What ad networks are available to iPhone developers who want to distribute free regular apps (not web applets) that are ad supported?
Prompted by this story on crappy app making $200/hr.
I'd like to save an NSMutableDictionary object in NSUserDefaults. The key type in NSMutableDictionary is NSString, the value type is NSArray, which contains a list of object which implements NSCoding. Per document, NSString and NSArray both are conform to NSCoding.
I am getting error :
-[NSUserDefaults setObject:forKey:]: Attempt to i...
how can fixed maximum character of a text field in cocos2d ?
I know this is a common convention, but what does the "k" in variable names signify? (i.e. kMaxImageViewSize) I looked in the Apple documentation on Variable names and found no mention of it.
Thanks for answering
Hi , i am using the Picker controller with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary.
in the delegate didFinishPickingImage is called , but when i click on cancel button it doesnt enter
(void)imagePickerControllerDidCancel:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
, though the controller is dismissed .
Right, I have a video ready for it to be played on start up of my iphone App. How can I get this implemented into my Xcode project?
I would like it to load as soon as the app is loaded, and the after it is played, to follow onto the correct view controller where the main bulk of my programming is.
I have read the Apple documentation. They list the apps registered, yet in their example they use a handler not mentioned.
This post attempts to list the handlers. But it too appears incom...
When calling the ImagePicker to take a picture the user is not prompted to allow their location to be used to geo-tag the photo as with the native Camera app. Is it possible to turn on or build geo-tagging into the ImagePicker?
I've been experiencing very inconsistent results while developing an iPhone app and trying to save preferences via the standard NSUserDefaults mechanism. I am using code almost straight out of the iPhone Developer's Cookbook by Erica Sadun (fantastic book btw), it looks like this:
(void) updateDefaults
NSMutableArray *spells = ...
What are the specifications for the icons required by Apple for a custom iPhone application published?
57x57, PNG, No Transparency, No Layers, 72 PPI
512x512, TIFF or JPEG, No Transparency, No Layers, 72 PPI
Note: iPhone OS applies rounded corners, optionally shine, and other effects
Also have a large version of your logo wit...
When I run my app with Leaks and view the Extended Details for any of the leaks, it takes me to a particular line in my code, but I don't know what to do after that!
For instance, Leaks shows a malloc at this line
NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error];
But I do no...
I'm bumping into this problem where my application gets EXC_BAD_ACCESS error and stucks/stops. I'm using "Rotate Left" & "Rotate Right" options of simulator to simulate the orientation change behavior. What can be the possible reasons for this error? Since I'm not getting details about the error, I can't trace it.
All my controlle...
Are there any reasons why the simulator will display UIImageViews properly, but incorrectly on the iPhone?
My Process:
An image in a PNG file
Start a UIGraphicsBeginImageContext()
Draw the PNG in a CGrect
Draw text in the CGRect
Create an UIImage from the context
Set the image of a UIImaveView to the UIImage
Set the frame of the UIImag...
For all operation with Amazon services(S3, EC2, SimpleDB) You need to sign all resquest with HMAC-SHA-1 Signature(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC , http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSFWS/latest/DeveloperGuide/index.html?SummaryOfAuthentication.html).
I'm working under asp.net backend and there is no problems. Problem is in the iPhon...
Is there any way to poll the mic input volume with AVFoundation? I have seen the CoreAudio examples like SpeakHere but I really only need the current value. Is CA my only option?
I am trying to switch between UIViews by making it look like you are turning a page in a book.
The UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp is pretty close if I could get it to curl toward the Left or Right. Is this possible?
I have tried to use the CATRansition but none of the animation types come close to a page turning.
Any suggestions on h...
I am new to iPhone programming and I am trying to understand how frame and bounds properties work. In the Interface builder I created UIView where I put UIImageView as a child.
I made UIImageView bigger than parent view. and set 'clip subview' property to true for parent UIView and to false for child UIImageView.
When I change frame.orig...
I have a UIView with a UITableView for a subview. The UIView has an image applied to its background via setBackGroundColor, and I have applied a background to the UITableView in the same manner. Both images are PNGs, and the the background for the UITableView has levels of transparency in it that don't appear to be working -- the PNG s...
I've been working through the Stanford iPhone Coding course and currently hooking into the Twitter API. What I'd like to do is accurately handle two error conditions: One for when the username is invalid, and another for when the device is not currently connected to the internet. Unfortunately, as it stands, the best I can surmise is whe...
I have a working program that was written by another programer that I am trying to add some features to in an effort to learn the Iphone SDK. I have carried out what I would assume was a fairly simple task of adding an additional UIButton to an existing view with like buttons. I have used the other UIButtons as a model and it se...