
Running a J6SE app on an NT box

Hello world, I need to run a Java application, which we are trying to port to Java 6, on an NT box. I manage to run java 5 on it (although not officially supported), but when I try to run java 6 I get the following error: `Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\awt.dll: The spec...

Suggested JDBC books

I'm working in a medium-ish sized development group working on multiple projects and am looking to find good JDBC books for the team. Most of the developers already know the basics of JDBC, but are looking to learn best practices and more advanced topics. Topics might include: Advanced trips and tricks Patterns, and things that allow ...

Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java?

Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java? If not, is there something better? I want to know and possible try it out. Thanks. ...

Multiple correct results with Hamcrest (is there a or-matcher?)

Hello, I am relatively new to matchers. I am toying around with hamcrest in combination with JUnit and I kinda like it. Is there a way, to state that one of multiple choices is correct? Something like assertThat( result, is( either( 1, or( 2, or( 3 ) ) ) ) ) //does not work in hamcrest The method I am testing returns one element of...

Is java object serialization compatible between 1.5 and 1.6

I am wondering whether it is safe to mix jdk 1.5 and 1.6 (Java 6) object serialization (biderctional communication). I searched for an explicit statement from sun concerning this question but did not succeed. So, besides the technical feasability I am searching for an "official" statement concerning the problem. ...

Can you use Java libraries in a program?

I'm wondering if a Java library can be called from a application. (A Google search turns up lots of shady answers, but nothing definitive) ...

suggestion on remoting (rpc, rmi) for jse client-server app?

Hi. I'm absolutely in love with the way GWT does rpc. Is there anything similar for JSE you have experience with that: a) is not spring b) doesn't require a jee/servlet container to run the server side c) is not rmi that comes with jse TIA. ...

How can I read MS Office files in a server without installing MS Office and without using Interop Library?

Interop library are slow, and need MS Office installed. Many times you don't want to install office on servers. I'd like to use Apache POI, but I'm on .NET. I need only to extract the text portion of the files, not creating nor "storing information" in office files. I need to tell you that I've got a very large document library, and ...

tomcat session replication without multicast

i am planning to use 2 dedicated root servers rented at a hosting provider. those machines will run tomcat 6 in a cluster. if i will add additional machines later on - it is unlikely that they will be accessible with multicast, because they will be located in different subnets. is it possible to run tomcat without multicast? all tutoria...

Tool to visualize code flow in Java?

I'm inspired by the C/C++ question for a code flow visualization tool. Is there such a thing for Java servlets or applications? ...

Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex?

I'm starting a project using a Restful architecture implemented in Java (using the new JAX-RS standard) We are planning to develop the GUI with a Flex application. I have already found some problems with this implementation using the HTTPService component (the response error codes, headers access...). Any of you guys have some experien...

Is there a JUnit TestRunner for running groups of tests?

I am currently using JUnit 4 and have a need to divide my tests into groups that can be run selectively in any combination. I know TestNG has a feature to annotate tests to assign them to groups, but I can't migrate to TestNG right now. It seems this could easily be accomplished in JUnit with some custom annotations and a custom JUnit Te...

Is there a SQL Server profiler similar to Java/.Net profilers?

I love the way I can profile a Java/.Net app to find performance bottlenecks or memory problems. For example, it's very easy to find a performance bottleneck looking at the call tree with execution times and invocation counts per method. In SQL Server, I have stored procedures that call other stored procedures that depend on views, which...

Setting ISO-8859-1 encoding for a single Tapestry 4 page in application that is otherwise totally UTF-8

I have a Tapestry application that is serving its page as UTF-8. That is, server responses have header: Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 Now within this application there is a single page that should be served with ISO-8859-1 encoding. That is, server response should have this header: Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1 ...

Automated Python to Java translation

Is there a tool out there that can automatically convert Python to Java? Can Jython do this? ...

Deactivating Weblogic Load Balancing Optimization for collocated objects

Is there a way to deactivate the optimization for collocated objects that Weblogic uses by default for a specific EJB ? EDIT: Some context : We have a scheduler service that runs inside one node of the cluster. This is for historic reasons and cannot be changed at the moment. This service makes call to an EJB and we would like to load...

verify email in Java

Hi, Is there any way to verify in Java code that an e-mail address is valid. By valid, I don't just mean that it's in the correct format ([email protected]), but that's it's a real active e-mail address. I'm almost certain that there's no 100% reliable way to do this, because such a technique would be the stuff of spammer's drea...

How to round a number to n decimal places in Java

What I'd like is a method to convert a double to a string which rounds using the half-up method. I.e. if the decimal to be rounded is a 5, it always rounds up the previous number. This is the standard method of rounding most people expect in most situations. I also would like only significant digits to be displayed. That is there should...

What do you use for validation against XML schema?

When I want to validate my XML docuemnts against a schema in my server-side Java, I use the built-in JRE Xerces implementation and javax.xml.validation.Schema. It works fine, but when validation fails, Xerces gives error messages that are very close to useless, for example: cvc-minLength-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-v...

Creating an instance of a nested Java class in Coldfusion.

I’m trying to create an instance of: java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double in ColdFusion. Point2D.Double is a nested class inside of the abstract class Point2D. I have tried to instantiate the class using: <cfset PointClass = createObject("java", "java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double")> This fails because ColdFusion cannot find the class. And <cfse...