
Internal class and access to external members.

I have question with this same title here but now as I'll present in code below this seems to behave in the opposite way to the way explained to me in my first question with the same title. Ok code: class LINT_rep { private: char* my_data_; //stores separately every single digit from a number public: class Iterator:public iterat...

Any big difference between using contains or loop through a list?

Hi, Performance wise, is there really a big difference between using: ArrayList.contains(o) vs foreach|iterator LinkedList.contains(o) vs foreach|iterator Of course, for the foreach|iterator loops, I'll have to explicitly compare the methods and return true or false accordingly. The object I'm comparing is an object where equals() ...

Iterator in Java.

What is Iterator and collections? Does these two have any relations? // the interface definition Interface Iterator { boolean hasNext(); Object next(); // note "one-way" traffic void remove(); } // an example public static void main (String[] args){ ArrayList cars = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) cars.add (new Car()); I...

Iterating multple lists consecutively (C++)

I have 3 classes, 2 inheriting from the other like so: class A { public: virtual void foo() {cout << "I am A!" << endl;} }; class B : public A { public: void foo() {cout << "B pretending to be A." << endl} void onlyBFoo() {cout << "I am B!" << endl} }; class C : public A { public: void foo() {cout << "C pretendin...

Number of lines in csv.DictReader

Hi there, I have a csv DictReader object (using Python 3.1), but I would like to know the number of lines/rows contained in the reader before I iterate through it. Something like as follows... myreader = csv.DictReader(open('myFile.csv', newline='')) totalrows = ? rowcount = 0 for row in myreader: rowcount +=1 print("Row %d/...

just-in-time list

I'd like to know if there is a class available, either in the standard library or in pypi, that fits this description. The constructor would take an iterator. It would implement the container protocol (ie _getitem_, _len_, etc), so that slices, length, etc., would work. In doing so, it would iterate and retain just enough values from ...

Accept templated parameter of stl_container_type<string>::iterator

I have a function where I have a container which holds strings (eg vector<string>, set<string>, list<string>) and, given a start iterator and an end iterator, go through the iterator range processing the strings. Currently the function is declared like this: template< typename ContainerIter> void ProcessStrings(ContainerIter begin, Co...

How can I have a Foo* iterator to a vector of Foo?

If I have a class that contains a std::list<Foo> and which has public methods begin() and end() to return iterators for that list, how can I implement additional methods to return iterators to a std::list<Foo*>, preferably without using boost? I'd rather not maintain a parallel container of pointers. Edit: I have a large code base tha...

C++ STL: Trouble with string iterators

I'm making a simple command line Hangman game. void Hangman::printStatus() { cout << "Lives remaining: " << livesRemaining << endl; cout << getFormattedAnswer() << endl; } string Hangman::getFormattedAnswer() { return getFormattedAnswerFrom(correctAnswer.begin(), correctAnswer.end()); } string Hangman::getFormattedAnswerFr...

Why does Iterator have a contains method but Iterable does not, in Scala 2.8?

I would like to call 'contains' on my Iterables :-) ...

Substitute for Iterator that is Serialization

I'm working on a GWT project, and I have a bunch of Java classes that use Java Object Iterators on the server side. As I was reading through the internet...Iterators seem to not be serializable preventing me from sending them over to the client side from the server side. My question is is there an efficient way to serialize the iterator ...

Determine if a string contains only alphanumeric characters (or a space)

I'm learning C++ and I am writing a function that determines whether a string contains only alphanumeric characters and spaces. I suppose I am effectively testing whether it matches the regular expression ^[[:alnum:] ]+$ but without using regular expressions. I have seen a lot of algorithms revolve around iterators, so I tried to find a ...

can't increment Glib::ustring::iterator (getting "invalid lvalue in increment" compiler error)

in the following code: int utf8len(char* s, int len) { Glib::ustring::iterator p( string::iterator(s) ); Glib::ustring::iterator e ( string::iterator(s+len) ); int i=0; for (; p != e; p++) // ERROR HERE! i++; return i; } I get the compiler error on the for line, which is sometimes "invalid lvalue in increment", and sometimes...

Is it possible to create a python iterator over pre-defined mutable data?

I might be doing this wrong, if I am, let me know, but I'm curious if the following is possible: I have a class that holds a number of dictionaries, each of which pairs names to a different set of objects of a given class. For example: items = {"ball" : ItemInstance1, "sword" : ItemInstance2} people = {"Jerry" : PersonInstance1, "Bob" ...

How is the syntax for stl iterators implemented?

I've been working on writing a library in my spare time to familiarize myself more with c++ and singular value decomposition. I've been working on writing an Iterator class and I'm entirely capable of writing the functionality and I have already for my own currently MatrixIterator class. I'm guessing that it involves namespaces because: ...

VBA - Access 03 - Iterating through a list box, with an if statement to evaluate

So I have a one list box with values like DeptA, DeptB, DeptC & DeptD. I have a method that causes these to automatically populate in this list box if they are applicable. So in other words, if they populate in this list box, I want the resulting logic to say they are "Yes" in a boolean field in the table. So to accomplish this I am try...

Iterating through std queue

Hi, I'm trying to use BOOST_FOREACH for iterating through the std::queue. But there isn't iterators in that class cause I have an error: std::queue<std::string> someList; BOOST_FOREACH(std::string temp, someList) { std::cout << temp; } >no matching function for call to begin(...) >no type named ‘iterator’ in ‘class std::queue<std::b...

Using an iterator without its container

I am mixing some C and C++ libraries and have only a single pointer available to do some work in a callback function. All I need to do is iterate through a vector. Here's a simplified, untested example: bool call_back(void* data){ done=... if (!done) cout << *data++ << endl; return done; } Note that this function is in an ext...

Custom Template Iterator Reference

Hi, Can any one recommend a good resource to refer on writing C++ custom template iterators?? Thank You! ...

Guidelines to an Iterator Class

Hi, I have a Red Black tree implemented in c++. It supports the functionality of a STL map. Tree nodes contain keys and the values mapped. I want to write an iterator class for this, but I'm stuck with how to do it. Should I make it an inner class of the Tree class? Can anyone give me some guidelines on how to write it + some resources...