
How to get "return url" in Janrain RPX

How to get the previous url using the Janrain RPX login? I´m using Asp.Net MVC to request. ...

How can i get photo_url from janrain / RPX?

Hi! If somebody visit my site, i would like to extract the photo_url after jainrain / RPX authentication was happend on my site. But photo_url was not sent. I get the openid name, but not the photo address. I tried it with my gmail account, i put a photo to my profile, and i published it for anybody, but gmail doesn't sent it for me. W...

OpenID Provider Question: How do I specify an identity different from the end user's claimed-id

I am using the JanRain library, and implementing code very similar to their server example (essentially creating my own openid provider). I have it working, but when I try to return an identity different from the one specified to the consumer, I get the following error: Request was for http://example.com/, cannot reply with identity ...

Cant get token from janrain.

Hi! I set up the authentication window, according to the introduction janrain, but as the callback come, there is no token. What could be the problem? Here is the magic code: ... $rpxApiKey = '95c8d032db3db656e7716749552ff12c82f7108f'; if(isset($_POST['token'])) { echo "hello"; /* STEP 1: Extract token POST parameter */ $t...

Has anyone used Janrain's auth on iPhone?

We use Janrain's authentication on our site for our users, and we are now working on an iPhone app for the service as well which will require us to be able to be authenticated so that we can talk to the servers. Has anyone actually used janrain's iPhone libraries successfully on the iPhone? I'm having a lot of different troubles with it,...

OpenID Autologin Janrain Example in php

I want my website to automatically detect if a user is logged into google. If they are, it checks the database to see if they are already registered. If they are registered, it logs them in to my site. Otherwise, it redirects them to the login page. I think it might be the experimental x-has-session but I've no idea how to implement it....

phpmyid authentication not work

Hi! I can't log neither to stackoverflow with phpmyid running on my server, nor to my own janrain rpx server. The error: Unable to log in with your OpenID provider:Error occurred while sending a direct message or getting the response. I see this in my phpmyid log: Run mode: associate at: 1285002110 Request params Array ( ...

Not logged in after manual login in CakePHP if redirected, logged in if no redirect

Hi, I'm using Janrain engage to login to my CakePHP site, and when handling the user data, I want to automatically login using the $this->Auth->login()-function. I manage to login fine if I don't redirect after the call, but if I redirect, I'm not logged in. Does anyone now why or what I can do to straigten this? function janrain()...

Are there good alternatives to Janrain Engage?

All the sites I support have full-sized and mobile-optimized screens. Janrain's support for mobile browsers displaying their widget is completely disappointing. That is, you can't see both columns of auth-providers as the second column is cropped on narrow screens. Are there any service providers like Janrain that actually detect mobile...

Ways to implement Janrain Engage (RPXNow) on Google App Engine?

What a some possible solutions to best implement Janrain Engage (RPX Now) on Google App Engine? ...

How to confirm a OpenId authorization

Im using Janrains OpenId-Enabled libs to handle OpenID authentication as a consumer. Authorization works fine so far. The problem is: I couldn´t find out how I can confirm if a user allready authorized me without beginning the whole process ($consumer->beginn(), $consumer->complete()) anew (thus redirecting the user or using a popup). ...

How to access twitter api directly in C# using auth_info (oAuth tokens) provided by Janrain(rpx)

Seeking example how to access Twitter API directly after acquiring oAuth Tokens from Janrain(formerly rpx). It is understood twitter requires 2 keys for a twitter app(consumerKey, consumerSecret) which are provided by janrain in the janrain Dashboard under twitter settings. ...