
Is it possible to override facelets.development for different environments?

We'd like to set facelets.development to false to suppress stack traces in non-development environments, but we'd like to have it set to true in dev for debugging. Our deployment process dictates one CI build that is migrated through the environments up to production, so we can't use an approach that requires rebuilding the app / rewrit...

XAResource.end called without calling start

Saw this in our logs on an internal test cluster: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Got exception during XAResource.end : org.postgresql.xa.PGXAException: tried to call end without corresponding start call" I've had some previous issues with getting XA transactions running smoothly under Glassfish 2.1 in a clustered deployment. Those arose...

Automatically starting a JBoss service (MBean)

I'm trying to build a JBoss service that should be started automatically, each time the server is initiated. I've got the following class structure for my service: public interface CumbiaXPMServiceMBean extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean public class CumbiaXPMService extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport implements CumbiaXPMS...

Where can I download common-annotations.jar

Have a Spring 2.5 webapp which runs fine under 1.6, but under 1.5 it can't find PostConstruct class. Found the following which suggests I need common-annotations.jar (JSR-250) but cannot find anywhere to download it ...

JNDI Name binding in JBOSS 5.1.0 Beta

Hi, I am following the MasteringEJB4thEdition book, which I downloaded from The Server Site website. There is a simple example of HelloBean, which works perfectly with GlassFish V3 app server. The same example when deployed on JBOSS fails because of JNDI name lookup. Is there any rule how the JNDI lookup names in JBOSS are decided if ...

Session Bean doesnt work

I have Session and want to load DATA from an InfoHolder Class .. called Benutzer but it doesn't Work ! /* * * * Created on 21.06.2009, 16:03:41 */ package egispartnerprofile; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractSessionBean; import group52.infoholders.Benutzer; import javax.faces.FacesException; /** * <p...

How many Beans should be enough ?

Hi . I'm a undergrad Student at a German University. I have a team Programming Course .. where we have to use JavaEE/JSF to make a social networking site .. like LinkedIn. Anyway my group has created a lot of beans. Which IMHO is too much . <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ============...

JavaEE Design ... InfoHolders or direct Database connection ?

Hi I am a part of a student programming group an we are programming a social networking site. I have a Session bean and for every User i create a UserInfoHolder Class and my Session bean has an Instance of it. So 1 User = 1 UserHolder Instace = 1 Big Database query .. when logging in. Another Design Approach would be : No Holders. Dire...

Is it advisable to cast HttpSession as ClientSession in Java? What is the best practice?

The question is self explanatory I guess. This is what I am doing: Student student = Student.findStudent(s.getRegNumber(), (ClientSession)httpSesn); findStudent() method returns me an object of the Student class. As you can see I am casting HttpSession object into a ClientSession. Is it advisable? Are their any hidden snags involved? ...

JBOSS web service client doesn't work ( runtime modeler error: Wrapper class not found )

I have a simple hello-world EJB3 successfully deployed as web service. I can check it with url: http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services Following is the client which works for Glassfish but doesn't work for JBOSS package com.hardik.mejb; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; impor...

How to add javax.* dependencies in Maven?

I am getting tired of manually installing javax jar files in Maven and would like to know what is the best solution to include a dependency on javax.cache, javax.transaction, or other JSRs that are not easy to find in Maven repositories. ...

Can anyone recommend a java web-framework for large application?

We are going to start a large and scalable application which has around 50,000 to 200,000 users. my partner told me Both Groovy and OpenXava are framework for small development. My co-worker told me Both Groovy and OpenXava are framework for small development. i want to know if it's true or which framework do you recommend me. ...

Java EE Jar file sharing

At our shop, we are maintaining roughly 20 Java EE web applications. Most of these applications are fairly CRUD-like in their architecture, with a few of them being pretty processor intensive calculation applications. For the deployment of these applications we have been using Hudson set up to monitor our CVS repository. When we have a ...

Ideas for building a virtual conference

I am trying to build a virtual conference framework which provides functionality for holding virtual summits/conferences. Some of the core features: - graphical representation of conference room hall (perhaps different genres?) - Ability to invite people to summit/conference, register, unregister. - Video podcasts/broadcasts. - PPT ...

Get a list of all currently executing jobs in a cluster with Quartz

The method Scheduler.getCurrentlyExecutingJobs() in quartz apparently is not cluster aware. What method are people using to get a list of all executing jobs? ...

RequestDispatcher.forward loop

I am using <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> to map all the requests to one sevlet,where i do all the authentication work. but I want to skip some static content (like css files).so I tried fowrding them from that sevlet to where the resource file is if(isResourceFile){ RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDi...

Change the way Entity Bean values are viewed by using own annotations.

We have tables with legacy columns where SpecialStrings are stored. These SpecialStrings can't be NULL and they instead equal to some SPECIAL_UNICODE_NULL. So to send an entity back to a client via JAX-WS we have to either implement the whole Entity wrapper for sending it instead of Entity or to add convert logic explicitly to Entity ge...

JEE - find session size

Is there a way to programatically track the size of a particular session on a JEE app server, or do I have to resort to the app server's vendor specific instrumentation to do this? Two scenarios: Track from within the application (a sort of JMX-type interface) Track from without (outside) - a generic piece of code that works on all ap...

maven archetype j2ee-simple generates a failing project

I created a j2ee-simple project using the maven template with following command-line mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.hardik -DartifactId=ActionBazaar -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-j2ee-simple When I try to run the install goal within the created project folder I get an error about not existent model file in the site modu...

Java EE example project

Hello! I am currently in the process of learing about Java EE, EJB3 and . So far I am running a JBoss application server and a Oracle database. I have written a stateful session bean which retrieves data from the database through JPA entities. My goal is to have a simple client speaking to a server by calling methods in a stateful bea...