
Iterate over Dictionary: Get 'NoneType" object is not iterable error

The function class: def play_best_hand(hand, wordDict): tempHand = hand.copy() points = 0 for word in wordDict: for letter in word: if letter in hand: tempHand[letter] = tempHand[letter] - 1 if tempHand[letter] < 0: return False if wordDict[word] > points: ...

Iterating over returned data.

I've a method in a separate class from my main form that I've created that returns a List, and adds items to the List from the lines of a a file using something like this: public List<string> testMethod(string data); StreamReader read = new StreamReader(data); List<string> lines= new List<string>(); while(read.Peek >= 0) { lines.Add(r...

What's the 'Ruby way' to iterate over an array - from array[n] to array[n - 1]?

Say I have an array of size 5. I want to take an index (from 0-4) as input, and iterate through the array, starting at the supplied index. For example, if the index given was 3, I want to iterate like so: arr[3] arr[4] arr[0] arr[1] arr[2] I can think of plenty of ways to do this - but what's the Ruby way to do it? ...

Iterating over N dimensions in Python

I have a map, let's call it M, which contains data mapped through N dimensions. # If it was a 2d map, I could iterate it thusly: start, size = (10, 10), (3, 3) for x in range(start[0], start[0]+size[0]): for y in range(start[1], start[1]+size[1]): M.get((x, y)) # A 3d map would add a for z in ... and access it thusly M.get((...

accumulation error

I have quite straight forward question. The following code prints out celsius and fahrenheit. My question is though about number of times it iterate. For a small number e.g. start 0, stop at 10, with a step of 1.1. After the loop is finished it will print out the correct number of iterations it made. But for large number 0-11000000, wit...

Problem calling each element with Jquery

I am trying to create new div element and then change it`s position with Jquery.But J query effects only first element.I want to change all elements position with different number. <div class="userList"> <?php $categories = find_category(); foreach($categories as $category): ?> <div id="user"> <img id="<?php echo $category['cat_id...

Algorithm for iterating over an outward spiral on a discrete 2D grid from the origin

For example, here is the shape of intended spiral (and each step of the iteration) y | | 16 15 14 13 12 17 4 3 2 11 -- 18 5 0 1 10 --- x 19 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 24 | | Where the lines are the x and y axes. Here would be the actual values the algorithm would "retur...

vba iterations in from loop

is there a way to say in vba something like from x = 1 to 100, by 10 so that the x's are 1, 10, 20, 30, etc. to 100? ...

jquery count li's in top level UL

Hi All, I need to count the amount of LI's in a top level UL. My top level menu has 6 items in it but this could dynamically change. I thought this could work but it is still counting the child li's too :( var numTopNavItems = 0; $("ul.rmHorizontal > li").each(function (i) { numTopNavItems += i; alert("numTopNavItems = " + n...

Java for each, but multiple iterator types?

I have a class Polygon on which I wish to implement two iterators: one to run through all elements (vertices and edges in alternating order) just ONCE, and another to run through them ad infinitum (cyclically). From a for-each usage standpoint, my guess is that I am only going to be able to have one of the above be the default iterator ...

jquery autocomplete plugin - fetch works - fetchAll doesn't.

If I have something like this from the server side, from a fetch: array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["nome"]=> string(7) "" } } [{"nome":""}] The json of the above is: [{"nome":""}] This Works: parse: function(data) { return $.map(eval('('+data+')'), function(result) { return { data: result, value: res...

Python: Adding element to list while iterating

I know that it is not allowed to remove elements while iterating a list, but is it allowed to add elements to a python list while iterating. Here is an example: for a in myarr: if somecond(a): myarr.append(newObj()) I have tried this in my code and it seems to works fine, however i dont know if its because i am jus...

Iterate through array and get key and value

I need to iterate through a dynamic array. The array will look something like the following: Array ( [2010091907] => Array ( [home] => Array ( [score] => Array ( [1] => 7 [2] => 17 [3] => 10 ...

PHP/JSON - stdClass Object

I'm pretty new to arrays still. I need some help - I have some JSON, and I've run it through some PHP that basically parses the JSON and decodes it as follows: stdClass Object ( [2010091907] => stdClass Object ( [home] => stdClass Object ( [score] => stdClass Object ( ...

C++ performance issue

Hi all, I am having a little dilemma with a C++ code. Its actually a performance issue. I am trying to traverse through two hash_maps which is causing a lot of slowness. Heres the hash map class code. Let me know if I am missing something from this. template<class Handle, class Object, class HashFunc, vector<Object *> (*initFunc)()> ...

What loop to use for an iteration that might be interrupted before the end?

I have a range of memory to parse. If I find a certain sequence of bytes before the end, I interrupt the iteration. I wonder which loop I should prefer here: while(i < end && !sequenceFound ) { // parse i++; } Or for( i; i < end && !sequenceFound; i++ ) { // parse } This is used in a method of a class that derives from ...

Playing nicely with "for each" in ActionScript?

Lets say I have an ActionScript class: MyClass and that class has data in it. Now, lets say I want to iterate over that data using "for each": var myData:MyClass = new MyClass(); myData.Populate(fromSource); for each(var item in myData) { DoSomethingWith(item); } Of course, this does nothing, because MyClass is a custom class, and...

Iteration/Recursion problem?

I am working on a program where I have two 2d arrays. one is called males and one females. they're both 3x3 size. The array contains a score of how much a person likes the other. i.e. (male array) This means that male0 likes female0 8, male0 likes female1 5, male0 likes female2 8, male1 likes female0 9, male1 likes female1 5, and so on....

Iteration to Recursion

Possible Duplicate: Can all iterative algorithms be expressed recursively? Is it always possible to convert a iterative function in a recursive function? ...

While loop, doesn't seem to do anything?

Hi there i'm trying to make a function in C++ that takes a number, i, and decides if it is a prime number or not by running through a loop to find it's multiples, and then makes sure it isn't prime through a series of test. However, it seems the loop isn't even being run through. I've told it to output no matter where in the loop it is, ...