
How can I/O priority of a process be increased?

I want to increase the I/O priority of a process, both answers for .NET and windows vista would be nice... (or processexplorer is ok as well) ...

Change the Process priority of a device driver.

Hi, I have a specific device driver which is used to do Motion Control over the parallel port on my machine. I'm told that the issues I'm having are caused by other windows processes taking away it's CPU time. So i want to change the priority fo the thread for this device driver (Mach3.sys) to realtime. But I can't find it in the Pro...

I/O prioritization in Java

I'd like to use of the Vista+ feature of I/O prioritization. Is there a platform independent way of setting I/O priority on an operation in Java (e.g. a library, in Java 7) or should I revert to a sleeping-filter or JNx solution? (Do other platforms have similar feature?) ...

Determine if the current thread has low I/O priority

if (reader.is_lazy()) goto tldr; I have a background thread that does some I/O-intensive background type work. To please the other threads and processes running, I set the thread priority to "background mode" using SetThreadPriority, like this: SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN); However, THREAD_MODE...

Low-priority I/O in OS X

launchd has option to run process with low priority I/O. How does it work exactly? (how low is low, does it affect all operations?) Is there an API that enables low priority I/O in applications not launched via launchd? I need to scan watched (FSEvents) directories in background application, and I'd like this to be as gentle as possibl...