
Exception when using httparty for itunes verification

Hi all, Here is a piece of code I wrote to implement itunes_verification. ItunesVerification.verify_apple_receipt("wefwfrw") But, its always throwing {"exception"=>"java.lang.NullPointerException", "status"=>21002} from the itunes server. "java.l...

API for transferring iTunes gift card to user?

Is there a way to programmatically transfer an iTunes gift card to some user? Or credit an iTunes account? Thanks! ...

Unable to submit app to iTunes Connect using Organizer

Hi there. I'm having issues submitting an app to iTunes Connect using Organizer. I build and archive my application successfully then go to Organizer. I successfully validate the application. I then click to submit the application to iTunes Connect. I get the dialog to choose signing certificate and the app that I am uploading. I sub...