
How to detect a user's language through their IP Address.

I have developed a website www.tenxian.com. It has three language versions, English, Japanese and Chinese. How can I write an effective PHP program which can automatically choose a language version based on the IP address of the visitor? If I use "if-else", the code would be much complicated; If I use switch-case, how to write it sin...

Any Reliable API available to determine User's city and country from IP address

Heyy guys I wanted to check if anyone knows of a reliable API that we can use to determine the user's city and country from his IP address. My search on Google led to http://ipinfodb.com/ip_location_api.php It seems perfect but my only concern is the reliability of this service. Does google have anything like this. If you know any oth...

Is there a public geolocation system that I can query for names of local cities?

I'm looking to attempt to simplify address entry into a system where the city textbox has autosuggest initially populated by the user's geolocation. In the past it has seemed that autosuggesting the city name is prohibitively costly without knowing the province/state/country first but it doesn't make sense to require the user to enter t...

Obtaining IP-based latitude and longitude with web API

Hello, Which services do you know with which you can obtain latitude and longitude given the IP? Thanks in advance! Manuel ...

Reputable geo-ip location Services

Who are some of the reputable and/or stable geo-ip location service providers? I'm specing out an application that needs this functionality, and whenever I google geo-ip I get a ton of hits, but it's hard to tell who the legit providers are and who the fly-by-night folks are. Ideally I'd like something that can run without a call to an...

UK IP address lookup API

Hi, im looking for a UK IP address lookup api ( or PHP script ) to find the location of a user. I want to produce more relevent results for a user when searching a directory. All the ones I have found just say 'UK' and dont get any more information than that. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Regards, Phil ...

Ip address to country with database

I have downloaded ip-to-country.csv that has ip ranges that are mapped to countries. How should I store this data to database and how can I query in what range Ip address is to know where Ip address is coming from? ...

precise geolocalization via IP

I tied the iPad the other day, and was amazed about the precision of the geo localization by ip. Actually there is this action against hunger in the world that shows you very precisely where the persons are located that have took part to this petition: http://www.1billionhungry.org/meodai/impact/ I would like to integrate that in one o...

How to determine the country of a mobile phone browser

Is it possible to determine the country of a mobile phone browser? I've read elsewhere that mobile phone IP addresses frequently change and can be reported as originating from different countries by some IP location databases. 1 ...

Exactly how accurate is IP Geolocation?

I'm setting up a iPhone tracking system for my friends, so they can submit their location to my website by their iPhone, anywhere, anytime - by WiFi or cellular data. The website will use Google Maps for their coordination's so that my other friends can track where they are, however, it is the accuracy of the IP to coordinates to Google...

Convert Zip code to Google Metro Code?

I know that Google publishes its "metro areas" for adwords. Is there a converter from ZIP code to metro area code available? The metro list I'm referring to is at: http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/developer/adwords_api_us_metros.html ...

Redirect users to nearest and fastest web server using Javascript and AJAX?

How can I redirect users to the mirror-site that is nearest and fastest for them using Javascript and possible AJAX? Is there a way using Javascript to make a HTTP request to each of the servers (mirror sites), then redirect to the one which is closest and/or fastest for the end-user? I would prefer using Javascript to perform the redir...

Show different contact info on a website based on IP Address US State geolocation?

I want to show different phone numbers / contact information on a website based on the IP address of the visitor. I want the granularity to be as fine as US states (have a unique record for each US State) and then have a catch all for all non-US IP Addresses. This is a very common task I'd imagine others have, we want to show a differe...

What are the available options for geo-location with carrier detection?

We are looking for a geo-location service that can also identify the mobile carrier of mobile phones. What are the available services that offer this functionality? We would prefer a java API, but can probably make do with other implementations if necessary. ...

Get Country of IP Address with PHP

Ideally I'm trying to put together a PHP script that I can query from any web browser and it returns the Country of the IP address that accessed the PHP script. Is this possible or is there a better solution? ...

Iphone User Location without manually running app

I need to read the iPhone users location using google maps, but I don't want the user to have to run my app to do so. It doesn't necessarily need to be tracked constantly, but I might want to check the user location every 10 or 20 minutes. Ideally this feature could be turned off or on by the user, but the most important part is that I ...

Direct users to web page, based upon their city.

Hii, We want to redirect our users to one of our web pages corresponding to the users city (location based upon the users ip address and using some ip location databases) My question is, how to make it work fast? for example in website gropoun, whenever the user visits, it instantly takes the user to its city page. Thanks. Edit: We ...

Where are AWS data center locations listed?

I'm failing at Google search today. Is there a page that lists geolocations of the various Amazon AWS server farms? I want to use this data to pick the appropriate farm for a client on a web app, CDN-style. (This isn't programming, but it's for the purpose of programming, and I thought it would be useful to have this question answered...

ip to country database or api

Hello! I'm developing an analytics website and I need a powerful and the most up to date database of IP addresses and countries ISO (us, fr, tn, ca...). I found a lot out there but I can't pick out the best one. Anyone to advise me please? Thank You. ...