
Webpage is not displayed properly in outlook

when i try to send a webpage via email using the "send page by E-mail" menu in the internet explorer, the webpage is not displayed properly. On the webpage we have javascript enabled dropdown menus that impact the layout of the page. is there any special coding for outlook editor so that it will appear the same as in ie? -Vivek ...

Java Sockets & the Internet

Hi, I created a small chat program, that works flawlessly when client & server are run on the same computer (and probably network, too). However, as soon as I try to connect to another computer over the internet, the socket connection simply times out. Is this because of firewalls / routers, etc? And how can I connect a ServerSocket &...

Accessing distant database, android

Hi I'd like to access an Internet database from my app to edit it and read it. Any link I should read or any advise? Thanks ...

what happens when you type in a URL in browser

can somebody tell me what all happens behind the scenes from the time I type in a URL in the browser to the time when I get to se the page on the browser? A detailed account of the process would be of great help ...

Regarding Microsoft API: IHTMLWindow2::execScript Method

In MSDN, it is decleared as in : Syntax HRESULT execScript( BSTR code, BSTR language, VARIANT *pvarRet ); Parameters code [in] BSTR that specifies the code to be executed. language [in] BSTR that specifies the language in which the code is executed. The la...

Internet Access Controller using .net ( vb or c# )

I want to develop a software which restricts users internet access using vb6 or This is not a baby sitter program but 1) whenever a client machine takes any browser it should ask for username and password. 2)There should be option for adding new users at the server side application. can anyone suggest any name of such a s...

How to create Man in the Middle instrumentation

I'm trying to see how a certain application is talking to a server in SSL. Basically, the process just hangs when it claims to have done some SSL communication. I want to debug the problem by catching the traffic, but I can't really use a sniffer since SSL will probably look like a hexdump. Is there a good man-in-the-middle tool that ...

Playing games over internet with WPF apps?

Hi I am trying to develop a multi player game over the internet. A 2 to 4 players game in WPF. Since I want to make it available via browser also at some point, is "WPF-Browser Application" a good choice? What approach I can follow to maintain the connectivity between players? Peer to peer or do I need to maintain a server in between a...

iPhone: monitor data (internet) usage

is there a way to monitor how much data(internet) each application used? if I cannot monitor applications is there a way to get all internet requests information? (get data passed, url, etc) (I would like to use this info in an app Im developing for iphone) Thanks ...

Sending frames in java

Can I send raw frames (low-level internet packets) in java ? ...

Calculate an Internet (aka IP, aka RFC791) checksum in C#

Interestingly, I can find implementations for the Internet Checksum in almost every language except C#. Does anyone have an implementation to share? Remember, the internet protocol specifies that: "The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header. For purposes of c...

vbscript to launch internet explorer, navigate to URL and click button

I have been scraping the Internet for some solution to this problem with no success. I need to use vbscript to launch a URL within Internet Explorer and click a button. The challenge that I am having is that the button has no id or name. It only has a specified type and value. I have tried different methods with no success. I would love ...

Android application setting connection type.

I'm writing an application for android. My problem is that I want it to force the connection in GPRS and not use wi fi. I have a solution like below, but this causes the crash of the application at start. ConnectivityManager CM = (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); CM.setNetworkPreference(Conn...

Cannot achieve full speed on Symmetrical Internet Connection

We are using a business Ethernet connection (3Mbit upload, 3Mbit download) and trying to understand issues with our tested bandwidth speeds. When uploading a large file we sustain 340 KB/s; downloading we sustain 340KB/s. However when we run these transfers simultaneously the two transfer speeds rise and fall erratically with a average...

Stop Internet access on the emulator android

Hi, Ok my question might appear a bit strange but here is my problem : I am testing a database storage after retrieving data from the internet, then i would like to be able to start the emulator with internet working, and then, while it is running, stop internet access to force it using the database as a source to display data. Is that ...

How does domain registration works?

I searched Google and Wiki a lot, but I could't find answers for these questions. 1) What exactly registrar company do? They update an root DNS and set there IP of my DNS? 2) How come the registrar can update records in the root DNS? How did they get this priviledge? How could I get this priviledge too? 3) What exactly we pay the regi...

Internet Explorer jquery :contains issue

I'm trying to parse a simple xml document with jQuery. Does anyone know why the following works fine in Chrome and Firefox but not in Internet Explorer (7 and 8)? var selBunit = $("#bunit").val(); $(bunitXml).find('bunit bname:contains('+selBunit+')').parent().find('team') Below is a snippet of the xml. So basically I'm trying to retu...

VB6 activex runs only with administrative privileges

Hi Several years ago we have written VB6 activex control that is hosted by a webpage. Since then for many users it stopped working unless the user logged on with administrative privileges. The website is set to "Trusted sites" in IE. The IE security settings are the same for both Admin and User. The control cab file is signed. The con...

How can I get a full list of registered domains?

How can I get a full list of all the registered domains in the world? ...

IWinHttpRequest fails with status code 407 even after SetCredentials for ""

My system Browser (IE) is proxy authenticated. I tried to download "" using IWinHttpRequest it fails with status code 407 ( Need Proxy Authentication ) even after setting the user name and password using SetCredentials(...) for "". The response text contains "cache access denied". How to solve this? ...