
How to get java Logger output to file by default

Netbeans thoughtfully sprinkles Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level. [...] statements into catch blocks. Now I would like to point them all to a file (and to console). Every logging tutorial and such only me tells how to get a specific logger to output into a file, but I assume there is a better way than fixing every a...

Load java.util.logging.config.file for default initialization

Hi, I'm trying to load a custom file when my application is started. My properties file is in the same package as my main class, so i assumed that the command line parameter should get the properties file loaded. But the properties are only loaded when i specify a full abso...

How to regulate the amount of printouts generated by a logging instruction produces over time?

How can I limit a program log printouts to a maximum of X printouts within Y seconds? Programming server side with java.util.logging, my code has a lot of info, warning, and error statements like: s_logger.logp(Level.WARNING, myClassName, myMethodName, ""); On the one hand, I do want to see the warning messa...

disable java log rotation

I use java.util.logging.Logger to log in my app : FileHandler fh=new FileHandler(this.todayFileName, 0, 1, true); fh.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter()); Logger.getLogger(rootLogger.getName()).setLevel(Level.ALL); Logger.getLogger(rootLogger.getName()).addHandler(fh); but this does work well except that log rotation...

Why would you use if App Engine automatically logs stdout & stderr to INFO & WARNING?

According to the documentation for Google App Engine for Java: The App Engine Java SDK includes a template file, in the appengine-java-sdk/config/user/ directory. To use it, copy the file to your WEB-INF/classes directory (or elsewhere in the WAR), then the system property java.util.logging.config.file ...

Specify own Formatter in configuration file of java logger

I wrote a Formatter (test.MyFormatter) by extending the class java.util.logging.Formatter; Now I want to use test.MyFormatter instead of java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter: in the configuration file i replaced the entry: java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter with java.util.logging.ConsoleHan...

Performance and Functioanlity Difference between log4j and Logging Util class

I am newbie for the logging class in Java.util package, I have developed an Application and want to implement the logging mechanism at different levels, I am just thinking to which one to go for and identify the differences between these 2. I am looking 1) logger should be easily maintainable, implementable. Can any one suggest on this. ...

DailyRollingFileHandler ---- Files should be rotated on a daily basis

We have a requirment which requires to have an Handler that is extended from Java logging and allows to have the files rotated on daily basis. Currently Java util logging do have the support of rotation based on file size by using File Handler. It doesnt support rotation on daily basis.

how to append timestamp to file name for java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows a way to append a timestamp to the log file name specified through java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern seems like something pretty straight forward but I cant seem to find a solution to this anywhere. Thanks ...

how can i disable the default console handler, while using the java logging api ?

Hi I am trying to implement the java logging in my application. I want to use two handlers. A file handler and my own console handler. Both of my handlers work fine. My logging is send to a file and to the console . My logging is also sent to the default console handler, which i do not want. If you run my code you will see extra two lin...

how to configure my own formatter in java logging property file

For my java project, i am using the java logging api. I want to log everything using a property file. Before using this file (, I configured my onwn formatter in the java code. (see below) Now I want to configure my own fomatter in the propertie file, instead of the java code. does someone know how to do that ? Format...

java.util.logging: how to suppress date line

I'm trying to suppress output of the date line durinng logging when using the default logger in java.util.logging. For example, here is a typical output: Jun 1, 2010 10:18:12 AM gamma.utility.application info INFO: ping: db-time=2010-06-01 10:18:12.0, local-time=20100601t101812, duration=180000 Jun 1, 2010 10:21:12 AM gamma.utility.ap...

Tomcat6 ignores partially

I'm using Tomcat 6, and this is my handlers = org.apache.juli.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler .level=FINE org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.level = OFF org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level = ALL = ${catalina.base}/logs org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = m...

Where does java.util.logging.Logger store their log

This might be a stupid question but I am a bit lost with java Logger private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("order.web.OrderManager");"Removed order " + id + "."); Where do I see the log? Also this quote from java.util.logging.Logger library: On each logging call the Logger initially performs a cheap c...

java.util.logging: how to set level by logger package (or prefix)?

My app uses many libraries and I'm using java.util.logging for logging. I'd like to be able to set different logging levels for each library by doing something like: org.datanucleus.*.level = WARNING*.level = WARNING com.myapp.*.level = FINE Is is possible? ...

Can I stop java.util.logging from contributing to a memory leak?

After stopping my web app, a significant amount of PermGen is not being released. The culprit seems to be the WebappClassLoader (in Tomcat, but it happens in Jetty too), which is kept in memory by references from a bunch of other objects. The following image shows that objects that refer to WebappClassLoader, and the things that refer to...

Managing a Large Number of Log Files Distributed Over Many Machines

We have started using a third party platform (GigaSpaces) that helps us with distributed computing. One of the major problems we are trying to solve now is how to manage our log files in this distributed environment. We have the following setup currently. Our platform is distributed over 8 machines. On each machine we have 12-15 process...