
verify email in Java

Hi, Is there any way to verify in Java code that an e-mail address is valid. By valid, I don't just mean that it's in the correct format ([email protected]), but that's it's a real active e-mail address. I'm almost certain that there's no 100% reliable way to do this, because such a technique would be the stuff of spammer's drea...

Best way to verify readline input in C#?

Oh, 2 things: 1) It is a console application. 2 ) I know it is in danish, but it doesn't really matter, its just an example of asking for some input. The text and variables does not matter. Alright, consider this simple input: It could be any sort of input question really. Console.WriteLine("Hvad er dit kundenummer: (Kun hele tal tilla...

File Signatures: How do I make sure that a Windows DLL isn't modified?

Hi all. I once asked a question here if Windows DLLs are signed by Microsoft. I realized they were, and a good friend told me that the SigCheck utility can provide information about the signature of files; but a question remained: While SigCheck tells me if a file is signed, I need to be sure that Microsoft signed the file and no one e...

How to verify whether two SQL Server databases contain equal data?

Given two MS SQL databases which are known to have identical schemas, how should I tell whether they contain identical copies of the data? I'm using MS SQL Server 2008 Express, and coding in C# and v2.0 of the .Net framework, using ADO.NET APIs. The two database instances are both on the same SQL server. Background: I've written softwa...

Verify integrity Ceritifcate { RSACryptoServiceProvider - SHA1 - thumbprint }

Hello, sorry for my english. I have a little problem. I want to verify the integrity of my certificat. I make this code: using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); RSACryptoServiceProvider csp = null; AsymmetricA...

certificat x509ChainElement ChainElementStatus

Hello everybody, I would know if an error take place in collection "ChainElementStatus" when a x509 certificat's thumbsprint is not available???? ...

How to verify a website certificate in Cocoa Touch?

I currently open an https connection to a web server using NSURLConnection. Everything works as it should and I am able to retrieve the page content I am after. The certificate is issued by VeriSign and I assume NSURLConnection does some work to verify the authenticity of the certificate to some extent? If I connected to the same website...

XML Digital Signature validation

I was trying to validate an XML signature. The validation according to this tutorial works fine. But I also tried to a second approach. To verify it with the verify method of the Signature class I extracted the signature and the certificate from the xml file, and I did the following: public static boolean checkSignedFile(byte[] ...

.NET: Verify URL is image

I have a requirement to verify that a user-specified URL is to an image. So really I need a way to determine that a URL string points to a valid image. How can I do this in .NET? ...

Linq: How to verify dbcontext.SubmitChanges() for updates/inserts succeeded?

How do you verify that SubmitChanges() worked for inserts and updates? The method doesn't return a bool or int value. ...

Verify database changes (version-control)

Hi, I have read lots of posts about the importance of database version control. However, I could not find a simple solution how to check if database is in state that it should be. For example, I have a databases with a table called "Version" (version number is being stored there). But database can be accessed and edited by developers ...

Is verify called automatically on Groovy's MockFor

According to the javadocs, Groovy's MockFor object always ends with a verify. Its StubFor docs say calling verify is up to the user. I read that as saying that verify will automatically be called on the MockFor object. However, in looking at the groovy samples that use MockFor on a Java object (

Verify domain ownership

When setting up Google Adsense or Gmail as a site owner, you are required to modify a CNAME record for verification. Microsoft does the same thing. I am building a website where I would like an owner of a group to verify ownership of a domain in the same way. How do I accomplish this? ...

Check/Verify if user-provided CSS is not evil

I would like to allow my webapp users to save custom CSS through a text field to modify the look of their GUI. I guess there are some evil CSS hacks out there. What should I take care about? ...

Moq - verifying a method was called

Using Moq, I have a very odd issue where the setup on a mock only seems to work if the method I am setting up is public. I don't know if this is a Moq bug or if I just have this wrong (newbie to Moq). Here is the test case: public class TestClass { public string Say() { return Hello(); } inte...

Setting expectations on MoQ

Hi! I´m using MoQ to test some controllers I have but i'm not being able to set the expectations. This is the code I have: var rep = new Mock<IUserRepository>(); rep.Setup(r => r.Save()); The problem is that, my Save() method expects a User object which I cannot set in the expectation because a instance of it will be ...

PHP verify PayPal Donation

How can I verify paypal donation? In user panel I have donate button. And once someone actually donates I want to do something to him. But I do not how to check if user actually donated or just clicked donate button. ...

How to verify if a delegate responds to a selector?

Hello, I know I need to write: [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(myMethod:)] But the compiler is complaining that respondsToSelector is not a method in the protocol, which is correct, However I have seen many sample code use this, how do you do it?. Thank you. -Oscar ...

svnadmin verify has caught signal message

Hi, I´m testing my repositories with svnadmin verify /folder/repositor. In some cases, doesn´t happen everytime in the same repository,I run this command and I get a message: Caught Signal. Anybody knows what is it? Thanks, Alexandre ...

Mass verify svn repositories

Hi I'm wondering if there is a tool (can be commercial) to mass verify svn repositories. I know about using svnadmin but there are about 100 repositories and it's tedious to check whether if there's actually a corruption. I'm looking for something that can run in the background periodically and alert if there is a corruption. ...