
iphone development

What are the options for developing iPhone apps? Currently I've tried to install gnu kit for Linux without success! Too many steps, and at the and I was unable to compile a single app. The Apple SDK seems to be much more easy, but I don't have a Mac. So am I missing something? ...

Video streaming from a Camera over the internet

I want to write an application which streams a video content which is obtained from a camera (IP Camera) over the internet. By reading some of the posts I have a doubt that only the built-in camera of iPhone can be video streamed. Can I access any other camera and capture images from it? Precisely can I access other cameras on iPhone an...

Not able to get UIImage object using imageNamed method

I want to get image from IImage object from specified path location.Here is the code . NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *writablePath = [docum...

Delegate as external class in Objective-C

I'm creating a simple project for iPhone, using XCode and Interface Builder. While I understand what a delegate is, I have a problem with using it. I have an UITextField in my interface. It displays keyboard when user taps on it, but I need to program manually how to hide keyboard. It can be done using delegates. So in IB, I'm taking Ob...

MobileMe SDK/API Documentation

While searching the web, I've found many references to a "MobileMe API" (or .Mac API) for syncing data with MobileMe, but I can't find any authoritative documentation, even on Apple's site. Anybody know where it is or how to get it? ...

Version of XSLT in iPhone

I plan to use XML/XSLT in my iPhone application. What version of XSLT is currently supported on the iPhone? Can I use XSLT 2.0 or just 1.0 ? ...

Are there any audio compression libraries on the iPhone?

Can audio being recorded be compressed on the fly? or are there any libraries to take a .caf file, and convert to a compressed format? ...

How to resize text to fit a UITextField

I am trying to get text to resize automatically to fit a UITextField. I have the adjust to fit value set in interface builder but what happens when I build and go is the text goes from the default size, to the minimum size and never increases in size when less text is in the box. I want to get text to work the way it does in apples iPh...

How do I stream video and play it?

How can I stream video data from the network and play it on an iPhone? ...

iPhone Development - Lessons in memory management

I need lessons in memory management. I have an application that uses multiple views (around 10), some of these are attached to tab controller. Problem is that I'm using images (many images that I load from a web service). I'm facing the following issues. The memory keeps increasing when I scroll in the table view (why?) - I checked the...

What does the iPhone developer program give me over and above simple registration as an iPhone developer?

Simply put; what does my $99 get me, that I can't already get for free? OK, OK, sounds like a dumb question, but the Apple site is not clear to me. My hunch is that you get the ability to submit apps to the app store for your 99, but you could get everything else for free, but it's not clear to me hence the question. ...

How do I record and play back sound on the iPhone?

In my app I've got certain buttons which use the following code: SystemSoundID beep; CFStringRef beepPath = (CFStringRef) [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/SoundFile.aif", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]; AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID (CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (NULL, beepPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false), &beep); CFRelease(...

Display the iPhone keyboard

I've run into a problem with the UITextView that seems to be related to having a scrollable view within a scrollable view. In order to remedy this i thought i would attempt to write my own multiline (but not scrollable) text view. Given the core graphics methods, and the UITextInputTraits class it seems like this should be feasable. ...

iPhone Attributed String

Any ideas on how to get the functionality of an attributed string on an iPhone. Specifically, I am writing out chemical compounds and want to properly display subscripts: for example: H2O (the 2 should be a subscript) Thanks for any suggestions ...

How to connect to a MySQL database from an iPhone?

I am trying to connect to a remote mysql database from an iPhone. I have searched many web sites but I did not find any help. If anyone has worked with this please send a solution. ...

Adding images to iPhone Simulator

I am trying to use UIImagePickerController with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary, but it says, "No photos". Where does the simulator get the images from? Where should I copy the images so that they are displayed in the simulator? ...

Problem in UITableView and UIScrollView

Hi, My table has more than 10 rows with 50 row height....so i can't select my last row....so i have set UIScrollView and add this table into UIScrollView. Table display perfectly but which rows are displayed in UIScrollView, these are not selectable. How can i get this row selecablt in UIScrollView. If anyone body know then pls tell m...

Rendering a UIWebView into an ImageContext

I am trying to capture the contents of a UIWebView including that which is not visible to the user. i.e. The whole web page even though the user is only looking at the top. Looking around I found the best way to capture a UIView is to retrieve its layer and use renderInContext. However, UIWebView seems to be using its own CALayer imple...

Does anyone know of a To/Subject control a'la iPhone's Mail and SMS application?

I'd like to show a widget with a "To:"-field and a "Subject:"-field, just like Mail application does and the SMS application partly does (it has no subject field). For example, when entering a few letters of a person name a table is shown with relevant hits from the address book. A recipient is encapsulated in a blue bubble. And so on......

Nested UIScrollView does not paint

I am building an application which allows the user to view and edit data on a daily basis. To accomplish this i have created a view in Interface builder which contains all of the daily data, and i "tile" this view within an appropriately sized UIScrollView to allow the user to swipe between the days. The view contains two UITextFields,...