
Test for invertability using Jama.Matrix

I have a program that uses JAMA and need to test is a matrix can be inverted. I know that I can just try it and catch an exception but that seems like a bad idea (having a catch block as part of the "normal" code path seems to be bad form). A test that also returns the inverse (or run in a better O() than the inverse operation) would be...

How do i print the columns of a JAMA matrix?

I use the JAMA.matrix package..how do i print the columns of a matrix ...

Issue with Jama's Eigen value decomposition fuction

I am getting a wrong eigen-vector (also checked by running multiple times to be sure) when i am using matrix.eig(). The matrix is: 1.2290 1.2168 2.8760 2.6370 2.2949 2.6402 1.2168 0.9476 2.5179 2.1737 1.9795 2.2828 2.8760 2.5179 8.8114 8.6530 7.3910 8.1058 2.6370 2.1737 8.6530 7.6366 6.9503 7.6743 2.2949 1.9795 7.3910 6.9503 6.2722 7.3...

Jama.Matrix ClassNotFoundException

Hello, I am trying to use Jama package in my code in Linux. In my Main class, I am trying to use Matrix class. Here is my Main class: import Jama.*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Matrix A = new Matrix(3,5); } } I am not using any IDE, my makefile is: JC = javac -classpath $(CLASSPATH):jars/Ja...

java jama matrix problem

Hi All, I am using jama to calculate SVD. It work very good. If i pass square matrix. For example 2x2 or 3x3 etc. matrix. But when I pass some thing like this 2x3 or 4x8 it give error . I used all of their example. They have different constructor to perform the job. Also my second question is, I am usded 3x3 matrix and it gave double[...

Java jama Sigma problem

Hi All, I am using jama libarary for matrix. I used following matrix but when i tried to get S, it gave me error. 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 13.0 3.0 ...

java jama array problem

Hi All, I asked a question before but duffymo said it is not clear so i am going to post it again here. I am using Jama api for SVD calculation. I know very well about jama and SVD. Jama does not work if your column are more than rows. I have this situation. What should I do?? any help? I can't transpose the matrix too as it can produc...