
Why does NSNetServiceBrowser find unpublished services in iPhone OS?

Hey everyone, Building a desktop version of my mobile app and providing the user syncing over wifi. Everything works great in the simulator - no problems resolving net services (which are published by the desktop app) or noticing when services become unavailable. The problem is when I run the app on the phone services are discovered an...

How to hide keyboard - of - textView iPhone - by return Key

In a textView, when we click on it, A keyboard appears, but when user press return key, (normally creates a new line in textView) keyboard should go down. How? ...

iPhone app running in Instruments fails with unrecognized selector

I have an app that appears to run without problems in normal use. The Clang Static Analyzer reports no problems either. When I try to run it in Instruments, it fails with an unrecognized selector exception. The offending line is a simple property setter of the form: self.bar = baz; To figure out what's going on, I added an NSLog(...

Wizard style navigation, dismissing a view and showing another one

I'm making a set of screens similar to a wizard and I'd like to know how to make a view dismiss itself and its parent view and immediately show a 'DoneScreen' without worrying about resource leaks. My views look like the following: Base -> Level1 -> DoneScreen -> Level2 -> DoneScreen The Level1 controller is a navigatio...

Can I stop a UITableViewCell from autoresizing its subviews?

I have a UITableView with custom background images in each cell. The bottom cell has a taller image that the rest, because it contains a shadow. That means I have to extend the height of the last cell in a section to be taller than normal. When I do this, the contents of the UITableViewCell look like they are resting at the bottom of ...

Anyone successfully build, submit & have Apple accept an app using Snow Leopard beta & XCode 3.2...yet?

Title says it all... ...

UISearchDisplayController usage with network-fetched data

I have a UITableViewController subclass that renders a list of pre-set categories and fetches a list of sites/urls for each of them. I want to add a search capability that would allow to search by a site name. What I want is to have a usual search interface, that would start a search thread (that would fetch and process results) and the...

Is it possible to store an NSMutableArray together with all its contents into a file and restore it later from there?

Some kind of serialization available in iPhone OS? Is that practically possible or should I quickly forget about that? I am making a tiny app that stores some inputs in an NSMutableArray. When the user leaves, the inputs should stay alive until he/she returns to continue adding or removing stuff to/from that array. When the app quits, ...

how to copy - paste x code group copy iPhone?

In iPhone Development, generally we use xCode. Now, we manage different groups within our project. my Question is how do you copy the entire group (with including files in it) and paste within same project or other project? ...

iPhone Dev - Lazy loading a Tab Bar app

How can I make it so when a tab is selected, the current one is unloaded, and the next one is loaded so only one loaded at a time? Or should I not even do this? I know how to do it with a normal UIViewController as the root VC, but not sure with a UITabBarController. Also, is there a way to animate the transition from one tab to the next...

Is there access to the iPhone accelerometer using Javascript?

I'm starting to try and do some web based game programming for my iPhone, and other web enabled phones that my friends have, and was having a hard time finding information on accessing the accelerometer using Javascript in the browser. With the latest release, I know I've got access to location information now but I was hoping that I c...

Drop Shadow on UITextField text

how is it possible to add a shadow to the text which is in a UITextField? ...

NSPredicates and double to-n relationships

Hi! I have an Core Data entity called Album; an album has a relationship to Song entities (called songs), and each Song has an arbitrary count of Tag entities (in a tags property), tags have a name. Now I want to check whether any of the songs in an Album contain a Tag; using a single NSPredicate. An ideas that came to mind was: [NSP...

stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight doesn't work in initWithCoder: of UIImageView subclass

I have a UIImageView subclass called ShadowView, which displays a shadow that can be used under anything. ShadowViews are to be loaded from a nib. In initWithCoder:, I have the following code: - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder { self = [super initWithCoder:decoder]; if (self != nil) { UIImage *shadowImage = [[UIImage ...

Why does a file appear localized in the iPhone simulator, but not on the device?

Hi, I have an iPhone localization problem that has me perplexed. I was localizing my app and had English as well as simplified and traditional Chinese working fine. I have two files, Localizable.strings and sounds.plist which have been localized. Strings in both files appeared correctly on the device and emulator. Now yesterday I am ad...

Managing subviews in Cocoa Touch

Hi, I'm developing an iPhone app. I need to create a Quiz application that has different Question views embedded in it (see my similar question). Different types of Question will have different behavior, so I plan to create a controller class for each type of Question. The MultipleChoiceQuestionController would set up a question and 3-...

Clear CATiledLayers Cache When Changing Images

I have a UIScrollView with a single subview, a UIView backed by a CATiledLayer. All is working well with one exception: when I change images from one to another the CATiledLayer caches the previous images zoom levels. Scrolling around then displays the old image for a split second before the updated image loads. Is there any way to t...

How to resize UIWebView content to specific dimensions?

Hello, I have an application requirement of displaying custom ads in it so I decided to use UIWebView and load specific url with 468x60 ads generated in it. It works like charm, except one thing: loaded ad is too big (naturally) for 320px iPhone screen and I am unable to force it to shrink a litle bit. What could I possibly do about it...

only character - not special/numbers from keyboard - iPhone

Normal UItextField displays a keyboard which includes alpha+Numberic+specials But I need alpha only... I need this because if user enters something like -- A'bad it has a char ' -- which is affecting my query . How we can set only alphabetic keyboard to user? ...

Are there any functions for working with the contents of X.509 Certificates in Cocoa Touch?

I have a SecCertificateRef representing an X.509 certificate. Does Cocoa Touch have any libraries for working with the contents of the certificate (I couldn't find any), or will I need to parse the DER representation of the certificate myself? Parsing is not a problem, however I'd prefer to save some time if I overlooked some functionali...