
Changing the default window close behaviour of Jasper report viewer to hide or dispose instead of exit

I'm using netbeans and Jasper report to generate report.The report gets generated but when I close the Report viewer window it exits my program /application.I want the Report window to be either disposed or hidden.Is there any way using which I can achieve this ? ...

Embedding a table in a list in a report in iReport

I am trying to do something like this in iReport: Main Report of all schools in a district. Let's say, select * from schools where district_id = $P{dist_id} A list of teachers in each school (eg, select * from teachers where school_id = $P{school_id}, and school_idea is populated by the above.) A table of each student in each teacher...

Problem in iterating with the subreport parameter in ireport

I have place a subport in my master report. I have my query like, for a application i have some 3 jobID. Based on this jobID i need to fetch the related data. i placed the jobID in the detail band and passed the same to the subreport as parameter. Since the subreport is reporting only once in the master report,even though i have 3 jobID...

Using multiple tables in iReport

I want to create a report that has to call multiple fields from different tables. From what I have read online so far, the only way to do this is to have subreports. Is this true, or is there a way that I am able to run multiple queries to different tables to retrieve data? ...

iReport chart export in HTML format

I am using the iReport to make the JRXML file. To export this data using Java Struts, I am using the following code. public ActionForward reportExport(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { String reportType2=req.getParameter("reporttype"); System.out.println("r...

iReport: Repo file not found

I have a file located in my repo on JasperServer-side (delivery_settlement_files/delivery_list.jxml). But for some reason it continues to spit an error: Unable to locate the subreport with expression: ""repo:delivery_list.jrxml"". java.lang.Exception: repo:delivery_list.jrxml not found. It exists, but does not find. What could be...

Jasperreports - Hide duplicate field in report

Hi, I'm creating reports using Java and JasperReports. What I've got is a query that outputs hotel details in order of Hotel Name. My problem is that, a lot of the time the Hotel Name field doesn't change from row to row. I want to find out how to only print each different hotel name once to stop the report printing unnecessary hotel n...

Ireportscriptlet error.

Could u help me how to resolve this error.I put ireport.jar in lib folder.Still i am getting this error.How can i resolve this error. compileSqlc: [javac] Compiling 246 source files to /opt/edubravo/build/classes [javac] /opt/edubravo/modules/com.qualiantech.edubravo/src/com/qualiantech/edubravo/ad_reports/Exam/StudentGradeRepor...

jasper ireport field length problem

If my report contains too many fields and it is already in landscape mode, few fields like email address or url fields may be too large while displaying url/email data on the report how do we make sure data is not truncated over the report ? ...

set blank in the field when its contain value 0(zero)

I am working with ireport and generate around 20 pdf report also.Now I want all the field blank in the report where its contain value 0 (zero). For that I set text field expression with the code ($F{diamondQty}.doubleValue()==0.0?null:$F{diamondQty}.doubleValue()) and enable blank when null option of the field. It's working fine but ...

What is the best way to include long static text in JasperReport/iReport?

My report contains 3 parts – 2 parts are quite straightforward table reports, and one part is contract agreement on about 10 pages, 10 pages of static formatted(bold headings) text. This contract agreement is usual agreement which consists of about 12 parts, where each part consists of heading and text, e.g.: 1. Part. Blab la bla 1.1 ...

iReport whitespace after header

There seems to be 20 pixels of whitespace after my header for some reason. I would like that not to be there. I have other reports that do not have this whitespace, and I cannot figure out why. ex1: (good) HEADER ------ Result ex2: (not good) HEADER ------ Result ...

iReport with Oracle Stored Procedure

Hi I just installed iReport(Product Version: iReport Professional and try to create exiting crystal report file using iReport to see it makes my life easier. First bump that I faced was Oracle stored procedure. I found below post and tried to apply it. 1) Set the Query language in the Report Query to plsql 2) Use the...

Tables in iReport

I have attempted to use a table in iReport to display data. Unfortunately, I ran into issues with it and was unable to use tables. From what I have read online from other resources, it seems that JasperServer does not support the tables used the current version of iReport (3.7.5). If this is true, why are tables not compatible? Or a...