
Are there (experimental) JSR-262 JMX-WS enabled Java tools or applications?

I am very interested in the Web Services Connector for Java Management Extensions (JMX) Agents and the reference implementation ws-jmx-connector. JSR 262 will provide a new opportunity for cross-platform/cross-language enterprise integration projects, given the option to communicate with JMX Agents using non-Java clients. (I have been ab...

Working with JMX WS connector remotely.

Hi, I've been running the samples that come with ws-jmx-connector locally and succesfully. The next step is to run them remotely between two PC's. What I don't get is, how do I get the client and server to talk to each other from one PC to another. I'm not sure how this works but I'm assuming I have to configure TOMCAT to allow this so...

What is difference between CollectionUsage, PeakUsage, Usage?

Hi, What is the difference between CollectionUsage, PeakUsage, Usage fields in any memorypool bean ? I saw these in the path of any application in a jconsole window: mbeans tab > java.lang > memorypool > select any bean. In the right hand side pane we can see these attributes. ...