
Grab Clipboard data on page load

Im trying to create a script that will grab the users clipboard data on pageload, and show up in a textbox where they can press Submit. Ive looked all over google and can not find the solution. I was wondering if this is possible? ...

jQuery autofill with multiple values and icons (email to field)

Hi All, I want to create a recipient field on a form using a jQuery autocomplete field for the lookup. I want this to be allowing multiple values. I am already clued up on how to do this. The catch is, when adding a recipient and using auto complete to perform the lookup, the recipient name should have a blue background with a remove ...

Safari Javascript is conflicting JSON item with keyword

I have the following JSON data: {"data":{ "default":"some data" } } Whenever I try to access data.default, Safari generates sytax error because the keyword default. Other web browsers seem to work. What is the work around for this type of issue? note: I can't change the JSON data. It is out of my control. ...

Override the form 'Reset' behavior when data is refreshed via ajax

I am relying on the "Reset" behavior of a form to cancel the edits, the problem i am facing is that once post the data is updated via ajax, the reset still reverts back to the data that was loaded with the page origionally. So basically what I need to be able to do is "Reset" the "Reset" function. Make sense? ...