
How to take a Java Web-application offline?

We develop Java Web-aps (Websphere, DB2) which display graphical and databased information. We would also like to offer the same application offline (distribution via CD/DVD) with online data-update. We have tried a number of alternatives in the past, but nothing has been really stable. What are the new best practices to take a Web ap pl...

java TrayIcon using image with transparent background

I am using the following code to set a tray icon in Windows and Linux. It works wonderful in Windows and works okay in Linux. In Linux (Ubuntu) I have my panel set to be (somewhat) transparent and when I add a GIF (with a transparent background) the background of the icon shows up all grey and ugly (see image, green diamond "!")....Any i...

Can Swing tell me if there is an active tooltip?

Is there an elegantish way in Swing to find out if there are any tooltips currently being displayed in my frame? I'm using custom tooltips, so it would be very easy to set a flag in my createToolTip() method, but I can't see a way to find out when the tooltip is gone. ToolTipManager has a nice flag for this, tipShowing, but of course i...

What is the proper way of setting headers in a URLConnection?

My code is like the following: URLConnection cnx = address.openConnection(); cnx.setAllowUserInteraction(false); cnx.setDoOutput(true); cnx.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"); InputStream is = cnx.getInputStream(); Is it ok if I set the headers before I get the InputStr...

Java Bit Operations (In Radix Sort)

The other day I decided to write an implementation of radix sort in Java. Radix sort is supposed to be O(k*N) but mine ended up being O(k^2*N) because of the process of breaking down each digit to one number. I broke down each digit by modding (%) the preceding digits out and dividing by ten to eliminate the succeeding digits. I asked my...

How to have JMX bind to a specific interface?

I am currently starting my Java VM with the* properties so that I can connect to it via JConsole for management and monitoring. Unfortunately, it listens on all interfaces (IP addresses) on the machine. In our environment, there are often cases where there is more than one Java VM running on a machine at t...

Design of Reporting Services for Java webapp

A design question. I have developed an online test engine web app earlier this year. I have used Java servlets and Freemarker templates and done it entirely following the MVC paradigm. One big missing feature in the application is that it provides no reporting. The initial design of the application did not consider reporting as part o...

JPA Multiple Embedded fields

Is it possible for a JPA entity class to contain two embedded (@Embedded) fields? An example would be: @Entity public class Person { @Embedded public Address home; @Embedded public Address work; } public class Address { public String street; ... } In this case a Person can contain two Address instances - home...

How do I disable this Eclipse (3.3.2) warning - "Access to enclosing constructor ... is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance"

I work on a large project and want to disable the Eclipse compiler warning stating: Access to enclosing constructor ... is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance Eclipse version 3.3.2 ...

What are my options for running Java 6 on OS X?

What are my options for running Java 6 on OS X? I have an MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo running Mac OS X 10.4. Do I have any options for running Java 6 on this hardware and OS? Related questions: Which Macs (either current or forthcoming) support 64-bit computing? Are there any Apple laptops (either current or forthcoming) that will have...

Java: enough free heap to create an object?

I recently came across this in some code - basically someone trying to create a large object, coping when there's not enough heap to create it: try { // try to perform an operation using a huge in-memory array byte[] massiveArray = new byte[BIG_NUMBER]; } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { // perform the operation in some slowe...

java remote desktop

Im trying to create an app to control a pc remotely using java , i want to use red5 to let the admin control desktops using a flash movie so i need to find java classes to : capture desktop as live video -control mouse and keyboard ...

Remapping urls with jetty

My application's context root is /foobar and I am running an exploded deployment with maven-jetty-plugin. I need to dynamically remap requets for /images/* to /foobar/images/*, and I cannot remap my application's context root to /. For weblogic I have a halfwit solution where I deploy an additional war containing a proxy to context roo...

In Java, how do I convert a byte array to a string of hex digits while keeping leading zeros?

I'm working with some example java code for making md5 hashes. One part converts the results from bytes to a string of hex digits: byte messageDigest[] = algorithm.digest(); StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0;i<messageDigest.length;i++) { hexString.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & messageDigest[i])); ...

Best pretty-printing library for Java?

What is the single best pretty-printing library for Java? I mean a library for printing formatted output with indentation, break hints, etc., not a library for beautifying/re-formatting Java code itself. Ideally, the library would "play nice" with System.out.println and friends. For an idea of what I'm looking for, see OCaml's Format mo...

Is anyone using SunSPOTs or another sensor/controller platform?

I'm curious how many people out there (well, on StackOverflow at least) have played with Sun's SunSPOT technology. SunSPOTs are wireless sensor devices that can also control robotic platforms, like the Systronix TrackBot. Fortunately, there's an easy-to-use Java API for programming them. I'm interested in whether: You're playing wit...

Session management in GWT without using Java on the server?

I am using GWT for my client side application. I am not using GWT/Java for the server. However, I am not sure how I can handle session management. The GWT application resides on one page, all server calls are done via AJAX. If a session expires on the server... let's assume the user didn't close the browser, but left the application ...

Java classpath issues

Hi all - I've been trying to run a jar file - let's call it test.jar - that uses the Sybase jconn3.jar on a Unix system. I have created a MANIFEST.MF file that has the following: Class-Path: $SYBASE/jConnect-6_0/classes/jconn3.jar commons-net-1.3.0.jar This gives a ClassNotFoundError. $SYBASE is the system variable that points to /o...

Performance difference between annotating fields or getter methods in Hibernate / JPA

I was curious if anyone had any hard numbers around the performance difference between annotating Entities using private fields instead of public getter methods. I've heard people say that fields are slower because they're called "through reflection" but then again so are the getter methods, no? Hibernate needs to set the accessibility...

Capturing heavyweight java components?

Hi! I have a desktop application having heavyweight components (JxBrowser) in a JFrame. How can I make a snapshot from the GUI and save it to for example a png file? Note: The method using Graphics2d and Component.paint()/paintAll()/print/printAll works only for lightweight components. Any answers appreciated! EDIT I have already...