I'm looking to translate several of my iPhone applications to other (human) languages. I've done all the right things in my code and inserted translation table lookups everywhere, so I'm technically prepared.
The problem is, of course, that I don't know even one foreign language well enough to translate my app, let alone the seven or e...
I've only recently began using the debugger extensively, so I'm not sure if this is a limitation. When I debug on the iPhone, the variables aren't up to date unless I explicitly view it (ctrl click -> view variable as expression). Is there a way to view actual variables without viewing explicitly?
In cases where multiple buttons call an IBOutlet, can the IBOutlet determine which button was pressed?
All fixed and wired up. key point: Object ID is not sender tag! Tag is a standalone value on the first page of the attributes.
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender
switch ( [sender tag] )
case 109:
does anyone have a working sample project showing how can a user can draw simple sketches on the iPhone, with his finger? Something like the GLPaint, but easier, without Open GL.
Something just with the basic drawing functions. I know there was a FingerSketches sample time ago, but it appears it's no longer available.
I have the following code in a view controller that (in all other respects) seems to be working fine:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
ProblemViewController *problemViewController = [[ProblemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ProblemViewController" bundle:nil];
For the iPhone, since sqlite3 doesn't support ALTER for a column, how do I change the data type of a column on a table that needs to preserve its data?
I'm writing a static library for the iPhone and I'm wondering if what I'm doing is recommended or if I should take a different approach.
The static library I'm writing is dependant on libxml2. libxml2 has a dynamic library (dylib) and a static library (a). I've tried two approaches.
Approach one - When I attempt to link against the s...
How would I go about using Stephen Celis' fantastic SCListener singleton?
I would like to start with something incredibly simple.. like display the input volume in a textview or just display a UIImage when the listener detects something.
Any help would be greatly ...
Hi PPL :)
I am having some trouble with my segmentcontrol bar. I am trying to make it a gray/black color with this:
segmentControl3.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.60 green:0.60 blue:0.60 alpha:1.0];
Under my getSegment action, and that works just fine when I click it. But my problem is that the load color is the standart blue one...
Can someone explain to me the advantages of a UITableViewController over a UITableView. Generally I use the controller but the basic table view seems alot more flexible.
I need to relocate my iPhone development stack to a different machine. What do I need to do in preparation and are there any gotchas?
I'm using the NSURLConnection class to download a large file in my iPhone application, but it crashes every so often because it's using too much memory. I'm doing the usual NSURLConnection usage, to append the received data to a NSMutableData object.
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
I want to create a link on a UIWebView that emails content to the user. A simple example is:
<a href="mailto:zippy@example.com?subject=Sarcasm&body=I »
<b>love</b> <html> mail!">Hi!</a>
Which creates a message that looks like this:
-- begin message ---
To: zippy@example.com
Subject: Sarcasm
I love mail!
-- end message --
I have built an iPhone app that needs to pull data from a server. First I need to figure out what kind of server I will need. I'm a bit familiar with MySQL but was wondering if anyone had better suggestions on a backend. My app will have two tables that need to be populated by data residing on a server. Also, a user can submit data to th...
How, if possible, can I have iPhone SDK's classes (UI*) to autocomplete inside TextMate?
When I tried to upload a build on device it give the following error.
Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error (0xE8000001)
I am unable to solve this problem. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
Hello all,
I'm using SCListener to get the iPhone's volume, but I'd like to put an observer on the volume. So when it changes I can update the volume meter on the screen. But doing something like:
SCListener *listener = [SCListener sharedListener];
[listener addObserver:self
Im new to iphone application development.
I have a sample application that needs to be launched from a SMS message. I have no idea on how to do this. Please help me.
Thanks In Advance!
iPhone simulator is running on my Mac but it's not showing the simulator. Two days back I had installed the Mac OS X 10.5.6 update. Xcode is launching the aplication in simulator, and it's running, as I can see the outputs on the gdb console window. But the simulator is not shown.
I'm planning to develop kind of DJ application which loads musics from music library.
And of course it'll sell in app store.
So question is, does it possible distribute in AppStore?
I found it was forbidden at least about 6 month ago...
But I hope it is possible now...