
UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert or UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone ?

I have data edit controller similar to the EditableDetailView sample from the SDK. The view shows only the fields with values in the non-editing mode and in editing mode it adds the unpopulated fields too as placeholders. Unlike the SDK example the set of fields is fixed so no new placeholers have to be added during edit. My question is ...

iPhone + Quartz: How to get a water effect

Hello, ist there any chance to build a water effect with Quartz on the iPhone? Something similar to this one: ...

Provide Base Data for Core Data Application?

I'm working on a Core Data app (for iPhone 3.0, though I don't think that really makes a difference here) and it will need to ship with a "starter" database filled with data. With SQLite, I would just have the App copy the populated database from the bundle into the App's documents directory on first launch and then load that database - ...

iPhone Slider Sensitivity

I have custom slider that I use the following touch event to respond to: [bSlider addTarget:self action:@selector(sliderAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; I find it very difficult to use, it does not respond to touches about 50% of the time. Compared to the volume slider with the music player that works great ever...

Is there an wrapper object for SEL?

I want to add selectors to an NSMutableArray. But since they're opaque types and no objects, that wouldn't work, right? Is there an wrapper object I can use? Or do I have to create my own? ...

best way to start learning Cococa in iPhone or OSX, espeicaly getting the big picture

Hi all, So I started my iPhone programming and have just uploaded my first game to the app store. However, I took the C++ & OpenGL & openFrameworks route, hence I am still entirely a newbie to the Cococa, Objective-C and the "authentic" Apple developer world. Right now I am learning through Beginning iPhone Development by Dav Mark, Jef...

Capture touch of iPhone navigation bar title?

Is there a mechanism to capture when a user touches on the navigation bar TITLE in a standard navigation based iPhone app? Thanks! ...

Iphone SDK on Windows (alternative solutions)

I know there is no official SDK for windows, which is very annoying. Is there any way to develop applications on a windows computer, other than somehow running a mac os in vmware? I know you can do it with Xcode, but that is also only for macs. Google searches have revealed absolutely nothing...... If I cannot use the SDK or Xcode, any ...

CURL + iPhone + PhoneGap possible? Other suggestions?

Hi, I'm looking to build an app on the iPhone using PhoneGap. The app is an extension of another app which has a REST API. The easiest way I can think of getting data from the remote app is using CURL. Is this possible? Or is there some other recommended method for this? The app I am pulling from is using a standard REST model and requ...

Tips and Tricks for making beautiful designed views on the iPhone / Objective-C

What programming tips / tricks have you learned for styling views on the iPhone? As an example, you can set the background color of a view to an image: [myView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed:@"view-background.png"]]]; ...

How to test on the IPhone without having access to one?

Want to write a site for the iphone, but I don't have one and I don't know anyone who has one. Is there a way to develop for it without having access to one, maybe apple has some sort of sim for this or something. Anyone know of anything? ...

What's the best way to set the x,y coordinate of UILabel but let it auto width/height on the iPhone?

I know exactly where I want to position my UILabel in a UIView, but I don't necessarily know what height/width I want it to have at compile time, so setting a width/height in initWithFrame is useless. I want to be able to just init its x,y point, and then use something like [myLabel sizeToFit] so it can automagically set the width/height...

WebPage Problem

How to Get body of content from webpage ?... i want get only text from the body tag all other tags in body should be remove... can any one help me? Thanks in advance.... ...

Dynamic info screen

I am trying to find a way to make the info screen on my app download from the web IF an internetconnection is available (so i can update it regularly). If internet is not available, it should use the default or the last downloaded one. Is this possible? ...

Two cell in a row,UITableview

I want to have a two cell in a row,as in contacts we have “Text message” and “Add to favourites” in a single row how to do that…. Is that Splitting a cell into two? can anyone help me? ...

how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?

Hello, I want to wobble an image back and forth in my application similar to how the iPhone icons wobble when you press down on it. What's the best way to do that? This is my first foray into animations that's not using an animated GIF. I think the idea is to slightly rotate the image back and forth to create the wobbling effect. ...

Why is there no autorelease pool when I do performSelectorInBackground: ?

I am calling a method that goes in a background thread: [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadViewControllerWithIndex:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:viewControllerIndex]]; then, I have this method implementation that gets called by the selector: - (void) loadViewControllerWithIndex:(NSNumber *)indexNumberObj { NSAu...

how to dynamically update UIlabel text in two UIViews Same Time?

hello all, i have two uiview's named question and answer. the question view is loaded from a cell's click. on the question view i have two iboutlet buttons named "view answer" and "next" when i click on button named "answer" the answerview loaded. both uiviews have one label.now i want to display a question when the first time question v...

Error when using Brautaset Json framework in iphone

Hello experts! I'm trying to make a http request. The code looks like this: NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithString:@"http://www.foo.se/bartojson.php?venue=47497"]; NSLog(@"retain %d urlString %@", [urlString retainCount], urlString ); NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; [urlString release]; NSString...

Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS

Any SQLite database on the iPhone is simply a file bundled with the application. It is relatively simple for anyone to extract this file and query it. What are your suggestions for encrypting either the file or the data stored within the database. Edit: The App is a game that will be played against other users. Information about a user...