
Password encryption with Spring/Hibernate - Jasypt or something else?

In a Java application stack with Spring & Hibernate (JPA) in the Data Access Layer, what are good methods of applying the password encryption (hopefully using annotations), and where can you find out more about getting it done (tutorial, etc)? It's understood that I would use a JCA supported algorithm for encrypting the passwords, but I...

Jasypt not working with Spring configuration

I am trying to use Jasypt to decrypt the password in my JDBC configuration file. I am using Java 6 with Spring 2.5.6. I am using the Spring examples here to guide me: http://www.jasypt.org/encrypting-configuration.html. I can't get this tool to decrypt the password. What am I doing wrong? Here is what I executed to encrypt the password:...

How to declare different non-JPA annotations on embedded classes

@Embedded public class EmbedMe { private String prop1; private String prop2; } @Entity public class EncryptedEmbedded { @Embeddable private EmbedMe enc; } I am current using Jasypt for encryption. Is there a way to indicate that the @Embeddable in EncryptedEmbedded will use @Type(value = "newDeclaredTypeHere") per attr...

ManyToOne reference with encrypted fields gives doesn't exist error using Jasypt

I have a problem on the following situation: In my Spring, Hibernate application I got a User Entity and a UserCategory Entity. The table of the user entity got a username as identifier. This indentifierfield can't be encrypted because this table is also used by an older program without the possibility to do this. To make a ManyToOne...

Error implementing Jasypt with Hibernate 3 and Struts 2

Hi, I'm trying to encrypt passwords in a webapp using Jasypt with hibernate 3. I followed the instructions on the jasypt website. Here's my hibernate mapping : <hibernate-mapping package="webapp.entity"> <typedef name="encrypted" class="org.jasypt.hibernate.type.EncryptedStringType"> <param name="encryptorRegisteredName">strongH...

Jasypt StandardPBEStringEncryptor setting password in spring bean configuration file

When using Jasypt's StandardPBEStringEncryptor we have to set password explicitly in spring bean configuration file. Is it ok and secure to have the password in the bean configuration file? Will it be a problem in PCI Compliance to store the encryptor password? ...

How to find out what algorithm [ encryption ] are supported by my JVM?

I am using Jasypt for encryption. This is my code: public class Encryptor { private final static StandardPBEStringEncryptor pbeEncryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor(); private final static String PASSWORD = "FBL"; private final static String ALGORITHM = "PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES"; static{ pbeEncryptor.set...

SHA2 password storage with Java

I'm attempting to make a XML-RPC call that requires HmacSHA-256 hashing of a particular string. I'm currently using the Jasypt library with the following code: StandardPBEStringEncryptor sha256 = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor(); sha256.setPassword(key); sha256.setAlgorithm("PBEWithHmacSHA2"); On trying to use sha...

String Encryption with JASYPT - Java

I want to encrypt a string, but the standard java libraries are too complicated for me. So i turned to JASYPT, Its pretty simple to use and understand, However when i import the library to Eclipse 3.6 and when i try encrypt a string like "Hello" with the password "123". It always comes up with an error. I'm not sure what im doing wrong b...