
xhr.open( 'GET', '/ajax/' );
// Required header for Django to detect AJAX request
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( this.readyState == 4 ) console.log(this.responseText);...
It is aligned in Chrome and Firefox but in IE7 it looks like this:
(I already fixed the z-index issue I just want to align the list vertically.)
First of all, why use a frame set in the first place you ask?
answer: Because my boss told me.
That been said, I have 2 files. Index.html and Head.html.
Contents of index.html:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/frameset.dtd">
<meta h...
Do you know any method to optimize this HTML Code to IE6 or 7 (or 8) without adding any HTML elements, or the IE is skipping all the HTML5 elements?
If i just want to format elements with CSS, - i dont want to use other features - is the document.createElement("nav") DOM element create enough to scam IE and make a plain HTML doc...
When the user visits a page that contains a signed ActiveX control that has never been seen before, I'd expect IE to ask the user for permission to install the control. But sometimes IE puts up a security warning instead.
For example, consider this site, which has a test control:
I'd expect to get th...
Where did I go wrong? IE reports a problem while everything else seems to be just fine.
menu = $('#menu > ul > li');
image = $('#image > ul > li > div');
menu.each(function(idx) {
this.slide = image[idx];
function() {
Hello again, I am back with more problems on my jQuery animated splash / website.
You can see the splash which is working in most browsers at voidsync.com/test. The problems I am encountering with IE are the html, body, or #CONTAINER not adjusting to longer content such as in the Services or About pages - you will see the footer does no...
The RFC seems to suggest that the client should permanently cache the response:
10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently
The requested resource has been
assigned a new permanent URI and any
future references to this resource
SHOULD use one of the returned URIs.
Clients with link...
My application uses a HTMLAchor to launch an edit user details page. When I update the details using IE8 and click Update the database is update. When I go back to the main list then click on the EditUser link again, the page is displayed with the old details not tthe new ones. In firefox everything works just fine.
I have a form on a page that sends data to php file via ajax request. The data is then collected into a single variable and sent to email specified in the php file. The data is in slovenian an uses a lot of letters that use diacritics (š,ć,ž). Everything works fine when the form is submitted from any browser that isn't Internet Explorer,...
Is IE9 going to allow tbody scrolling via css?
How can i detect which browser type the client is using. I have a problem where i have to ask people to use different browser (Firefox) instead of IE. How can i get this information.
I know http request has this information (Header). How will i get the navigator.appName from the view.py in the Django framework ?
I'm creating an ASP.NET application which uses Facebook Connect and fbml tags. It also uses the LinkedIn widget. When I run this app in any browser, there are no warnings and everything works. However, in IE, a message like this comes up:
Security Warning:
The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do...
I have a C# IE BHO in use for an internal company app that is adds a pane to the statusbar with SB_SETPARTS (it mitm's the SETPARTS call and inserts an element into the array) and then draws the controls by moving them from a hidden (in-process) form with SetParent()
This technique works well but it causes other parts of the statusbar t...