
How to set maximum read length for a stream in C++?

I'm reading data from a stream into a char array of a given length, and I'd like to make the maximum width of read to be large enough to fit in that char array. The reason I use a char array is that part of my specification is that the length of any individual token cannot exceed a certain value, so I'm saving myself some constructor c...

Overloading the QDataStream << and >> operators for a user-defined type

I have a an object I'd like to be able to read and write to/from a QDataStream. The header is as follows: class Compound { public: Compound(QString, QPixmap*, Ui::MainWindow*); void saveCurrentInfo(); void restoreSavedInfo(QGraphicsScene*); void setImage(QPixmap*); QString getName(); private: QString name, hom...

How NOT to skip BOM info (FF FE) when using fread or ifstream?

I'm trying to use fread/ifstream to read the first 2 bytes of a .csv with BOM info. But following code always skips the first two bytes (which are 'FF FE'): ifstream is; (fn, ios::binary ); char buf[2];, 2); is.close(); using FILE*/fread does no better. ...

Output unicode strings in Windows console app

Hi I was trying to output unicode string to a console with iostreams and failed. I found this: Using unicode font in c++ console app and this snippet works. SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); wchar_t s[] = L"èéøÞǽлљΣæča"; int bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, s, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char* m = new char[bufferSize]; WideChar...

Why does std::cout convert volatile pointers to bool?

If you try to cout a pointer to a volatile type, even a volatile char pointer where you would normally expect cout to print the string, you will instead simply get '1' (assuming the pointer is not null I think). I assume output stream operator<< is template specialized for volatile pointers, but my question is, why? What use case motivat...

Simplest way to mix sequences of types with iostreams?

I have a function void write<typename T>(const T&) which is implemented in terms of writing the T object to an ostream, and a matching function T read<typename T>() that reads a T from an istream. I am basically using iostreams as a plain text serialisation format, which obviously works fine for most built-in types, although I'm not sure...

Is it possible to tie a C++ output stream to another output stream?

Is it possible to tie a C++ output stream to another output stream? I'm asking because I've written an ISAPI extension in C++ and I've written ostreams around the WriteClient and ServerSupportFunction/HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX functions - one ostream for the HTTP headers and one for the body of the HTTP response. I'd like to tie t...

Debug-only ostreams in C++?

I've implemented an ostream for debug output which sends ends up sending the debug info to OutputDebugString. A typical use of it looks like this (where debug is an ostream object): debug << "some error\n"; For release builds, what's the least painful and most performant way to not output these debug statements? ...

Is it possible to define enumalpha?

I would like to be able to write: cout << enumalpha << Monday; and get printed on console: Monday P.S. Monday is an enum type. ...

c++: how can i read a file line by line to a string type variable?

Hiya. I'm trying to read a file line by line to a string type variable using the following code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> ifstream file(file_name); if (!file) { cout << "unable to open file"; exit(1); } string line; while (!file.eof()) { file.getline(line,256); cout<<line; } file.close(); it won't co...

Unformatted output in operator <<

I have a class that contains decoded video frames. I would like my decoder to use an output_iterator to write those frames to different targets. In order to support writing directly to a file, I want to overload operator << for my decoded frame class (for use with ostream_iterator). The problem is, that operator << is meant to be used fo...

Capturing the input stream as a user types

I am working on a C++ based command line tool and I want to capture the user's keystrokes in real-time without requiring them to hit Return to commit the input. I can't seem to find an iostream call to support this kind of behavior but I recall from my college years that it can be done. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

Why does this crash with access violation to 0xcccccc...?

I have a random piece of code, I use for reading from CSV files... and it's fine... until after about 2000 reads... then the getline line fails with an access violation to 0xcccccc... which I assume means that the input stream (file) has been cleared... Not that I know why :) int CCSVManager::ReadCSVLine ( fstream * fsInputFile, ...

How to output floating point numbers with a custom output format in C++?

The problem is that I want to output Mathematica compatible floating point numbers. The only difference with the standard IOStream or printf output format is that the exponential e is replaced by *^: Standard C/C++ output format: 1.23e-4 Mathematica format: 1.23*^-4 Is there a way to manipulate streams to achieve this effect? My origi...

three out of five file streams wont open, i believe its a problem with my ifstreams.

#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstdlib> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream in_stream; // reads itemlist.txt ofstream out_stream1; // writes in items.txt ifstream in_stream2; // reads pricelist.txt ofstream out_stream3;// writes in plist.txt ifstream in_stream4;// read recipt.tx...

fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left brace and read and write files not working

could someone also tell me if the actions i am attempting to do which are stated in the comments are correct or not. i am new at c++ and i think its correct but i have doubts #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstdlib> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream in_stream; // reads itemlist.txt ofstream out...

How do I build a filtered_streambuf based on basic_streambuf?

I have a project that requires me to insert a filter into a stream so that outgoing data will be modified according to the filter. After some research, it seems that what I want to do is create a filtered_streambuf like this: template <class StreamBuf> class filtered_streambuf: public StreamBuf { ... } And then insert a filtered_strea...

Creating ostream manipulators for a specific class

I have a class that is derived from ostream: class my_ostream: public std::ostream { // ... } I want to make a manipulator (for example do_something), that works specifically to this class, like this: my_ostream s; s << "some text" << do_something << "some more text"; I did the following: std::ostream &do_something(std::ostrea...

NSCoding and ostream

Is there a better way to serialize an ObjC object than using /NSKeyedArchive? I need to distribute the object through a C++ std:ostream-like object to put on another computer. The object has over 122 members of various types... for which wants me to [coder encodeObject: (id) forKey: @"blah"]; for all of them... Does anyone have a...

Writing an ostream filter?

I'd like to write a simple ostream which wraps an argument ostream and changes the stream in some way before passing it on to the argument stream. The transformation is something simple like changing a letter or erasing a word What would a simple class inheriting from ostream look like? What methods should I override? ...