
Can anyone offer legalese for retaining intellectual property as a programmer?

I was recently talking to one of the guys in charge of the contracts for employees. I kind of lamented about the work-for-hire clause that says anything I create at work, even if completely unrelated to the business, belongs to the business. For instance, if I write a tool that helps me do my job, even if that tool is totally generic, th...

workflow runtime ownership expired

Hello all, I am facing a strange problem in windows workflow foundation, need help from you guys. I have creatd a State Machine Workflow ,it worked very fine in one build , but due to some requirements i altered workflow , build and reinstall application , but now when i am trying to access workflow instaces which i created in pr...

Who has the rights to a University assignment?

I'm currently taking a class, and I'd like to release the software I've developed for it under the GPL. It's nothing special (in my opinion), but someone might find some use for it. I was wondering if I'm somehow restricted because I did it as a class assignment? Also, to what extent would the restrictions apply. Am I not allowed to ...

Facebook Content and Ownership

Hello, I am working on an app that imports photos from facebook. It creates a few "auto albums" for the users including one called "Photos of Me", which I think is pretty self explanitory (Yes, the "photos you're tagged in" one, provided by facebook). Anyway, how do I deal with ownership of these photos within my app? do I... Give t...

Ownership of iPhone applications

I am developing my first iPhone application, but I am not sure how to go about handling the ownership end of it. Do most people just own it in their own (personal) name? Do people form an LLC (or some other type of company) and transfer it to that? I'm not looking to make tons of applications, but I do have this one good idea. (I'm n...

php script 403 forbidden error

Hello, I have a script giving me error 403 Forbidden error, its just a copy of another script but the different in this is that both use another mysql class to access database. My whole project is complete and this is last file so i dont want to do the whole work again for a single file. Server logs shows that client denied by server ...

First-time software contractor, building a system for a multi-site client; who should own the intellectual property?

I'm very new to software contracting; this is my first project. I've just built a point-of-sale software system for a client, and neither of us put a lot of work into the contract. I wrote that the software was "jointly owned" with exclusive license for use given to the client. The client is using it at one store and is very pleased with...

Transfer ownership within STL containers?

Is it possible to transfer ownership of a vector contents from one vector to another? vector<T> v1; // fill v1 vector<T> v2 = OvertakeContents(v1); // now v1 would be empty and v2 would have all the contents of v1 It is possible for lists with splice function. This should be possible in constant time for whole vector as well. If it...

Verify domain ownership

When setting up Google Adsense or Gmail as a site owner, you are required to modify a CNAME record for verification. Microsoft does the same thing. I am building a website where I would like an owner of a group to verify ownership of a domain in the same way. How do I accomplish this? ...

How to validate the ownership of the website ?

e.g. Google Webmaster Console does it by asking website owners to upload a file with specific name. Other services use the same approach. Is there any reason why not verify ownership by simply asking people to confirm by clicking the email that was sent to the email under that particular domain? (provided that website does not give out...

how to find the owner of a file or directory in python

I need a function or method in Python to find the owner of a file or directory? the function should be link find_owner("/home/somedir/somefile") owner3 ...

Validate website ownership in rails

For a more recent discussion about a similar topic check this question out. Hi all, Hoping someone can help me out with this one: What's the best way to validate whether a particular user has ownership of a website? Let's say you had this model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :websites end In order to make sure the Us...

Who owns data and schema

We need to keep a copy of our legacy data for reporting purposes but our previous vendor is requesting we delete all copies of the old DB. Deleting the data makes no sense, it a very real sense that data is ours, but we're not sure of 'normal' legal ownership of the schema. Does anyone have experience of a previous supplier requiring all...

SWIG: C++ to C# ... Arrays and new objects

I have asked a similar question somewhere else, but I still cannot find a good answer (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2479764/swig-c-to-c-pointer-to-pointer-marshalling ). First answer did comment on typemap, but actual error message (yes, it is a memory issue, but it is because P/Invoke is not marshalling properly) I'm currentl...

How to prevent anyone from stealing my shared_ptr?

So, I use boost::shared_ptr for all the various reference-counting benefits it provides -- reference counting for starters, obviously, but also the ability to copy, assign, and therefore store in STL Containers. The problem is, if I pass it to just one "malicious" function or object, the object can save the ptr and then I'll never be ab...

User/Group multiple ownership Model using Entity Framework 4

Hi guys I have to model the following situation. I came up with 2 possible alternatives, but I want to know if there's a better solution. Here's the deal... Simplified Schema User Group ----------- ------------ UserId (PK) GroupId (PK) Name Name ... ... \ / ...

How do I change the owner/group of a file in my server?

I am getting a 500 error because the owner of some of my files is set incorrectly, its set at 0 0 when the rest are at 510 510?? How do I fix this, I've read something about ssh? ...

Change owner of file uploaded in server

Hi guys, I have trying to overwrite or perform some file operation to the files uploaded in a webserver. Previously I have uploaded the files from joomla extension. It defined its owner as 99. Without changing its owner it my login name i am unable to perform file operation using ftp and cpanel. what can be done? ...

Problem with uploading files on root linux server

I have a plesk panel and root dedicated server on 1and1. I'm using custom programed php script to upload the files and create the folders to server. I have the upload folder named upload_data_folder with the 777 permission. The scenario is the following: I want to create folder in my upload_data_folder and than upload files in that newl...

Change the owner of a MySQL Stored Procedure?

The MySQL Manual says that I can print the code used to define a stored procedure using SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE, but apparently that only works if you a) have select permissions on the mysql.proc table, or b) own the procedure. The database in question was maintained by a co-worker who's moved on, so I should be the owner of all the stuff...