
Chrome fails to free memory, garbage collection doesn't occur as expected (Mootools/MochaUI library)

Background: I'm currently working on an intranet site that makes use of the MochaUI library (working from the virtual desktop demo). I'm using Mootools 1.2.4 and MochaUI 0.9.7. The windows that are opened in my "virtual desktop" implementation load their content via iframes. Some of the loaded pages are pretty hefty in terms of css and s...

JavaScript - SetInterval doesn't function properly

Hi, I got this piece of script (runned locally): <script> last = 0; function uploadnew(){ var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if(randomnumber != last){ document.forms['f'+randomnumber].submit(); } else { uploadnew(); } } setInterval (uploadnew(), 1000*60*5); </script> But it seems that setInterval is not working / ...

appcelerator - convert windows app to mobile app

Hello, I made a great app for windows with appcelerator and I want to convert it to mobile (android). Problem is, unlike creating an app in windows where the default launcher is "index.html" and I can have all my javascript/css/html mixed in together, the mobile default launcher is app.js. I've tried the following: var webview = Tita...

How can I highlight certain options in a HTML select - using javascript

Hello, I saw this post: which is similar to what I need to do, except a bit too complicated for my understanding. In the html body, I have a dynamically changing select form. The user can select multiple items from this form, and click a b...

Dynamicly add values to and sort Javscript Object

Lets say i have this array of movie directors: var directors = ['Woody Allen', 'Woody Allen', 'Clint Eastwood', 'Quentin Tarantino', 'Robert Rodriguez', 'Woody Allen', 'Steven Soderberg', 'Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino' ]; A PHP print_r of the aray would look like this: Array ( [0] => Woody Allen [1] => Woody Allen ...

JS: Using variable names to call function.

Im working with jQuery. I have an app that makes ajax requests to server that responds with JSON. in some cases the response from the server will indicate the name of a JS function to be called {"responseType":"callback", "callback":"STUFF.TestCallback","callbackData":"this is in the callback"} If the responseType is "callback" as a...

Flexigrid: window.resize problem

Hi, I managed to come up with a code that can make flexigrid more "fluid", more specifically it can resize depending on the window size on page load, but now I would like to add the function to resize automatically when the size of the window changes without refreshing it. This is what I have so far: $(document).ready(function(){ var ...

Why "typeof enum" causes "Expected identifier" JS compiler error?

Possible Duplicate: Reserved Keywords in Javascript Is "enum" some special keyword in javascript? Google didn't reveal anything... ...

Apply CSS to iframe

I add iframe from external site to mine like this: <iframe src=""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; It has some own css and javascript files. How can I add my own css styles to this iframe? ...

ExtJS or SmartClient?

Hi, I would like your opinion about these two frameworks. I like a lot the features of ExtJS, but recently I saw SmartClient and it seems to be great too, and free (its Client side features) for commercial projects. I tried a little of SmartClient and it seems to be easier than ExtJS, and it has a better documentation tnan ExtJS. BUT.....

JAVA servlets - open message popup

I want to user HttpServletResponse object to compose a response that will tell the browser client to open a popup with some message - how can i do that? ...

File seek in Javascript (FileSystemObject)

Hello, I am trying to open a binary file and add some data in a specific position (after byte 29). This is my code: function exportFile(text) { var fso, f2; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); f2 = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\\Users\\Devesa\\Documents\\"+url,8); f2.Skip(29); f2.Write(text); f2.Close;...

Changing element ID with javascript

I am loading in the following navbar html from a required PHP file: <ul id="navlist"> <li id="active"><a href="#" id="current">Home</a></li> <li><a href="about.php">About</a></li> <li><a href="news.php">News</a></li> <li><a href="applying.php">Applying</a></li> <li><a href="current.php">Curren...

Is there a way to show two images simultaneously with a Javascript image gallery?

I'm trying to create a comic book reader using javascript where the content of the gallery is dynamically generated from the images in a given directory (directory is chosen with a bit of php). I want to display two pages(images) at a time so the comic is read like it would be in a book format. Users are then able to navigate two pages a...

Trouble with prototype chain in JavaScript.

Why can't I access the 'x' property from A? A = {}; B = {y: 'y'}; C = {x: 'x'}; A.prototype = B; B.prototype = C; A.x ...

JS execution in WebView

How would one execute javascript code within a webkit webview on OS X when the page is HTTPS? It seems no matter what i try, HTTPS pages wont allow execution. Even something as simple as evaluateWebScript: doesnt do anything, and all i am trying to do is highlight a few fields. ...

javascript effects queue (chain)

Hi, im building an animation framework for my work, and im stock in the Queue or chain effects part, actually i have something like this: var Fx = { animate: function(){...}, fadeIn: function(){...}, fadeOut: function(){...} } etc etc... so, actually i can do: $('#element').animate({options}).fadeIn({options}); and it w...

jQuery Plugin/JavaScript: Set body-class with actual URL

Hello, I know there are JavaScripts or jQuery plugins which set some body classes (e.g. something like that <body class="ff3.5 ff win gecko some-awesome-icons-article-with-100-icons">) I don't know how that is called...? Do you know what I mean and have you a link/name of it? The path to the article set as css-body-class is more importa...

Google Analytics; Track outbound clicks; How?

I read this article about tracking outbound links on banners and such: So I added this code to the onClick event of my href: javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/top_banners/banner_name'); Is this enough? Because I have rea...

Why doesn’t setting the “disabled” property of a <link> tag via JavaScript work in IE 8?

I am implementing a JavaScript function that enables/disables two CSS file of a website: function switch_style () { var i, link_tag ; for (i = 0, link_tag = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); i < link_tag.length ; i++ ) { if ((link_tag[i].rel.indexOf( "stylesheet" ) != -1) && link_tag[i].title) { ...