
How would an irc bot written in tcl stack up against a python/node.js clone?

I believe eggdrop is the most active/popular bot and it's written in tcl ( and according to wiki the core is C but I haven't confirmed that ). I'm wondering if there would be any performance benefit of recoding it's functionality in node.js or Python, in addition to making it more accessible since Python and JS are arguably more popular...

IRCBot won't join a channel

Hi, I'm trying to build a very simple irc bot for now but it seems like my bot won't join the channel. Can someone point out what's wrong with the following code: from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol from twisted.words.protocols import irc class IRCProtocol(irc.IRCClient): nickname = "botnick" def connectionMade(self...

What is a good IRC channel for objective - c and cocoa programming

What is a good IRC channel for objective - c and cocoa programming? ...

PONG Response to PING - Simple IRC Bot

I am writing a simple IRC Bot in C++. I am having issues, however, parsing "PING" properly. I cannot seem to extract the "PING" string from the output. I have a sample program setup (statically) with the same setup as my IRC bot and I can parse the string, but it does not seem to write properly when I actually apply the method to the bot...

How do I write a simple web based DCC client?

Just need a persistent connection to the irc channel from the web server and need the user to type in a name of a file. The client then does the appropriate searches, downloads the file in question and returns the file as a downloadable link to the user. ...

PHP and IRC and Shells

I'm working with a closed community site (PHP-based) of about 100 users, and one of the features we've implemented is an ajax shoutbox that works as a "chatroom" on the site frontpage when users logged in. The dev team is using a private irc server for collaboration, and in one channel we're running a quizbot. We came up with the idea to...

Host/Create two IRCd Servers

Hello, Is it possible to setup two IRCd servers on one VPS? Regards. ...

IRC using NetworkStream - buffer fills and line gets chomped

var buffer = new byte[short.MaxValue]; var splitString = new string[] {"\r\n"}; while (_tcpClient.Connected) { if (!_networkStream.CanRead || !_networkStream.DataAvailable) continue; var bytesRead = _networkStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var stringBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); var message...

Using the Python random module with XCHAT IRC scripts

I'm trying to print random items from a list into my XCHAT channel messages. So far I've only been able to print the random items from my list alone, but not with any specific text. Example usage would be: "/ran blahblahblah" to produce the desired effect of a channel message such as "blahblahblah [random item]" __module_name__ = "ra...

Help needed coding an IRC client in Delphi 2010 using Indy Components

Im trying to code a basic irc client in Delphi 2010 using Indy components. Im able to connect to my irc server (unrealircd) using sample A below. After connecting I have many procedures that should perform actions when it receives a private message, ping, ctcp, channel modes etc. but they never react to any of these incoming events. Sa...

Connection timing out when connecting to an IRC server with PHP

I'm trying to connect my PHP script to IRC, but it keeps timing out. I'm on the server, so I know it's up and running, I can't tell what the problem is. Could it be an error in my code? <?php /** * Configuration. * Pretty self-explanatory */ $ircServer = ""; $ircPort = "6667"; $ircChannel = "#hackforums"; set_time...

Sending data received in one Twisted factory to second factory

Howdy! I am trying to write a simple program using Twisted framework and I am struggling with resolving (or even with imaging how to write it) issue I couldnt find any relevant documentation for: The main reactor uses two factories, one custom, listening for TCP connections on given port (say, 8000) and second one, to log into given IR...

How can I implement a simple IRC client in Perl?

I'm working on a tool that needs to send IRC messages to an internal IRC channel. This isn't a constantly running program, but rather a tool that will be invoked occasionally and needs to be able to notify the channel with a couple of messages when it's invoked. I looked at Net::IRC, but it's been dead since 2004. So I looked at the alt...

Building an irc client in Java

I'm trying to write an ircBot in Java for some practice. I am using this ( sample code as the base. I'm trying to figure out how to get it to read in text from my console so I can actually talk to people with the bot. There's the one while loop that takes in the input from the ircserver and spits it out to c...

MASM str and substr?

Hello everybody, I'm currently coding an irc bot in asm I have already done this once in C++, so I know how to solve most problems I encounter, but I need a substr()[*] function like the one seen in C++. I need the substr fucntion to receive the server name from a PING request so I can respond with the corresponding PONG response But I ...

IRC bot for reporting server status

The bot is being written in C# and I'm using the Smartirc4net library. If a server goes down (e.g a webserver) I want to manually set the status for it on the IRC bot. When a user calls !status I want it to reply with Online/Offline. I can do that, however I'm not too sure how to set it. For e.g the server goes offline then I manually ...

How do I get the network name from an IRC server?

I didn't think this was possible, but mIRC can get the name of a network, even if it is not specified by the user in the server list. I tried using a packet sniffer to see if perhaps there was a message sent on connect that sends the network's name, but I didn't see anything. The network name is needed to display to the user as well as ...

Script for automated torrent downloads (from announce urls in IRC)

Hi! Some time ago I read a discussion in /r/linux and someone mentioned a script that checks new messages in IRC channel (in irssi client) and if they contain announce urls for torrents, they are passed to a torrent client (rtorrent) for downloading. Sadly, I didn't bookmark it, nor I could find it now. Maybe someone has a similar scrip...

pcre expression for irc nicknames?

Hey guys, I'm having a few issues with using PCRE to make a irc nickname format correctly. I'm not good with PCRE, and I'd love some suggestions from those of you who do use PCRE / regex. :) I'm currently using this expression: /^([^A-Za-z]{1})([^A-Za-z0-9-.]{0,32})$/ I'm using it as such: preg_replace($regex, $replaceWith, $content) I...

Python - Stripping timestamps and username from line in file

I'm writing a script that will print a random line of text from a file into an XCHAT channel. So far it works fine, but I want to add one last bit of functionality. I have logs with, for example, "Oct 23 12:07:59 (nickname> " appearing before every line of text. I just want to print the parts of the lines that follow the "(nickname>...