
How to access Memory pool mbeans

Hi, I want to access MemoryPool Mbeans through a java program so that I can retrieve the Eden Space, Perm Gen space, CodeCahe, Survior Space statistics during a period of time. How to do this? I tried java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Eden Space I wan not lucky Thanks, Shankar ...

jboss delopy problem: created sar can't be start normally in the deploy path of jboss

I have developed a sar file and want to deploy it into the deploy path of jboss. I think if I put the sar into the right path of jboss, jboss will start it automatically. But I get the errors as following and I can't get the reason by google: mcdp-alarm-agent.sar is the sar I developed. *06/30 10:53:36,455 ERROR [org.jboss.deployment...

Restart Jboss will get error when I added my created service(MBean) to jboss deploy route

I created one service(MBean), I thought it could be start/stop normally. I have my MBean in the structure as my previous problem had said: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177569/a-created-jboss-service-cant-be-stop-normallymbean But today, I found the created service will get error when restart jboss. First, the created service (a s...

java.lang:type=Runtime is not an instance of interface java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean

final RuntimeMXBean remoteRuntime = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy( serverConnection, ManagementFactory.RUNTIME_MXBEAN_NAME, RuntimeMXBean.class); Where the serverConnection is just basically connecting to a jmx server. What basically is going o...

Mbeans with JBoss

Hi, I'm trying to call a MBean deployed in JBoss, but i'm having this exception: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: java.io.InvalidClassException: org.jboss.security.auth.callback.SecurityAssociationHandler; org.jboss.security.auth.callback.SecurityAssociationHandler; class invalid for...

Java fake a Method given some Metadata from an MBean

I am trying to create a fake MBean server, so when it comes to evoking operations, I am running into problems. I have grabbed all the metadata from the mbean and put it into an xml file. I have the attributes working fine it seems, but having problems with the operations. I have all their metadata (method name, return type,etc) but I nee...

JBoss MBean NotificationListener problems

Hi, I'm having some trubles with NotificationListener on JBoss. I'm have a MBean on an JBoss, I can connet and call their methods. But when I'm trying to add Notifications y get the next exception: org.jboss.invocation.JBossLazyUnmarshallingException: getArguments failed at org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledInvocation.getArguments(Ma...

ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() vs MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer()

Can anyone please clarify what the differences are between the two? The Javadoc is really obscure for my proper understanding. One thing I have noticed is if I use ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() to register my MBeans, I can view them in Jconsole. But, not so if I use MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(). Why is that? I...

SNMP monitoring of MBeans (attributes.xml in snmp-adaptor.sar) (JBoss)

I want to monitor (via SNMP) some attributes of several JBoss MBeans that are running on my system: I have configured my attributes.xml unders snmp-adaptor.sar to include: <mbean name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer"> <attribute name="MasterNode" oid="."/> <attribute name="PartitionName" oid=".1.2.3...