
How can I make "jconsole" work with Websphere 6.1?

I've deployed some Managed Beans on WebSphere 6.1 and I've managed to invoke them through a standalone client, but when I try to use the application "jconsole" distributed with the standard JDK can can't make it works. Has anyone achieved to connect the jconsole with WAS 6.1? IBM WebSphere 6.1 it's supossed to support JSR 160 JavaTM Ma...

JMXQuery connection - authentication failed

Hey all. Newbie question time. I'm trying to setup JMXQuery to connect to my MBean, so far this is what I got. java -classpath jmxquery org.nagios.JMXQuery -U service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8004/jmxrmi -O java.lang:type=Memory -A "NonHeapMemoryUsage" Here's what I get. JMX CRITICAL Authentication failed! Credentials required ...

Java app performance counters viewed in Perfmon

Hello, I have a Java app running on Tomcat, and I would like to monitor counters using Windows Performance Monitor. Is this possible using a JMX adapter for the Java MBeans or by some other means? ...

Securing MBeans operations

I've got some MBean operations that I need to secure. I would like the users to be required to log in as the server admin and I would like this to be setup programmaticly or, preferably by a config file in the WAR, when the app is deployed. I want to avoid requiring the admin to set this up as a deployment step. We're running glassfish...

Is it necessary to unregister an MBean from the Platform MBean Server?

I've begun playing with MBeans for exposing some information about an app. Pretty much the totality of HOWTOs / Tutorials / Blog posts / Samples online teach you how to implement an MBean and register it with an MBean Server, but never mention (or only cursorily) unregistering the MBean from the server. I'm concerned about an MBean that...

Can an MBean be run under Tomcat?

We have 2 applications that run under JBoss. I am looking for a way to reduce the overhead of the server. The main app runs under Tomcat. The other app is made up of MBeans. Is there a way to run MBeans under Tomcat? Alternative suggestions are appreciated. ...

JSF: Backing Beans with nested objects?

JSF 1.1, using a backing bean with a nested objects inside I can read all properties of the nested object. For example assuming a backing bean named "foo" with a nested object "bar" can I set/write via h:form all the properties of foo.bar? I mean something like this: f:view h:form h:inputText value...

Is ist possible to get a MemoryMXBean instance with a remote JVM?

I found this nice article which explains how to query your current memory for your VM http://recursor.blogspot.com/2006/10/memory-notifications-in-java.html My question is, is it possible to get an instance of the MemoryMXBean class from a remote VM easily (and how would I do that), or do I have to resort to query the MBeans manually? ...

Accessing a remote GarbageCollectorMXBean

I can access other MXBean types, such as the RuntimeMXBean, but not the GarabageCollectorMXBean: JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://coretest:1542/jmxrmi")); MBeanServerConnection mbs = connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); GarbageCollectorMXBean gc = ManagementFactory.ne...

Automatically starting a JBoss service (MBean)

I'm trying to build a JBoss service that should be started automatically, each time the server is initiated. I've got the following class structure for my service: public interface CumbiaXPMServiceMBean extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean public class CumbiaXPMService extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport implements CumbiaXPMS...

Are there (experimental) JSR-262 JMX-WS enabled Java tools or applications?

I am very interested in the Web Services Connector for Java Management Extensions (JMX) Agents and the reference implementation ws-jmx-connector. JSR 262 will provide a new opportunity for cross-platform/cross-language enterprise integration projects, given the option to communicate with JMX Agents using non-Java clients. (I have been ab...

Problem with JMX query of Coherence node MBeans visible in JConsole

I'm using JMX to build a custom tool for monitoring remote Coherence clusters at work. I'm able to connect just fine and query MBeans directly, and I've acquired nearly all the information I need. However, I've run into a snag when trying to query MBeans for specific caches within a cluster, which is where I can find stats about total nu...

Can not access the Instance Data of a Singleton class from MBean

I am working against the deadline and i am sweating now. From past few days i have been working on a problem and now its the time to shout out. I have an application (let's call it "APP") and i have a "PerformanceStatistics" MBean written for APP. I also have a Singleton Data class (let's call it "SDATA") which provides some data for th...

Accessing a remote MBean server

I am running a client/server application using JBoss. How can I connect to the server JVM's MBeanServer? I want to use the MemoryMX MBean to track the memory consumption. I can connect to the JBoss MBeanServer using JNDI lookup but the java.lang.MemoryMX MBean is not registered with the JBoss MBeanServer. EDIT: The requirement is for ...

Forcing Spring's MBeanExporter to use a particular MBeanServer

I have a web application running on JBoss 4.2.2. In order to monitor performance I have enabled the internal platform JMX server that ships with Java 5. In other words, I added: -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote to JBoss' launch script. This works as expected. However, as a result of this, all MBeans are now registered on the platform MB...

JBoss MBeans: How to have an array attribute?

Is it possible to define a MBean with an array attribute. I currently have an MBean defined as: <mbean code="corp.app.jmx.DNSServer" name="corp.app:service=DNSServer"> <attribute name="Server"> </attribute> </mbean> In the MBean code I then split the String. However - for my next MBean I nee...

Viewing Tomcat 6.0's MBeans in Jconsole

Hi, I'm trying to write a small agent to control tomcat, and right now it looks like JMX is the best option for me. Using the manager http service I can see that there are all sorts of neat mbeans registered that give me all the info I need. Only problem is that when I connect to the tomcat instance using jconsole I don't see any of the...

Update a single object across multiple process in java

A couple of Relational DB tables are managed by a single object cache that resides in a process. When the cache is committed the tables are updated. The DB relational tables are updated by regular SQL queries and not anything more fancier like hibernate. Eventually, other processes got into the business of modifying this object without ...

How could I get an .ear's filesize at runtime?

I started out attempting to do this with the Length ant task, but realized that that would be done before the ear is packaged. Packaging the ear, then checking the file size, and then placing it in the ear would effect the size of the ear. Is there a way to get the ear's size programmatically at run-time? Or perhaps an MBean that woul...

Converting standard mbeans to dynamic mbeans / Code generation

I have a bunch of standard MBeans which I need to convert to dynamic MBeans, (main purpose is to add user friendly descriptions to attributes, operations and operation parameters). I was wondering if there is any tool which can make my job easier by generating skeleton code for dynamic MBeans from the existing standard MBeans. ...