
Access Expression methods in IronRuby

This code works fine in C#: Expression.Lambda(LambdaBody); But none of the methods for building AST seem to visible from IronRuby. I required Microsoft.Scripting.Core and Microsoft.Scripting libraries. Do I need something else? Here is the IronRuby code: require 'C:\reorganize\software\ironruby-1.0rc3\ironruby\bin\microsoft.scripting...

Best way to unit-test WCF REST/SOAP service while dynamically generating stubs

I have a webservice written with WCF 4.0 that exposes REST and SOAP functions, and I want to set up my unit tests so that as I work on my web services I can quickly test by having the test framework start up the service, outside of IIS, and then do the tests. I want it to be dynamically generated as I am not certain what the interface w...

Is there an IronRuby lib for generating concrete CLR classes?

I want to expose a class to CLR classes. The reason I have is Xaml. I want to write WPF custom controls in Ruby, then use xaml to style and provide templates for them. Last time I tried, Xaml couldn't look up IronRuby types. class NavBar < TreeView ... end <ControlTemlate TargetType={x:Type MyNamspace:NavBar}> ... </ControlT...

Retrieving accessors in IronRuby

I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve the value stored in the Person class. The problem is just that after I define an instance of the Person class, I don't know how to retrieve it within the IronRuby code because the instance name is in the .NET part. /*class Person attr_accessor :name def initialize(strna...

Getting Rails Application Running Under IronRuby Rack

Anyone else playing with ironruby? I have successfully got the IronRuby.Rails.Example project running on my local machine under IIS 5.1. I am now attempting to get my own demo rails site running in the same way. My web.config is slightly different from the example project. I am attempting to only use what was distributed with IronRuby...

IronRuby REPL with required .NET assemblies

What is the best way to put together a "shortcut" to launch a IronRuby REPL with some .NET assemblies preloaded? I think there is a way to do this in Powershell (via Snapin or Module) and I'm looking for something similar in IronRuby. ...

How do you raise a .Net event from an IronRuby class?

I'm trying to figure out how to implement an event in a ruby class. Specifically, I am trying to make my class implement an interface (INotifyPropertyChanged) that includes an event (PropertyChanged). I can create my add_PropertyChanged and remove_PropertyChanged methods... but then what? This is what my class looks like so far: clas...

Issues loading IronRuby.Rack assembly

I'm trying to get IronRuby on Rails running with iis7 server 2k8 and can only get as far as it cannot load the assembly 'IronRuby.Rack' (Screen Shot: has anyone gotten this working? Any tips you can give me? Thanks, -CJ ...

Creating WCF Services using Dynamic Languages and DLR

I was curious how anyone would go about creating WCF based services using a dynamic language like IronPython or IronRuby. These languages do not have the concept of interfaces. How would someone define service contracts? Would we need to rely on static languages for such kind of tasks? I am a big fan of Python in particular and would lik...

Does Visual Studio 2010 have tooling support for IronRuby?

I am interested in the following features: Code highlighting, Intellisense, Refactorings, Code navigation (Go to Definition etc.). If this functionality is missing from Visual Studio 2010 maybe Microsoft is planning to add these features in the future or there are community project to develop IronRuby tooling add-in? ...

Why doesn't IronRuby have the same tools that IronPython does?

Hi, I've been using Ruby as my main scripting language for years but switched to .NET several years ago. I'd like to continue using Ruby (primarily for testing) BUT the toolset for IronRuby is really nonexistent. Why? In Python, meanwhile, there are project templates and full intellisense support. Why isn't there something like that...

Redmine with IronRuby (Windows)?

Has anyone tried to run Redmine using IronRuby? Is it possible? ...

Load assemblies at ironruby console startup

I'm trying to load some default assemblies and init some variables with ironruby, and I don't know where to start. What I'm trying to create is something similar to rails script/console: you run that script and get a console where all rails Classes are available, but using a couple of my own library. The question is how can I start an ...

Resolving "require"s when executing IronRuby from C#

I'm attempting to run an IronRuby script from C#: var runtime = IronRuby.Ruby.CreateRuntime(); runtime.ExecuteFile("ruby/foo.rb"); foo.rb starts with a "require:" #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bar' When I try this, I get an exception stating "no such file to load -- bar." The file "bar.rb" and the directory "bar" ...

How can I make the "internal" classes and members of a .NET assembly visible to IronRuby code?

My scenario consists of the following points. I have a packaged software product I am developing in C# Since it is a packaged product, the public interfaces of the assemblies need to be tightly controlled... All assemblies are strong-named Any classes that don't absolutely have to be "public" are "internal" I want to write unit tests...

Rails Throws "Int64 does not have a valid constructor" Under IronRuby

I am attempting to follow this tutorial: I am using IronRuby and get to the point that I create a user in the system. Now all pages fail with the following error when trying to render the page: Class System::Int64 does not have a valid constructor Any other IronRuby folks hit this issue and figured out a...

IronRuby as scripting language in .net

Hello anyone! I want to use IronRuby as scripting language (as Lua, for example) in my .net project. For example, I want to be able to subscribe from ruby script to specific events, fired in host application, and call ruby methods from it. I'm using this code for instantiate IronRuby engine: Dim engine = Ruby.CreateEngine() Dim source...

Optional parens in Ruby for method with uppercase start letter?

I just started out using IronRuby (but the behaviour seems consistent when I tested it in plain Ruby) for a DSL in my .NET application - and as part of this I'm defining methods to be called from the DSL via define_method. However, I've run into an issue regarding optional parens when calling methods starting with an uppercase letter. ...

.net 4 - run code from string - in C# / F# / IronRuby / IronPython.

What ways do I have in .net to run code from string? Console.WriteLine(Compile("1 + 2 * 3")); // results is 7. What other options do we have? C# - Compile the code on runtime? IronRuby / IronPython? F#? ...

Integration of C#, F#, IronPython and IronRuby

I was told that the assembly files made from C# and F# source is interoperable as they are compiled into .NET assembly. Q1 : Does that mean that C# can call F# functions just like they are C# functions? Q2 : How about the IronPython and IronRuby? I don't see any assembly dll from the IronPython/IronRuby. Q3 : Is there any easy way to ...