
Boost.Intrusive and unordered_map

I am looking to use an intrusive unordered_map. For some reason there is only an unordered_set in the library. There is also an intrusive hashtable but I'm not sure it has the same functunality, also it doesn't have the same interface. Am I wrong and I missed the unordered_map link? If I am not is there a tutorial that will help me imple...

Using Smart Pointers with boost intrusive

I am having trouble using smart pointers in boost intrusive containers. According to the documentation the requirements for using smart pointers with intrusive containers are the following: It must support the same operations as a raw pointer, except casting. It must be convertible to a raw pointer and constructible from a raw pointer...

Boost Intrusive List hook

What is the difference in a base hook and a member hook in Boost::Intrusive library and when is one better to use then the other? I've read the boost documentation, but its not that explanatory. ...

How to make an intrusive tree class in C# use generics?

In C# I have an intrusive tree structure that looks like this: public abstract class Node { Container parent; Node nextNode; Node previousNode; public abstract class Container : Node { Node firstChild; Node lastChild; } } The various objects that can be added to the tree inherit from either Nod...

An intrusive list of unique_ptrs?

I have a program that is highly multi-threaded and it contains an intrusive linked list of objects. I need to pass off the objects in this list to several threads, but only 1 thread will ever own the object at a time, meaning that I don't need this object or the pointer to it be shared. I wanted to create an intrusive list with a uniqu...