
How to use Google Earth on iPhone?

Hi All, I am just wondering that is there any way to integrate the Earth browsers in an iPhone app (native or web). Is there any way or any suggestion friend, this is an open discussion so please let ideas flow in. Thank you All, ...

Shark & MallocDebug for iPhone Applications

I'm trying to optimize an iPhone game that I am developing which uses the Cocos2D-iphone framework. I want to use Shark to measure performance but "Run->Start with Performance Tool->Shark" is disabled in XCode (Instruments Leaks works fine). I've configured the build to "Generate Profiling Code", tried building for both the device and t...

how to create custom sections in a tableview based on coredata entities

I'm just starting to learn coredata. In my core data model I have a date stamp (of type NSDate) which includes the date and time (I need this information). Now I would like to organize the Core Data table into sections by days. How can I do this. The only samples I found directly use a core data entity to create the sections, in this ca...

iphone - table Cell color doesnt apply behind disclosure indicator.

I have a table view that has alternate colors as background color for cells. In addition to that i have added a disclosure indicator accessory. However, the problem is that the cell background color doesnt seem to apply to the area 'behind' the disclosure indicator. The cell background color seems to truncate before the disclosure indica...

Socket Connection in iphone

i m calling function "address = CFDataCreate(NULL, (uint8 *)&frameAddr, sizeof(frameAddr));" it runs fine 245 times but it cannot work after that gdb does not give any error can anyone helps me???? ...

Is there an interface to create the glossy cut/copy popup

Is there a way to create one of the black glossy popups, similar to the one that appears to copy and paste text. I just want to give some information, so the behaviour I want is closer to the way the keyboard popup works when you type a letter but the appearance I want is the copy/paste dialogue. Are either of these open to the public, ...

Cannot reopen closed application on emulator

Hi, I'm making my first iPhone app. I could solve most of my problems browsing stackoverflow and apple's doc. But now I'm stuck. it's probably a stupidity, but I don't find it. When I start my app on the emulator using [x]-r I don't have problems. But after my aplication go in the background (close?) because user press the home button...

iphone - UIActivityIndicatorView doesnt stop animating.

I have a UIActivityIndicatorView that displays with a message to indicate to the user that the next view is loading when the user switches views or is directed to another view on say a button click. I have added the UIActivityIndicatorView so that the data that im fetching to be displayed in the current view from an api can complete befo...

Downloadable data resources / content for iphone / ipod applications

I am working on an application that uses quite a large amount of content (images and text). I would like to be able to provide additional content bundles to those - and only to those - who already have my app on their device. E.g., if my app were a newspaper / magazine / book reader, I want to give the subscribers the ability to download...

UITableView Swipe to delete: how to customize button and action?

I want to perform different action, not delete objects but archive them. When user swiped on tableViewCell I need to show "Archive" instead of delete. change "Delete" button text and color to something else. How do I customize "Delete mode" appearance? ...

What determines where a sqlite3 database file will be stored when creating it from the command line utility?

Recently I was reading that when launching mac Terminal and typing in this: sqlite3 mydatabase.db it will create a mydatabase.db file on disk. But where? ...

How to get touch coordinates upon SELECTING a custom UITableViewCell?

When I touch (Touch Up) a UITableViewCell my ViewController's UITableViewDelegate method - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath is called. I need to get the x-coordinate of the Touch-Point at this time as well so that I can know what portion of the Cell was touched (non-accessory items...

Is here a framework or wrapper class that makes usage of sqlite3 easier on the iphone?

I wonder if someone already wrote a nice wrapper class that will make it easier to use all this "ugly" c code hacking in objective-c, like casting things around and other stuff? ...

How to get touch coordinates REGARDLESS of what "view" I may have touched?

In my ViewController, I have a UITableView with some custom cells in it. When I touch a cell I want to get the touch coordinates right there into my UIViewController. The problem is, I can only get coordinates from parts of the screen not occupied by the UITableView..., Whenever my touch falls in the parts of the screen with the UITableV...

Which open source iPhone games are written without using cocos2d?

Open source iPhone game no cocos2d-iphone ...

Are there good iPhone SQLite3 tutorials which really start from scratch?

I always find something that starts somewhere in the middle, where the database already exists or where some special classes or files have already been added to the project. I want to see the first steps, since they're crucial. i.e. somebody said the database has to be copied into a readwriteable dir on the iphone. Anyone knows a complet...

Editing UITableViewCells in a UITableView

Regarding a UITableView in EDIT mode: I'd like to intercept touches or clicks on the green or red UITableViewCellEditingStyle icons that display when editing a UITableView. I'd also like to manually mark a specific row for deletion the way that clicking on the red icon automatically does. IE: if a particular row is associated with a ...

How to make sure that App Updates don't override all the user data?

I'm not sure about this: When I use sqlite3 in my app, I ship it with an almost empty database. Over time, the user adds a lot of stuff to it, until he installs an update. For me it looks like an update just replaces the old app. What's the trick that the update will not override all data entered previously by the user? and how about set...

Is there any sort of programming environment that runs ON an IPhone?

I'm just recalling the days when Radio Shack used to sell pocket computers. (Many moons ago, w/ only a few K of memory.) They had the ability to write small programs on Pocket computer. Maybe it's just nostalgic, but I alway thought that was handy. (Through the fog of my memory.) Is there any capability like that for an Iphone? Edit...

CLLocationManager ensure best accuracy for iphone

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to obtain the best horizontal accuracy on the location manager? I have set the desired accuracy to NearestTenMeters, but given that the accuracy can always change depending on coverage area, how can I write some code in the locationManager to stop updating only after I get the best horizontal accur...