
Core Data: Is it possible to build a desktop app to create the data model for an iPhone app with Core Data?

Hi, I'm currently in the process of deciding whether or not to use Core Data for managing the data in my iphone application. The application involves putting together a fairly sizeable library of content which needs to be localised and has a fair few relationships. One benefit I thought of using core data would be that I could perhaps b...

iPhone HTTPS

Hi everone, I'm interested in iPhone HTTPS through NSURLConnection, it's possible to send a request, respond to a challenge and load the secure URL. Is there anything else that can be done with NSURLConnection via HTTPS? Thank you in advance! ...

Always missing one row in UITableView

I created a UITableView programmatically (not using a XIB). It reads a *.plist file containing an NSMutableArray of NSDictionary objects. The problem I am experiencing is this: When I display the objects in the UITableView, it never shows the object at row zero. I know this because I get the following NSLog output: 2009-06-01 10:02:3...

Toll free bridging gotchas

Are there any gotchas for Toll free bridging between NS and CF types? I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong but I can't seem to use CF opaque types like ABAddressID inside of an NS Array. ...

Iphone Individual Developer Liability

Hello, I've been working on a small iPhone app that displays web content using the devices GPS context. I am hoping to list this application in the AppStore for free. If I list the application under my name, does this create any considerable liability considerations? Thanks in advance, Ben ...

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming

Hi All, Can anyone provide me some links or examples to upload files to the HTTP server using iphone APIs. Thanks in Advance, BP ...

UIWebView didn't quite finish loading.....

I have pushed a view onto my nav controller that contains a UIWebView and this will load a URL. When it starts I kick off the networkActivityIndicatorVisible and when it finishes I hide it. If a user decides he does not want to finish loading the web page and hits back on the navcontroller the network indicator carries on. How do I ...

NSDate and NSDateFormatter - short format date and time in iphone sdk

searched for answers, but the one's i found didn't seem to be ipone specific. I basically need to get current date and time separately, formatted as: 2009-04-26 11:06:54 edit: The code below, from another question on the same topic, generates now: |2009-06-01 23:18:23 +0100| dateString: |Jun 01, 2009 23:18| parsed: ...

iphone a2dp codecs supported

I am looking around to see what audio codecs are supported by the a2dp profile on the iphone (3.0 i guess). aac, apt-x, mp3, etc... anyone know? ...

Lua on iPhone?

I am trying to use Lua on the iphone. On Mac OSX, in a normal Cocoa application (not iPhone), I used the following code: lua_State* l; l = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(l); luaL_loadstring(l, "print(\"hi from LUA\");"); lua_pcall(l, 0, 0, 0); I downloaded Lua 5.1.4 from lua.org/ftp and I compiled it for Mac OSX. In the Xcode project, I h...

How can I move an rotated view relative to the coordinate system of it's superview?

When changing the center point of an 10 degrees rotated view, the specified coordinates for the center point will not match the coordinate system of the superview. As an example, when you want to go straight up by y - 50, and no horizontal movement (i.e. x = theRotatedView.center.x), the shift in y-direction will be rotated. The view wi...

Should I worry about collisions in NSUserDefaults?

In the application I'm working on, I'm generating a username and password and storing them in [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]. I know there's some system-wide information you can retrieve from there; does that mean all the applications on the phone have access to everything in there? I'm currently prefixing the keys I'm using in th...

How to change font for Apple's Instrument

Hi, Does anyone know how to change the font for the Performance Tool, Instruments, that comes with Xcode. Trying to trace down some memory issues in my iPhone app but just can't stand the default fonts for Instruments. :-) Any help would be great! Thanks. ...

UIToolBar with UITableView - TableView is not refreshing when loaded

The UIToolBar has two views, a UIView w/UITextViews and a UIView w/UITableView. The UITableView that gets called via a UIToolBar. The first time the UITableView loads, it hits the DB and gets the info. I "tab" back to the UIView w/UITextViews select some data, and then "tab" back to the UITableView, but none of the delegate methods get ...

Mobile Development for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry

I recently stumbled into PhoneGap and I love the concept, but I can't get my first try at an Android application working. The documentation skips a few details and the comments are filled with people running into problems. Does anyone out there have PhoneGap running? What did you tweak for Android? ...

Does UIView's addSubview really retain the view?

I ran into a situation that seems to suggest otherwise. In the following code snippet, if I remove the line: self.navigationController = nav, the root controller's view won't show up, suggesting to me that addSubview might not actually retain the view as otherwise suggested. Any idea? - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplicati...

Scripts to parse and download iTunes Connect and AppStore data

I'm looking for recommendations of a script or series of scripts that download and parse iTunes Connect sales data and AppStore comments, ratings and rankings data for a defined app. I'm also aware of solutions like: AppViz appsales-mobile iphone-stats Heartbeat.app I'm sure I'll find a few more with more searching. I can't help ...

Baffled at trying to set cell.image using UIImage: imageNamed:

I created a plist that contains an NSDictionary structure. The key is a label (which I use to populate tableview cell.text) and the value is a file name that I want to use to 'dynamically' populate cell.image. The exact png filenames are loaded into the project. To make things easier (so I thought), I load the plist into an NSDictionary...

Connecting an iPhone to an xBee module

I'd like to use an iphone to monitor output from a remote source using an xBee modem (or other low power wireless device). Ideally, the iPhone can regularly poll the XBee for this information and then use it to display generate output. This is similar to the way the Nike+iPod thing works I guess but I was wondering if it was possible wi...

Iphone problem whist trying to connecto to XCode

Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error(0xE800002E) Try disconnecting and powering off the device;then power the device on and reconnect it.... I received these message so many times ..... how i fix it? Any one help me Thanks in advance. ...