
Does AnimationDidStop have an animationDidStart counterpart for implicit animations?

I am doing an implicit animation, and the following function gets called when it's done: - (void)animationDidStop:(NSString *)animationID finished:(NSNumber *)finished context:(void *)context; Is there a similar function that will get called when an implicit animation begins? ...

stream windows media videos on iphone?

can this be done? what code library would i need has anyone seen an app that can do this? ...

UITabBarContoller "More" option top bar color

I have a TabBarController with top black navigation bar, but once i navigate to "More" option, the top bar is becoming default blue. I have separate nav.controllers in the tab bar which all are set to top black nav. bar. But how the more option is only getting in blue ? Is there any way to change it's color ? Please help ...

What can cause Bonjour to not call me back during browsing?

I have a rather popular Bonjour-based application in App Store. It works perfectly, but around 0.2% of my users report a bizarre bug: "no arrows appear on the edges of the screen, so I can't share stuff with other people!". Needless to say, displaying these arrows is tied to the browsing of a particular Bonjour service on the local domai...

iphone Japanese Keyboard

Hi, Is there a way to check if the iphone keyboard is currently in Japanese vs English input mode? I would just check the Unicode characters but the numpad on the Japanese keyboard sends regular ASCII characters I think... ...

Problem with Cancelbutton UITextfield

Anyone a clue for this problem? http://livescreaming.igang.net/data/misc/UItextfieldBug.png thats how i create it //create the textfield CGRect frameTxt = CGRectMake(10, 12, 280, 30); txtFavouriteName = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:frameTxt]; txtFavouriteName.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing; txtFavouriteNam...

Needs solution to store XML as object or as such in iPhone Apps

Hi, I am a beginner to iPhone App development. Please help me out. In my iPhone application, I am making an API request and getting an XML. I have to parse it, store it in a object(or xml as such) and also display it in my application at a later point of time (Its more like storing the current state). I figured out how to request A...

How to make a modulo operation in objective-c / cocoa touch?

I have two CGFloat values, and want to calculate the modulo result. Or in other words: I want to know what's left if valueA is placed as much as possible into valueB. So I just tried: CGFloat moduloResult = valueB % valueA; the compiler complains about the % and tells me: "invalid operands to binary %". Any idea? ...

How to convert an NSTimeInterval into an date with time?

I have an NSTimeInterval value, or more precisely an NSTimeInterval "since reference date". I think that's a value in seconds from 1970 or something like so. Pretty standard in most programming languages, I think. So now I have that ugly value which the user doesn't understand, and I'd like to display a date + time. Is there a useful me...

Is it possible to select a row in a **previous** UITableview

Hello all Is it possible to select a row in a previous UITableview. I provided image samples to get a more clear picture of what is happening exactly. http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/933/picture8a.png http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9327/picture9d.png http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/5386/picture10thm.png At the morning w...

How do I use afconvert to convert all the files in a directory from wav to caf?

I have a directory with about 50 wav files that I need to convert to caf, because AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() returns an error for some of them (but not all). Here's an example of the command I've used successfully for a single file: afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@44100 -c 1 whistle.wav whistle.caf How do I do this quickly - not o...

How to change UIViewControllers like iphone Calculator app does?

Hello, in my app when the phone rotates i want to change the view like the Calculator app does, when it is in portrait it shows the normal calc and when it is in landscape it shows the scientific calc. For example in one of my UIViewControllers, for portrait mode, i will have a grid with images and when it is in landscape i want it to sh...

Can I change the visual design UIViewAlert?

Can I change the visual design UIViewAlert? ...

Problem provisioning iPhone with 3.0.1 after it worked before

After I installed iPhone OS 3.0.1 on my iPhone I followed the instructions on Apple's website (see this question), created the symbolic links, and everything worked fine. That is, I could test my application on the iPhone. Now it stopped working. I verified that the symbolic link is still there. I also tried deleting and recreating it a...

How do I get an NSArray of filenames of all files in a given directory in my app?

What I want to do seems simple enough: Get an array of filenames in a given "directory" on my app. But the more I play around with NSFileManager and NSBundle I find myself getting more lost...I just want to get the filenames of the files organized in a specific directory in my iPhone Xcode project...For example: The directory in question...

Is addSubview:view needed if I create the view hierarchy in Interface Builder

I have succesfully created a view hierarchy programmatically. I now want to replicate this hierarchy using Interface Builder (IB) instead. In IB I have nested a UIView within the main Window. Do I now nolonger need the following in method applicationDidFinishLaunching:application: [window addSubview:controller.view]; [window makeKeyAn...

How Do I change Font color/size/type PDF file resources using UIWebView for iPhone SDK V 3.0

I am trying to display PDF file in iPhone SDK V 3.0. I am able to display PDF file. But I want to change its font size/type/color. PDF file also conatins images. Is there any way to have change font size/color/type of PDF file using UIWebView? If no then is other option is available to display PDF file instead of UIWebView? ...

IPhone - After dismissing Modal View Controller - gap is left at top of page

When starting the app, if the user doesn't have login information stored, I want to display a modal view controller to force the entry of this information. I found through trial and error, that this had to occur in viewDidAppear of my root view controller. I tried to put it in viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear, but those didn't work unles...

How can I make a UITextView have a similar style to a UITextField and how do I get the damned thing to go away?

I can't understand this. Basically, I want the same style as a UITextField, but to be able to take a multiline string. I'm sure it's a frequently asked problem, but I can't find a readable solution anywhere on the web. Oh, and how can I make the damn keyboard go away when I touch out of it, or press a "Done" button (which doesn't seem t...

Does anyone have the UIViewAdditions file from WWDC 2009 session 128?

Hopefully without violating any NDA, here is my question: I have been reviewing the WWDC session on prototyping, and I've gotten stuck on whatever we weren't shown that is in the UIViewAdditions file. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the code from that file? ...