
Password encryption with Spring/Hibernate - Jasypt or something else?

In a Java application stack with Spring & Hibernate (JPA) in the Data Access Layer, what are good methods of applying the password encryption (hopefully using annotations), and where can you find out more about getting it done (tutorial, etc)? It's understood that I would use a JCA supported algorithm for encrypting the passwords, but I...

PHP: Safe way to store decryptable passwords

I'm making an application in PHP and there is a requirement that it must be possible to decrypt the passwords in order to avoid problems in the future with switching user database to different system. Consider that it's not possible to modify this future system's password method and I need plain text passwords in order to have the passwo...

What type of encoding is used for the HtmlEdit.Password property?

This is for a coded UI test in Visual Studio 2010. The MSDN documentation for the HtmlEdit.Password property says the following: "Gets the encoded content of this edit control." It unfortunately doesn't say HOW the password is encoded. I'd like to run some data driven UI tests, but it appears that all of the passwords would need to be...