
How can I pass a reference to a function, with parameters?

I need to able to pass a reference to a function with a given set of parameters. Here is an example of passing a reference without parameters: var f = function () { //Some logic here... }; var fr = f; //Here I am passing a reference to function 'f', without parameters fr(); //the 'f' function is invoked, without parameters Now w...

Execve problem with invoking

Why it doesn't work :( I want to simply invoke a shell in C program by execve: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> main() { char* path = "/bin/sh"; int err = execve(path, &path, NULL); printf("%d\n", err); printf("%s\n", strerror(errno)); printf("%x, %x\n", path, &path); } ...

invoking a webbrowser to the second tab page visual c#

hey i am trying to create two webbrowsers on a sperate thread from the rest of the form. one goes to tabpage1 and the other is added to tabpage2. the first browser creates fine to page1 however the second browser wont add and the error "Unable to get the window handle for the 'WebBrowser' control. Windowless ActiveX controls are not supp...

Getting info about invoking class

Hello everybody. Is it possible to get information about class that invoking the other one? class Bar{ public Bar{} public String getInvokingClassInfo(){ return "..."; } } class Foo{ public Foo(){ Bar bar = new Bar(); System.out.println("Invoking class is: "+bar.getInvokingClassInfo()); } } ...

javascript new self invoking function

Hey, I've got a question about self invoking functions in javascript. What I'm doing is something similar to the following myNamespace = {}; //namespace for holding any objects/functions //helpModule as an example myNamespace.HelpModule = new (function(){ = '123'; //lots of other code in here... })(); now I'm abl...