
Problem sending Apple Push Notification using Java and REST.

Hello there, This is a follow up to my previous posting on StackOverflow. Figured its better to start a new post (since I made more progress than before) rather than appending a new question on a previous thread. Am using the Javapns library on Google Code to send an Apple Push Notification through a REST based web service... Here ar...

Draw polygons in MKMapView

Hi all, I am developing an application for iPhone.I need to select a polygon area in MKMapview .I searched a lot for a solution .I am new in iPhone developement ..Looking for a solution...Thanks in advance.... ...

Removing MKMapView Annotations causes leaks.

I've boiled a very complex set of web services and searches down to the simple following code. I need to be able to add annotations to a map in response to a search (or in the sample below to the click of a button), then allow the user to click the button again and get a new set of results. In reality there will be a different number, ...

UINavigationBar and UINavigationItem but no title

I've got a UITabController. One of the tabs is a UINavigationController. Pushing and popping the navigation stack works just fine. Every UIViewController has his own NIB with just the UIView hooked up. But unfortunately I only get a title displayed for the root navigation controller! Usually when creating a UIViewController in a NIB you...

how to convert from int to string in iphone

can anyone tell how to convert from int to string ...

Text View font type & size in iphone

hi i am using below code to change the the font type of text view. but its not changing the font textView3.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:17.0f]; tell me where i am wrong. ...

How to get this Apple Script for Clang Static Analyzer working with Xcode?

Here's a script where lots of people say it's good: http://allancraig.net/blog/?p=381 But I can't get it to work. What are the steps I have to do with the Xcode script editor, to run that script? I have pasted it in "Script Editor.app", that Script Editor app from Mac OSx and saved it as clang.scpt. Then, I went to Xcode and opened t...

Given a view, how do I get its viewController?

I have a pointer to a view. How do I access its viewcontroller? "[self superview]" is another view, but not the viewcontroller, right? ...

What is the best way of connecting to a remote server/database to retrieve data from the IPhone

I am currently writing an app which will need to access a remote server/database to read/write values. What is the best technology to use? I've heard that there is no support for XML Webservices...does this mean a ASP.NET Webservice will not be easy to access? Thanks. ...

iPhone: CGBitmapContextCreateImage() only works in Simulator

Hi, I created an app which creates an image by using CoreGraphics. The images appears on the screen when using the iPhone Simulator (OS 3.1 beta3) but not when I run the application on the device. What could be the cause of this? The code snipped which extracts the image from the context and puts it in an image view looks like this: ...

Why do I have to close and re-open my project every time I want to launch Clang Static Analyzer?

I've used this script from the accepted answer here: link text When I launch the script, it works all fine. But I can do that only once. The next time I want to execute it, Xcode won't allow me to exec any script. They are all "grayed out", or "inactive" in the menu. When I close and re-open the project, all fine again. How to solve tha...

iPhone networking problems

Hi, i'm having trouble to asatblish a CFSocket connection to a java server from iphone. Server is listening on port 80. Wireless LAN connection works great. EDGE NOT (T-Mobile) One Strange thing: If i first go to safari and open a website which address is my server ip and then start the app it connects. Please help me! I'm really ha...

SubViewOneController’s view not appearing (Obj-C)

Hi everyone; I am trying to find my way into Obj-C (iPhone) following this tutorial. Unfortunately there must be something missing in the code because the view of SubViewOneController does not appear. Someone proposed a fix to this in the comments: "The solution to the SubViewOneController’s view not appearing is that you need to tell ...

IPhone - NSKeyedUnarchiver memory leak

I am using NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile: to read in application data. When running with Leaks in Instruments, I am told that the following produces a leak: { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; ...

Is MKMapView leaky

As well as my question "Removing MKMapView Annotations causes leaks." I have discovered that if you create a view based project, add a UISearchBar and MKMapView into the view's NIB, wire up the delegates (I'm not creating any methods as we don't actually need to do anything to trigger the leaks), link in the MapKit and fire up the proje...

UITextView detecting text using RegEx

I have a UITextView where users can type text. I want to parse HTML Links (Domains with or without http://) and Phone Numbers from the users after they click on the button. I know I can set the editable property of UITextView to NO to automatically parse links but I don't have the option to make it editable=NO and I want to parse the Li...

Clang Static Analyzer can't start. Why?

Getting this error: 2009-09-03 12:44:02.307 xcodebuild[307:10b] warning: compiler 'com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.analyzer' is based on missing compiler 'com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.analyzer' This happens when I execute this script from within xcode: #!/bin/bash result=$( osascript << END tell application "Xcode" tell act...

SimpleXML way of parsing in Objective C for iPhone App

Hi everyone, I've been wondering if there's a way to parse XML in Objective C as easily as parsing with SimpleXML in PHP. The only existing methods I know are the following: Use of NSXMLParser and create a delegate to handle the events triggered upon encountering XML elements, values, etc... Use of libxml2 based framework such as Tou...

Easy way to print current stack trace of an app?

Xcode / objective c does not really print a useful stack trace. My app crashes somewhere, and the damn thing gives me only numbers like 45353453, 34524323, 6745345353, 457634524234. Not useful at all. So I want to make a NSLog(); on the beginning of EVERY method I have in my entire app. But maybe there's a simpler way to just find out t...

How to get the name or signature of the current method into an NSString?

Example: I have a method -myFooBarMethod:withFoo:bar:moreFoo: and inside the implementation of that method I want to dynamically get the name of it, like @"-myFooBarMethod:withFoo:bar:moreFoo: into an NSString. No hard-typing of the method signature. I feel that this has to do something with selectors. How could I get the name of the c...