
How to use UISearchDisplayController from a controller within an UITabBar controller ?

I have an UITabBar controller managing several controllers (using SDK 3.0). One of these is a tableView controller and I need to provide a search capability using the UISearchDisplayController. All of my code is based on Apple TableSearch example. However, when clicking on the tab, the tableView controller appears showing its related con...

UISearchDisplayController usage with network-fetched data

I have a UITableViewController subclass that renders a list of pre-set categories and fetches a list of sites/urls for each of them. I want to add a search capability that would allow to search by a site name. What I want is to have a usual search interface, that would start a search thread (that would fetch and process results) and the...

Showing UISearchBar "X" within text field vs. adjacent Cancel button

I know I can set showsCancelButton to NO for a UISearchBar ... until you tap the search bar text field, and then the cancel button appears anyway! (At least it does for me.) Is there a way to show the "X" in a circle within the UISearchBar text field vs. having that separate Cancel button show up adjacent to it? Note that this button on...

Activating UISearchBar upon selecting a Tab Bar Item - Help or Hindrance?

I'm working on an app where I've been asked to add a UITabBarItem to our app's Tab Bar with its own dedicated Search function. This is in addition to the built-in searches already throughout the app (by tapping other UITabBarItems and searching other UITableViews). Now, the first thing that comes to mind is the Apple Human Interface Gui...

Can't get search bar to display in iphone application

Hi, I've trying to get a search bar to display in my application. I'm following the example show in the TableSearch sample application. I've more or less implemented it exactly the same way apart from the data. I however can never seem to get the actual search bar to display. The only other difference between my app and the TableSea...

Search display controller and sqlite

Hi. I am a n00b on iPhone programming, and I am currently experimenting with the uisearchdisplay controller i have downloaded Apples example. I tried to modify it by using a sqlite query to load the tableview. However egen i search for a keywoed using the search bar, no resulta show up. Whatever Willy be the correct way of searching a s...

Customize UISearchDisplayController

Are the following objects customizable? 1. UISearchBar Scope Buttons (UISegmentedController) 2. UIResultsTableView 3. Keyboard (at least so it's colored black) ...

iPhone Text entry with completion and DONE button (not search)

Using iPhone SDK 3.0, I wish to allow text entry with (optional) completion options that appear as typing is occurring, i.e. also allowing freeformat entry. As such I am using a UISearchBar (which has the text change events) and a UISearchDisplayController to present options. The problems is I want the DONE button to say DONE and not S...

Is there a way to remove the "No Results" label from a UISearchDisplayController?

I have a three20 controller that is using the new sdk3 UISearchDisplayController. I also have a model that is loaded from the network, it seems that no matter what I do the default behavior for the UISearchDisplayController is show "No Results" label. Is there a way to make it go away and show something else? ...

hide UISearchBar below UINavigationBar after cancelButton was called

I'm typically using [self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0,40)]; in order to hide the UISearchBar (that I set as header of the tableView) below the navigationBar. Everything works well in viewDidLoad: the searchBar is below the navigationBar when the view is loaded. Then I put the same line of code [self.tableView setContentOffs...

How does the search display controller hide the navigation bar?

Hi there, When you enter the search bar handled by a search display controller, it slides the view up and pushes the navigation bar up with it. This is easy enough to do, however, when you click a search result and a new view is pushed on the navigation controller's stack, the navigation bar slides in from the right with the view! How ...

UISearchBar in a UITableView

I'm trying to mimic the behaviour of a table view like one in the iPod app for Artists - it's a sectioned table view with a section index on the right and with a search bar at the top, but initially hidden when view shown. I am using sdk 3.1.2 and IB, so simply dragged a UISearchDisplayController in to my NIB - it does wire everything u...

UISearchBar with Controller in a normal UIView?

What I want: A UIView with a UISearchBar at the top. Starting to edit the searchBar dims the current view and shows search results from another [UITableView]Controller. What I've tried: In Interface Builder: add a "Search Bar and Search Display Controller" to the UIView. add a placeholder object for my UITableViewController add a UI...

How can I hide the UITableView that UISearchBar created?

In my iPhone application I am writing I have a search bar and search display controller. When the user types something in the search box, the table view loads and is now visible. When a user clicks on a row, I would like to get rid of the tableView and go back to the view where the user originally clicked the search bar. I have searched ...

How to control UISearchDisplayController's own table view?

In my application, when I am not filtering my table, when I tap on a cell, its frame height is increased in order to display a UIProgressView that shows download progress. However, when I filter the fetched results controller data with a UISearchDisplayController, the cells in this filtered table view do not behave in the same way. In...

Smooth transition to "full screen" when using UISearchDisplayController

To explain what I'm looking for I'll give an example: In the Contacts app, when you click the Search field in the first row of the table view it will smoothly take over the entire screen (minus the status bar) including the Navigation Controller's title bar. Edit: I've also realized that I'm pretty sure this is related to the UISearchDi...

UISearchBar's TableView doesn't seem to update correctly...

I'm having a problem with using UISearchBar in a UITableView application, where the list is not refreshing itself correctly and the item that is at the index "0" remains the same. Here is some images to demonstrate what is happening: In the first image, I have begun to search a list of names, and the two that show up beginning with 'a' ...

UISearchBar with hidden UINavigationBar

Hello, I have the search bar in the top of the table and the hidden navigation bar. Along with UISearchBar I use UISearchDisplayController. UISearchDisplayController has the possibility to bring forward the navigation bar. So, when I tap the cancel button in the search bar, the navigation bar fly's down. How can I dismiss this possibili...

How to control the searchResultsTableView of a UISearchDisplayController?

Hey! I wonder how to take control over the table view that is used by the UISearchDisplayController. You can't overwrite the searchResultsTableView property of the UISearchDisplayController, because it is a read-only property. I've tried to overlay the searchResultsTableView by a custom UITableView. That works just once, but as soon as ...

How to use NSFetchedResultsController and UISearchDisplayController

Hey! I've been creating an iPhone App using Core Data. First of all, does it make sense to use an NSFetchedResultsController and a UISearchDisplayController together to fetch the result? Would you recommend something else? I've been trying quite long combining an NSFetchedResultController and a UISearchDisplayController. I've been thi...