
iPhone Memory Management didReceiveMemoryWarning

Ok...... I'm implementing a simple OpenGL ES application on the iPhone and I recently added in Pinch Media Analytics. Doing this helped uncover a memory management problem, and I'm not entirely sure how to deal with it. In a perfect world, my application - which loads PNGs and .CAF files in didFinishLoading will launch, load all of it...

Memory Allocation Between iPhone 2G and 3G

In one of my builds for an iPhone app, I had inadvertently created a variable that shadowed a variable in the scope above it. This was unintentional, but compiled since Objective-C apparently allows shadowing of variables between an if block and its containing method. When I sent out this code, people that were using iPhone 3Gs immedia...

Implementing NSRunLoop

Ok, I've read the articles about why it's a better idea to use an NSRunLoop instead of an NSTimer call to run a game loop and maintain a nice frame rate. But what I haven't seen in any of the discussions is where to create the NSRunLoop. Should that be put at the end of didFinishLoading? ...

what does this error mean in x-code debugger window?

[Session started at 2009-05-28 22:36:25 +0600.] 2009-05-28 22:36:29.400 FlashCards[4440:20b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UITableViewController loadView] loaded the "indexView" nib but didn't get a UITableView.' 2009-05-28 22:36:29.407 FlashCards[4440:20b] Stack: ( 25176...

getting touches in UIResponder API

So, UIResponder has methods like: - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event My question is, what's the difference between the touches parameter, and [event allTouches]? ...

Adding UITextView as subview in UIView then to UIScrollView

I have a UIViewController (ContentViewController ) wired to a View xib. I drop a TextView on the UIView and it appears as a subview in the hierarchy in IB. ContentViewController has a label as an outlet, which is wired to a label on ContentView.xib. When the code below executes, the first view shows the text view but scrolling through...

removing provisioning profile from xcode

How can I remove a previously installed development provisioning profile from xcode? ...

UIWebView doesn't seem to be loading the page

I've got a navigation controller based app that downloads an RSS feed and lays out the item titles in a TableView. That part works. When I click on an article title, I want to push an instance of my FeedArticleController onto the navigation stack. The FeedArticleController loadView method sets up the views (since I want to learn how to d...

Capturing network traffic while the application is running on iPhone and connected to xcode

Hi, Is there any way I can capture network traffic (using application like Ethereal, on Mac ) while the application is running on iPhone and connected to xcode Thanks ...

0xE800003a Error when I try to install a second app onto my device.

0xE8000003A Error: I have developed AppOne for several weeks. I can debug on both the Simulator and on the device. I now want to develop a small test app, AppTwo , with a feature which I later will port to AppOne. This involves text entry into a TextView, so I definitely want to try AppTwo out on the device. I can use the simulator fi...

Error Installing App on ipod/iphone

I am a registered iPhone developer and I am getting the following error: Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error (0xE8000001) Try disconnecting and powering off the device; then power the device on and reconnect it. My System Specifications: PowerPC G5 Mac OSx - 10.5.6 iPhone os - 2.2.1 I am gettin...

Odd behavior with timeIntervalSince1970

I'm seeing an odd behavior with trying to get seconds since epoch in objective C. This: NSString *nowTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]]; Outputs 15907296, when the current timestamp should be 1243555623 (05/28/2009 @ 7:08pm EST). The system time on the i...

Checking if a .nib or .xib file exists

What's the best way to check if a Nib or Xib file exists before trying to load it using initWithNibName:bundle: or similar? ...

audio engine on iPhone

I want to develop a voip application for iPhone. Could you let me know how can I achieve a good voice quality? How should I start with developing a good audio engine for iPhone? Thanks. ...

Disable the text-highlighting magnifier on touch-hold on Mobile Safari / Webkit

I have some elements in my iPhone website that don't have any text in them but require the user to click and hold on them (DIVs). This causes the text-highlighting/editing loop/cursor to show up, which is really distracting. I know there is a CSS rule for removing the black-box that shows up on clickable elements when they are touched....

iPhone call javascript function

hi All. I have two javascript function in js file at address: http:/www.myserver.com/sample.js function doFuncWithParam(param1, param2) function doFuncWithForm(form) in UI iPhone code, I want to call them. How can i call the function doFuncWithParam How can i call the function doFuncWithForm Help me the code, Thank you so ...

generate a dynamical html

hi all. How can i generate a dynamiccal html code in iphone like below: NSString sHtml = @"<html><form name= \"PIOform\" >\ <input type=\"text\" name=\"txtUserName\" >\ <input type=\"text\" name=\"txtPassWord\" >\ </form>\ <input t...

Main thread's NSRunLoop being referenced in a secondary thread

Hi all, I was just recently futzing about with a sample application trying to get my head completely wrapped around NSRunLoop. The sample I wrote created a simple secondary thread via NSOperation. The secondary thread does a few tasks such as process an NSTimer and also some rudimentary streaming with NSStream. Both of these input sourc...

How do I parse an NSString containing XML in Objective-C?

In my iPhone application, I have the following NSString: NSString *myxml=@"<students> <student><name>Raju</name><age>25</age><address>abcd</address> </student></students>"; How would I parse the XML content of this string? ...

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD

I see a lot of people saying imageNamed is bad but equal numbers of people saying the performance is good - especially when rendering UITableViews. See this SO question for example or this article on iPhoneDeveloperTips.com UIImage's imageNamed method used to leak so it was best avoided but has been fixed in recent releases. I'd like t...