
Hide ActivityIndicator in moviePlayerController

As you know,when i play movie with MPmoviePlayerController ,the moviePlayer should show an activityIndicatorView in the center of the moviePlayer'view. Now,i have put a custom activityIndicatorView in my program,i just want to hide or remove the activityIndicatorView of MPMoviePlayController,can i do that ? ...

ipad: how to move a sprite by sliding it and continue to go according to sliding speed

I have a sprite(image of a ball) I can move it using touch and move. I have also identified the rate of change of location(x-axis,y-axis) of that sprite depending on sliding period. Now I need to continue that sprite to go according to its speed and direction. Here is my code- Touch Event - (BOOL)ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEven...

Adding a sound to load with a spash screen in xcode

Hi I have set up a splash screen for my app project and would like to have an sound (mp3) play just after the splash screen loads. I am new to using xcode and wondered whether some one could advise on what code I will need to input/where to input it.. Many Thanks ...

What is the API for iPhone/iPad file transfer?

I can't seem to find anywhere the name of the API to use in my iPad(iOS 3.2) app in order to be able to sync files from/to computer using iTunes, the way Stanza, GoodReader and zillion other iPad apps do. Any ideas? Hints? Tutorials? ...

how to implement two fingers panning like safari broswer?

hi all i try to implement panning and zooming functionality like safari browser in ipad. i used UIPinchGestureRecognizer for zooming with two fingers touch. but i dont know how to implement two fingers panning. when i touch with two fingers its tap count is 1. please help. thanks in advance. ...

can i add progress into a UISlider?

This picture shows what i want , i just making a custom movieplay controller. I know how to make a custom uislider as code below playSlider.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor]; [playSlider setThumbImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"sliderButton.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [playSlider setMaximumTrackImage:[UIImage ima...

Problem with ebook reader application

I am working on a ebook reader application... i can able to work exactly as iBooks application does. I have used : CFURLRef pdfURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("paper.pdf"), NULL, NULL); pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)pdfURL); CFRelease(pdfURL); - (void) renderPageAtIndexNSUInteger)index inCon...

how to control the volume of ipad without MPvolumeView?

In a movie player, i can use mpVolumeView to control the volume.Is there any other way to control it ? ...

2 lines mean it won't run on iPad

We have a project that runs fine on OS4 but we're having problems getting it to run on iPad 3.2. Base SDK is 4.0 and Deployment target is 3.2. The code crashes on the iPad simulator (and device) before it has even started, with the error "Data Formatters temporarily unavailable" It seems to run okay if I take 2 lines out... A...

what's the differences between [event allTouches] &[touches allObject]?

in uiresponder , - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event; what's the difference between [event allTouches] and [touches allObject]? ...

minimum effective schedule interval ( iphone objective c )

I think there is a minimum time span that we can assign as interval to schedule a task in iPhone SDK. But I haven't found that minimum interval/time span yet. Would you let me know please! It will be very helpful to me. EDIT Any detail reference is more appreciative. Thanks in advance ...

how to add new font to Xcode 3.2?

hi all, please tell me how to add new font to iphone xcode3.2. thanks in advance. ...

Adding text into a Sprite

How can I add text or characters into a Sprite. If it's not possible, is there any alternative to get the same effect? NOTE: I am using COCOS2D framework. EDIT: I have tried in this way- CCLabel* label = [[CCLabel alloc] initWithString:@"H!" dimensions:CGSizeMake([spriteObj contentSize].width, [spriteObj contentSize].height) alignme...

How to Adding suview to the UIImagePickerViewController in ipad

Hi all, I need to add two button in the UIImagePickerViewController for the iPad. I don't know how to increase the size of the UIPopOverViewController if it is possible I will add them as a subview. Please help on this regard, is there any better ideas to add a subview to the UIImagePickerViewController?. Thanks in Advance, Sekhar Bet...

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable

Hi all, I had a problem with my iPad application that is, I need to download more than 10,000 images from a server at a time. I successfully downloaded more than 8000 images, But after that I got an exception like "Program received signal: “0”. Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loa...

Maximum size of the iPad Application

Hi all, Is any one now the Maximum size of the application when we are playing with it?. I just want to know it because of my application is having more than 10000 images. Please reply me Thanking you, Sekhar Bethalam. ...

Memory Management

Hi all, I need a clarification.That is, is it possible to know what is the space available to run application in the iPad? Thanks in Advance, Sekhar Bethalam. ...

Memory Management

Hi all, I need a clarification from all of you,That is I am implementing an iPad application. In that I tried to download and animate the images. The image count should be more than 100,000.The code I used to download and adding to the view is as follows. UIImageView* imageView=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0,100,100)...

Not getting the responce in the Device.

Hi all, I am implementing a location based application that which can give you the results of the nearest cofeeshops. For this I am using the google api, i.e http://www.google.com/uds/GlocalSearch?key=notsupplied&v=1.0&rsz=large&sll=17.500166,78.394496&sspn=0.020472,0.021458&q=Coffeeshops%0A&lssrc=gb2&lscst...

Animations taking extra memory

Hi all, I need to use animation in my iPad application.When I use the animations the memory is increasing and getting exception..When I launch my application the size of the memory is 10 mb, once the animations are started it is increasing the memory size upto double of the launch space (it is 30 mb). I test for the allocations and leak...