
What is SVD(singular value decomposition)

How does it actually reduce noise..can you suggest some nice tutorials? ...

numpy linear algebra basic help

This is what I need to do- I have this equation- Ax = y Where A is a rational m*n matrix (m<=n), and x and y are vectors of the right size. I know A and y, I don't know what x is equal to. I also know that there is no x where Ax equals exactly y. I want to find the vector x' such that Ax' is as close as possible to y. Meaning that (Ax...

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP

Hello! I would like to implement Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP. I know that there are several external libraries which could do this for me. But I have two questions concerning PHP, though: 1) Do you think it's possible and/or reasonable to code the SVD in PHP? 2) If (1) is yes: Can you help me to code it in PHP? I've alrea...

Dimension Reduction

I'm trying to reduce a high-dimension dataset to 2-D. However, I don't have access to the whole dataset upfront. So, I'd like to generate a function that takes an N-dimensional vector and returns a 2-dimensional vector, such that if I give it to vectors that are close in N-dimensional space, the results are close in 2-dimensional space...

Pagerank vs SVD

Pagerank works on the nodegraph of a series of pages and the directed edges formed by their respective inward and outward links. Thus the rank of a particular page is broadly a locally-induced effect in the nodegraph. SVD, on the other hand, works on a whole matrix of values, and has no directionality - a link between site A and site B ...

java jama array problem

Hi All, I asked a question before but duffymo said it is not clear so i am going to post it again here. I am using Jama api for SVD calculation. I know very well about jama and SVD. Jama does not work if your column are more than rows. I have this situation. What should I do?? any help? I can't transpose the matrix too as it can produc...

SVD algorithm implementation

Does anyone know good scalable implementation of SVD on C# for very big matrix? ...

SVD Singular Value Decomposition in CImg library

Hey there! the CImg library offers SVD calculation. however, i'm always getting a * glibc detected * ./projective_template: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x089165b8 * error. I couldn't find proper documentation on the function. my matrix is 8 by 9 and that's the code: CImg<float> A(8,9); ....filling the matrix.... CImg<float> U...

Performing a SVD on tweets. Memory problem

EDIT: I the size of the wordlist is 10-20 times bigger than I wrote down. I simply forgot a zero. EDIT2: I will have a look into SVDLIBC and also see how to reduce a matrix to its dense version so that might help too. I have generated a huge csv file as an output from my pos tagging and stemming. It looks like this: word1, w...

Calculating the null space of a matrix

I'm attempting to solve a set of equations of the form Ax = 0. A is known 6x6 matrix and I've written the below code using SVD to get the vector x which works to a certain extent. The answer is approximately correct but not good enough to be useful to me, how can I improve the precision of the calculation? Lowering eps below 1.e-4 causes...

sparse matrix svd in python

Does anyone know how to perform svd operation on a sparse matrix in python? it seems that their is no such functionality provided in scipy.sparse.linalg. ...

Latent Semantic Indexing

I'm trying to find out how to carry out the multiplication of the matrices produced after SVD implementation in LSI. I need this for my research. I want to carry out document clustering. ...

Obtaining an invertible square matrix from a non-square matrix of full rank in numpy or matlab

Assume you have an NxM matrix A of full rank, where M>N. If we denote the columns by C_i (with dimensions Nx1), then we can write the matrix as A = [C_1, C_2, ..., C_M] How can you obtain the first linearly independent columns of the original matrix A, so that you can construct a new NxN matrix B that is an invertible matrix with a n...