
Please help me solve this Runtime Exception in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse and i-series Navigator for database. when I ran my application it is showing: Exception=Exception001{Id=0,Message=java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to connect to queue manager,Severity=2}], ServiceID=GetCustomerProfile2,Status=2,TransactionID=1} Please suggest what to do? ...

DB2 - How to run an ad hoc select query with a parameter in IBM System i Access for Windows GUI Tool

I would like to run some ad hoc select statements in the IBM System I Navigator tool for DB2 using a variable that I declare. For example, in the SQL Server world I would easily do this in the SQL Server Management Studio query window like so: DECLARE @VariableName varchar(50); SET @VariableName = 'blah blah'; select * from TableName ...