Just want to make sure I'm not overlooking something obvious... It seems like it should be trivial to set the background color (black is fine) of a UITableView's cell to something other than white or completely transparent so that you can display your data with white text. However, with my attempts I lose the corners on my grouped table ...
Is there any means of reflection in Objective-C that would allow you to write generic NSCoding implementations by inspecting the public properties of an object and generating generic implementations of encodeWithCoder: and initWithCoder: .
I'm thinking of something like XStream for Java that allows a generic way to serialize and deseria...
There are assembly language libraries for the ARM for doing signal processing and other good stuff called "OpenMAX DL for ARM11 processor family".
When you download the library from the ARM site, it contains .s assembly files. How can these be compiled with Xcode and called from Objective-C for the iPhone? There are examples of inline a...
I have this setup:
The nested view is hidden initially and I want it to show up when user touches the table view anywhere, on cell, outside section - just about anywhere on the screen outside status/nav. bar. I added touchesBegan for the main view (in which I show the nested view) and when TableView is hi...
I want to keep my app under 10.0MB for easy downloading in both cellular and Wifi network environments. In your experience have you come across any good ways for keeping your apps slim? If so please share. What are some good guidelines for keeping iPhone app file-size under 10.0MB?
I am using code like this
(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tv {
return 3;
(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tv numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return 20;
return 1;
(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tv cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSStr...
I am new to iphone development. I used NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.01 seconds for game loop. The game consists drawscreen function inwhich I use CGContextClipToRect to clip the large images for animation. But the speed 0.01 seconds is working in simulator only not in the iphone(device). How can i overcome this problem? I ...
Hi all.
I want to make a button in UI iphone (not web iphone) to submit a form (with elements) to Javascipt like the mention below:
I have already a javascript file in my page: htpp:/www.myaddress/myfile.js
This javascript contain a function called "doTransmit(PIOform)".
I want to create a form in UI iphone application consists some f...
I notice something strange happens to one of my view controller: the back button disappears, yet it's possible to go back to previous view controller by tapping the top left corner (i.e where the button should reside).
In my entire file there's no line that set self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton to YES; also NSLog prints 0 as self.navi...
i want a view with UITabBAr at The bottom with some buttons+Navigation controller on each view and a tableview inside the view using interface builder and windows basaed application template. i want a step by step guide to do this
I'm programatically adding two custom UIPickerViews to another view (MainView). They work just fine but they are not visible until a touch event occurs in any part of the MainView. I've checked the class references for UIPickerView and UIView but haven't found anything that manages to "refresh" the view, unless I'm missing something obvi...
So the the problem is that when someone touches the back button on the UINavigationControler, I would like to run some code to update the datasource.
The problem is that i cant seem to find the right delegate to do it. only these are available on the nav controller delegate, and i want the 'didfinishshowing' type method.
– navigationC...
Is there an easy way to achieve that?
I have an UIImageView that reacts on a touch event. When the touch is detected, some animations happen in the App. After one second I want to call another method. In this case, I can't use the animationDidStop selector.
I am using iphone_sdk_3.0_beta_5__9m2735 SDK.
When I try to compile my code using simulator 3.0 option I get following error. The code compiles for rest all simulator option ie 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1
While compiling my code I get following error
from /Users/videomac/manish/EXPLab/2009-05-27-11-20 myApp_LL_2/myApp_Prefix.pch:7:
In f...
I have an scroll view with some sophisticated animations happening during scrolling. Although after 2 weeks of finetuning the performance is acceptable now, the scrolling is not 100% smooth when the animations happen.
I know that core animation does animations in a background thread. But I wonder if it would help to split those animatio...
I have an class that inherits from UIImageView. An object creates an instance from that class. Now, that class needs a weak reference to it's parent. I could make an initializer where the object has to pass "self" to the new created object. But I feel that there is a better way. Is there any?
I don't have any of the devices to test at the moment. I guess I'll start using the emulators later on.
We're looking to offer mobile support. I was wondering how jQuery or even javascript renders in their respective browsers.
What works? What doesn't? Any tips? Advice?
My users need to enter latitude and longitude, and of course I need to verify that the values entered are legitimate lat/long value. I'd like to have a keyboard layout that does some of this for me (eliminating alphabetic characters, punctuation, etc, and leaving only the numbers and +/-). The number pad keyboard doesn't seem to do it ...
I'm loading a view from a tableview touched cell that contains a photo that is downloaded from the web. I've set up a busy indicator that is called when the cell is touched and then turn it off in the viewdiddisappear method but when you touch the cell there is still a long pause when the cell is touched then the busy indicator shows u...
I have a week long holiday without 'net access coming up. I'm interested in learning iPhone development. What applications, tutorials, documents and so forth should I download in order to learn and develop iPhone applications completely offline? Are there any steps I need to take to prepare my iPhone to have apps loaded on to it while I ...