
Could not able to resolve why the EAR file could not be deployed in Weblogic 10.3????

The error is coming Deployment connection was released before the state of deployment was known. Is it error of timeout or do i have to change some settings ...

invalidating session across all application in weblogic 11g

I am new to weblogic and am porting over a series of web applications from jboss. I have multiple war's that I deploy to the same weblogic server. All of them are configured for Form based authentication backed by active directory. I'm having issues logging out of the applications however. I have one of the applications that serves as m...

Serveral java webapps on the same server

I need to serve several Java web applications on a single server instance, but add them dynamically to a specific URI. e.g. launch webapp to this context /user_1_app launch webapp to this context /user_2_app I don't know what webserver to use, but I'm now investigating Jetty Can I just drop the wars in /usr/share/jetty/webapps ? But h...

How to externalize properties from JPAs persistence.xml?

I would like to put some of the hibernate configuration in a property file to make it editable without build and deploy. I tried to solve my problem by following the instructions from hibernate.show_sql=true hibernate.dialect=org...

Java EE 6 - Embedded container EJB tests

This questiong is regarding Java EE 6, using glassfish v3 embedded-all. I have a unit test that uses EJBContainer to test my stateless EJB. Problem is I'm having trouble looking up the EJB (remote) using JNDI: setup() { ctx = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer().getContext(); } ... test() { BookService bookService = (BookService)ct...

Glassfish 2 Server Log

The webpage for this application does not open up after the application is run. The administration console says: "An error has occurred -C:/eepassion/UnZip/servletbasics/samples/hello2/build/web" Thank you for your help. Please see log info below: Oct 15, 2010 8:27:50 AM com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.launch.ASLauncher b...

Seam: Session component is null and taglibs are compiled in each request

Hi all, I made a change to our cluster-deployed application to be authenticated via Oracle SSO with Dynamic Directives using a servlet Filter. The filter sits in front of all the application (even in front of the Seam filter). If the request is a servlet request and the principal is null, then I redirect to SSO for authentication. This... Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind (JBOSS)

Hi, I'm using JBoss 4.0.5 GA on Windows 7 with Java version 1.5 (I have to use older java version and a JBoss because I'm working with a legacy system). And when I'm starting the server I get the following error: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind And I believe this causes many other exception...

Seam framework, maven-ear-plugin and Jboss as 5.1.0

Can someone provide me a working example of pom.xml which is used to build and deploy ear archive on jboss 5.1.0. In my application I have two modules - web (.war archive) and java (.jar). I'm trying to accoplish the above task using the following pom.xml <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3...

Deploying a Spring app as ear to Glassfish v3 - Ambiguous DeploymentException "Module type not recognised"

Hi, I am trying to deploy an .ear to Glassfish v3. The .ear is a "Spring" application made up of two modules: domain.jar (entities, persistence) service.jar (business logic with spring bean config). I'm creating the .ear with Maven ear plugin and the resultant dir structure of the .ear is as follows: /APP-INF/lib/domain.jar;servic...

Recommended books on CDI (JSR299)

Hi all, I was wondering if there is already a book available, more or less dedicated to CDI (Contexts and dependency injection - JSR299). Dependency Injection by Dhanji Prasanna is a good book, but it more focussed on JSR330 and Spring DI. Thank you, J. ...

How moving from PHP5.3 to Java 6 EE ?

Hi all, I'm a Web 2.0 quite satisfied coder using mainly PHP5 in my webapps (small-medium sized), I find that PHP is supported, widespread, extensible, quite fast and simple. I can say I'm a PHP advanced coder, I'm able to code in OOP, MVC, Zend FW, memcached, ImageMagick and other stuff. But... I heard << Java 6 EE is also a good optio...

Do I need to use @Remote when I want to expose an EJB to a different application on same app server?

I have a @Stateless @Local Bean successfully deployed in an ear. I can see the new EJB 3.1 standard global JNDI name when I browse the JNDI tree. (java:global/product/product-ejb/ProductManagement) I want to use this EJB in a different application on the same app server. Do I need to add a remote interface for this EJB? ...

Is it wise decision to move from .NET to JEE or RoR?

To develop a new project we are thinking to train .NET people learning either JEE or Ruby on Rails. This decision is just because of open source and to avoid purchasing of operating system also Sql Server database. Currently there are no people who work on either JEE or RoR. All team members should learn from the scratch. If applicati...

Flex poker game scaling in Google Apps Engine vs Amazon EC2

I have a server side code written in java and client side code written in flex. As client makes a request roughly every 3 seconds to the server, then I'm pretty sure I'm running into scalability problems at some point. As far as I can see, I can host the application either in Google Apps Engine or Amazon Cloud. As I understand Amazon of...

Redirect to specific page after login

In JEE security, if a user tries to access a secured resource, they are redirected to the login page. After successful login they are redirected to previously requested secure resource. Is it possible to redirect the user to a specific page, in my case application entry page? Something equivalent to Spring Security's default-target-url...

I have an slsb in ejb3.0 with a number of methods, do I need to annotate each method with transaction attributes ?

class decalaration: @Stateless @Local( { IMyLocalSLSB.class }) @Remote( { IMyRemoteSLSB.class }) }) public class mySLSB implements IMySLSB { private EntityManager em; and now some methods for inserting/updating and deleting db records are transactions annotations required, I thought they were not as jboss and EJB3.0 handle them using...

javax.ejb package not found (Eclipse)

I have installed Eclipse for Java EE and the Java EE SDK from Sun, and am attempting to create (my first) Java EE application. I've created an EJB project, then added a session bean using Eclipse's own wizards, and the package javax.ejb isn't found! I've configured the Java EE SDK as the target runtime environment, and a JDK 1.6 as the...

How do I get the original object back from a class generated by NetBeans for transfer by JAX-WS?

Java EE 6, NetBeans 6.9.1. Part of my project is a SOAPy web service. I've written the server-side part of it, and that seems to work OK because GlassFish 3.0.1 is correctly generating WSDL files for the web services. The web service sends and receives JPA entity classes, which the client operates on. I used NetBeans' "New > Web Servi...

JSF: Should I keep the data list of dataTable in SessionScoped bean or ViewScoped bean

Can you guys give me opinion on these scenario: 1. data list is large and update quite often 2. data list is small and does not update that often 3. any other interesting case that you guys think a noob like me should know ...