
In Documentum 6.5 my TBO's are being triggered even when the document is a template.

When creating and modifying document templates in Documentum 6.5 my TBO for that object type is being triggered. In 5.3 creating a template did not trigger the TBO. This is a problem because I have the TBO doing all sorts of things with documents when they are checked in and saved. But I want it to do nothing if the document is just a t...

Renaming files the same way again and again

I had a program work on some images of mine and it returned them to my directory. funny thing, they're now all png images instead of gif. At first i thought it was simple renaming, but I tested with php using createimagefrompng(), which will throw an error if the image is not a valid png file. No errors were returned. Wheter or not thi...

Oracle: OALL8 is in an inconsistent state

As part of upgrading JRun, we are moving from a 1.4 JVM to a 1.6 JVM. Now I am getting a really strange oracle db error: "OALL8 is in an inconsistent state". I have pinned down the problem to insert queries that do not use bind variables at all - all inline parameters. If I run the query without any bind variables, I get the above error....

JVM crashes when trying to connect to Oracle using OCI

I have three machines set up as follows: CompA: Running Oracle server CompB: Running Oracle server and my client code CompC: Running client code only On the client code on both CompB and CompC, connecting to either Oracle DB works flawlessly using the Thin driver. I am trying to connect to each Oracle DB from the c...


Hello, If I have a JAR (Android APK), and I signed it like this: jarsigner -keystore my.keystore someApk.apk myAlias How do I un-sign it? Because if I open it as a zip file and try to extract the AndroidManifest.xml, they are all messed up. Thanks, Isaac Waller ...

Find out number of bits needed to represent a positive integer in binary?

This is probably pretty basic, but to save me an hour or so of grief can anyone tell me how you can work out the number of bits required to represent a given positive integer in Java? e.g. I get a decimal 11, (1011). I need to get the answer, 4. I figured if I could work out how to set all the bits other than the most significant bit t...

Running .exe files in Mac OS X

I am a Mac user who wants to run a few .exe files from my Java process using Process and Runtime classes. I know that it is not possible to execute .exe files in general in Mac OS X. Is there a Mac application which can wrap these .exe files so that they can be executed ? Does Apple provide anything by itself ? The alternative I am u...

Why does IcedTea6 not compile Java 1.5 specific code?

I ran: javac and got: ERROR in (at line 36) HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 When I type: java -version I get: java version "1.6.0_0" IcedTea6 1.4 (fedora-11.b14.fc10-i386) Runtime ...

Netbeans IDE problem on MacOSX

Hi all I installed Netbeans IDE on Mac OS X few weeks ago. In the code-completion window while writing Java code, I always get the proper full list of possible code completions but in the window that pops-up which is supposed to display JDK documentation entry (all details) for each possible completion, it always say that JDK documenta...

Object Pooling

What are the pro's and con's of maintaining a pool of frequently used objects and grab one from the pool instead of creating a new one. Something like string interning except that it will be possible for all class objects. For example it can be considered to be good since it saves gc time and object creation time. On the other hand it c...

do you have Flash or flex or jquery header animation like this url site

Please very urgent ------- do you have Flash or flex or jquery header animation like this url site is it possiable can do in jquery and also flex ? anybody help me ...

Explicit nulling

In what situations in java is explicit nulling useful. Does it in any way assist the garbage collector by making objects unreachable or something? Is it considered to be a good practice? ...

Logging complexity and concern about MessageFormat performance.

Hi, My application uses log4j for logging and usually I do logging by checking whether a particular level is enabled and then log like the following if(Logger.isApplicationDebugEnabled()){ Logger.logApplicationDebug("something"+values); } Now this if check reduces our branch coverage during jUnit testing. In order to overcome t...

is it possible to zoom/scale font size (and image size) in JEditorPane

Is it possible to somehow ZOOM text and pictures in JEditorPane. I dont like to go through all the HTML pages to make font size bigger. ...

How to add external jars in batch file in Java

I have a java batch file consisting of 4 execution steps written for analyzing any Java application. In one of the steps, I'm adding few libs in classpath that are needed for my core application to run. If any of Java applications that I'm analyzing need specific jars, then how do I add them in the classpath mentioned in the batch file. ...

how do I get the position in a scanner after find?

private static String find(Scanner sc, String pattern) { String Stoken; while (( Stoken = sc.findInLine(pattern)) == null) { if (sc.hasNextLine()) { sc.nextLine(); } else { return null; } } return Stoken; // return string t...

writing a tree class in java

I want to construct a general tree in java in which one root node and which can have a n children and each node can contain sub trees. How do I get started? ...

Read from file in eclipse

Hi, I'm trying to read from a text file to input data to my java program. However, eclipse continuosly gives me a Source not found error no matter where I put the file. I've made an additional sources folder in the project directory, the file in question is in both it and the bin file for the project and it still can't find it. I eve...

Object Validation

I have an object which i need to validate. This object has properties which cannot be null, strings which cannot exceed a given size and date strings which i need to check for format correctness. How would you perform this validation. I don't want to go over the whole object, I'm looking for something more dynamic EDIT: This object wi...

eclipse outOfMemoryError: heap space

Hi, while running junit tests I always seem to run into the above error. I have monitored eclipse with JConsole and heap memory peaks at about 150MB and yet I have set heap memory to 1GB? I am using the following argumments when starting eclipse -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_08\bin\javaw.exe" -vmargs -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=1...