
What is the difference between JAIN SIP and MJSIP?

Hi, I've been investigating various API options for making use of the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) in Java. So far I've narrowed it down to JAIN SIP and MJSIP but I can't figure out the difference between the two. Can someone please explain why and when to choose one over the other? Thanks in advance. ...

Looking into IVR software development

The company I work for is looking for an IVR implementation that is highly compatible with any potential PBX/IVR or PBX combo OR to provide our own hosting solution. So the idea would be to create an application that interfaces to any potential platform and provide call control and voice dialog / interaction for the IVR. Technologies...

Jain Sip - How to create a SipUri without the @?

Hi all, I am just starting to look at Jain Sip and I was wondering how to create a SipUri that only contains the ip address and does not contain the user and the @ symbol. So currently I get sip:[email protected] and I want to get sip:192.xxx.x.xxx My code is below but, I can remove the User but I cant seem to get rid of the @ symbol...

Android Jain Sip - Sip Registration?

Hi all, I'm currently using Jain Sip on Android and I'm trying to get a SIP registration working. I can put the registration SIP message together ok but after sending the message it seems to just get sent back to my application and my applications processRequest() method is run. Here is the code I'm using : public void init(TextView...

how do I reregister with a sip server properly?

I currently have a SIP registration working proprly with Jain-SIP. I get the challenge, use MD5 on the nonce etc and send my reply. I then get the 200 OK message. So thats all fine. However I want to reregister automatically every X seconds depending on the expires time. To do this I have tried to use a timer to re run the code ever...

Sip Error - Response does not belong to this transaction.

I was wondering has anyone come across thos error in SIP before? WARN/System.err(4623): javax.sip.SipException: Response does not belong to this transaction. I get it after I get an invite, I then send back 100 trying followed by 180 ringing. Then the user can either press Reject or accept on the screen. If they press reject I s...

Problem initiating SIP session/ getClientTransaction(request) throws NullPointerException

Hi, I have a small issue, I had my SIP client working, and I changed the structure of the code. I kept the creation process of the SIP objects as it was before, but now it does not work. I keep getting: java.lang.NullPointerException at gov.nist.javax.sip.SipProviderImpl.getNewClientTransaction(SipProviderImpl.java:285) and ther...

What would be the best implementation to detect repeating SIP message?

Hi, I've wrote a SIP UAC, and I've tried a few ways to detect and ignore repeating incoming messages from the UAS, but with every approach I tried, something went wrong, my problem is that all the messages that has to do with the same call has the same signature, and to compare all of the message text is too much, so I was wondering, w...

Best way to implement call flow with Jain-Sip.

Hi, I was looking into my code, and I wonder how would the SIP call flow would be best implemented /controlled using Jain-SIP, I have designed my SIP call flow to be handled entirely sightlessly by my own code, which I assume is not the right way to do things, so I wanted to see some implementation using the Jain-SIP dialog and transact...

SIP Callee does not get notification that call ended

Hey, I have deleted my previous question and post this updated: I have a an issue with my SIP UAC, once I received a ringing from the B2BUA on both the caller and callee, and the caller hangs up the call while the call is ringing (I send cancel request and receive "request terminated" on the caller side), the callee does not get any no...

how do i deploy mobicents to glassfish v3

is anyone using Mobicents with Glassfish in place of JBoss? how do i deploy mobicents to glassfish v3? ...