
Changing iSeries Device and PC console password.

I am setting up first console session on iSeries. How do reset console password on PC and iSeries without access to a console? Thank you Ashok ...

RPG compiler converts type S to type P?

Here is my situation: I have program A which looks like this: Fmfile IF E K DISK USROPN d grue s like(dhseqn) d C *ENTRY PLIST C PARM grue c open mfile c*** do something with grue c close mfile c ...

AS 400 Performance from .Net iSeries Provider

Hey all, First off, I am not an AS 400 guy - at all. So please forgive me for asking any noobish questions here. Basically, I am working on a .Net application that needs to access the AS400 for some real-time data. Although I have the system working, I am getting very different performance results between queries. Typically, when ...

Creating an Entity Data Model from an Empty model

I may be confused here (or over my head). I am trying to connect to an IBM i (aka iSeries) and I want to try to use the Entity Data Model to implement this. The help I have found online has been less than helpful for me. How do I add the logic needed to interface with the .edmx file and thus be used in the rest of my application? Most ...

Problems with Executing a DB2 External Stored Procedure

I am trying to call an external stored procedure (calls an RPG program). I keep getting the following error: "Exception Details: IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2SQLErrorException: SQL0104 Token @SSN was not valid. Valid tokens: :." Here is my code: using (iDB2Connection conn = new iDB2Connection(_CONNSTRING)) { conn.Open(); stri...

free AS400 server

i am new to as/400 OS and i Series from IBM. i want to start learning using remote as/400 server. Can you recommend me some server ? thanks ...

Does git gets installed in IBM/AS400

I have PHP on running on an AS400. Can Git be also be installed on an AS400? I'd like to use it to maintain version control. ...

Error in stored procedure

Hi I am trying hard to write a stored procedure in ISeries DB2 but having errors. create procedure pakretst.fttest2 (IN fExpression CHARACTER(10)) language sql reads sql data dynamic result sets 1 begin declare stmt VARCHAR(50); declare x cursor for sl; If ftExpression IS NOT NULL set stmt='select * from pakretst.uwftrtystp W...

What's wrong with this stored procedure ?

Hello guys, getting really close to running my first stored procedure. This one compiles but when I run it with call test.fttest5('YEAR'); it throws an error SQL State: 22001 Vendor Code: -303 Message: [SQL0303] Host variable *N not compatible. Cause . . . . . : A FETCH, SELECT, CALL, SET, VALUES INTO, GET DIAGNOSTICS, GET DESCRIPTO...

Stored procedure return the primary key after insert ?

Hello guys, I want a stored procedure to return the primary key of the new record after it gets executed. I think it will be returned by OUT parameter in the procedure. But how to select the newly inserted row ID ? I don't want to use select MAX(row_id) as it is a multi user environment. Any procedure sample will be appreciated. My plat...

Connect to IBM DB2 with .Net using only .dll reference

I would like to connect to a DB2 database, specifically an iSeries version, using .Net and C# by referencing a .dll and NOT installing any software on the server. Currently we use the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.dll, which is installed as part of iSeries access for windows. I don't want to have to install all of that. But apparently I don't hav...

CAST not valid (OLEDB Date)

Hello fellows, good day. I am using an OLEDB connection to connect to DB2 database. I am having problems mapping the dates from database inside .NET. In my business object I defined a private DateTime _genftmdpdate=DateTime.MinValue; But whenever I fetch the date from database and populate inside my variable I get Specified Cast not val...

Stored Procedure return updated record count ?

Hello fellows, I am very new to stored procedures. I am trying to make a stored procedure which would perform an update accepting 2 input parameters and return the number of records updated (in my case always 1). I have managed till this so far but I don't understand how to return the variable after opening the cursor. Is the cursor nec...

Finding the actual Job number for a particular JDBC SQL connection to iSeries?

I am using the JTOpen JDBC driver to connect to the iSeries (aka AS/400, IBM System-i, IBMi, WTH?!...). I am having problems with a particular statement and it appears I need to go back to the actual SQL job QSQSRVR (or QZDASOINIT?) to find more details. Only problem is that there are hundreds of these on the system. Is there an easy w...

How to set a timeout in connect/send ? ( as400 iseries v5r4, rpg )

From this rpg socket tutorial we created a socket client in rpg that calls a java server socket The problem is that connect()/send() operations blocks and we have a requirement that if the connect/send couldn't be done in a matter of a second per say, we have to just log it and finish. If I set the socket to non-blocking mode (I think...

How to ALTER a table on iSeries that has constraints? Getting "*FILE in use." error...

I have a table on a iSeries(IBM-i/AS400) which has some constraints. The table is created with SQL like so, with a handful of foreign keys linking from other tables to this table (actual SQL has been a bit obfuscated here): CREATE TABLE ABCLIB.ABCDE ( DEIDN INTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, DETTL VARGRAPHIC (50) ALLOCATE(25), DETY...

iSeries + ASP.NET web application - Do I need any special license for iSeries?

I know how to access the iSeries using VB.NET. I use an OLE DB connection to connect to it. Now I am developing an ASP.NET web application using VB.NET that is going to use the iSeries for the database. Is there any special web license I need to access the iSeries over the web in this fashion? It's really just the web server accessing th...

I'm trying to create a as400/Iseries Telnet Client, and can't find any documentation.

I am attempting to create a telnet client that I can use to transfer green screen RPGLE apps to fancier client applications. I am able to establish a sockets connection and I have sent in a default "enter" command to access the log in screen but I don't know where to began to interpret where the fields are, where the server id of the ses...

iSeries JDBC Sql statement with "é" in column name throws java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0104]

I am having trouble using the character "é" in a returned column name from an SQL query. Running this query SELECT PRCAT as Categorie, PRYEA as Année, PRDSC as Designation from DEMO.PRODUCT using the IBM Toolbox JDBC driver connecting to an iSeries produces this exception: java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0104] Token é was not valid. Va...

Create a delimitted string from a query in DB2

I am trying to create a delimitted string from the results of a query in DB2 on the iSeries (AS/400). I've done this in T-SQL, but can't find a way to do it here. Here is my code in T-SQL. I'm looking for an equivelant in DB2. DECLARE @a VARCHAR(1000) SELECT @a = COALESCE(@a + ', ' + [Description], [Description]) FROM AP.Checkbooks SEL...