
Saving an Excel Workbook on the Server through ASP.NET and IIS7

Hi, The following code samples produce the same error when I perform the SAVEAS: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); filePath = (string.Format("{0}.{1}", Path.GetTempFileName(), "xls")); some stuff to the workbook ... excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; excelApp.A...

What technologies can be used to call from a native process to a C# process?

I have a native (C++) process and a managed (C#) process on the same system. I want to enable communications between the two, similar to how one could use RPC between two native processes. I know I could use WCF using Microsoft's WWSAPI in the native process., but I was wondering what other options do I have? Or is WCF the best/only s...

Excel Interop currency format

Hey everyone, I'm attempting to format a cell in excel to the currency format. So I go into excel, record a macro of me converting an ordinary cell to a currency format, take a look at the vb script and see that it outputs the following: NumberFormat = "$ #,##0.00" So i take that format and paste it into my code, it works to the exten...

Generating a COM visible assembly from managed c++ (C++/CLI)

Hello, I need to develop some classes that should be callable from VB6 with Managed C++ (C++/CLI). I've developed first a sample in C# and I can use the assembly through COM without problems just using the setting "Register for COM interop" and "Make assembly COM visible" (and using the attribute [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.Aut...

Create MSG files by automating Outlook Express with Visual Studio Express

I'm wondering if I can use outlook express to create .MSG files using Visual Studio Express ...

How can I drag and drop from Excel cells to a drag-enabled task pane programatically?

I am using Excel 2007, VS2008 Pro. I am building a VSTO Add-in that requires "drag and drop from Excel cells to a drag-enabled task pane". So far I notice that I can only drag and drop within the cells themselves. It does not allow me to drop into the task Pane or drag past the sheet limits. ( ...