
IE Securty Zone Issues

I'm developing a website which will be used in the corporate intranet which uses JCIFS and NTLM to automatically authenticate the users without asking them to log on. Everything seems to be working in IE 6, but some users are being prompted for their passwords in IE 7. We've had some success by getting the users to change their Logon...

How to specify backup domain controller for JCIFS in web.xml?

Hi, We are using NTLM authentication using JCIFS in our web application. In the web.xml file, we are specifying the domain controller server name, like this: <!-- NTLM code --> <init-param> <param-name>jcifs.http.domainController</param-name> <param-value>SERVERNAME</param-value> </init-param> my question here is: Is there ...

Alternatives for JCIFS NTLM library

Are there any alternatives for JCIFS NTLM library? ...

jcifs.smb.NtlmPasswordAuthentication getPassword() null

i trying to do integrating with AD with jcifs. each time i do getPassword(), i get null. as I am using WMA. each time firefox will prompt for username/password . how to get the password entered by user? i able to get the username with .getName(); ...

NtlmSsp vs kerberos

can anyone elaborate the different? i'm currently using ntlmssp.authenticaten ( jcifs) but seems not able to do getPassword(). it's always return null ...

JCIFS NTLM Authentication for HTTP Connections on GlassFish (or any servlet container)

I've created a Java class that connects to an IIS website requiring NTLM authentication. The Java class uses the JCIFS library and is based on the following example: Config.registerSmbURLHandler(); Config.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.domain", domain); Config.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.username", user); Config.setProperty("jcifs.smb....

JCIFS Window Authentication in Java

Currently I was using jcifs to manage the window authentication. I've got few questions: The first time the user run the page and types in wrong password, when user try to key in again the password remain there. Even if I close the browser run again the password still remain there. How to remove the password? Can I implement like after...

Hudson Windows service slave launch causes SmbException

We just acquired three new build slaves for Hudson, which are running Windows XP x64. We're having issues deploying to these that we haven't seen before (we have two other XP32 machines already slaved). When we first reboot the server, or just after restarting the Server service, the node's log on hudson shows the following (domain nam...

GWT, jcifs, and multiple prompting for login

We have a gwt app that uses jcifs to pull the user name from our NT domain. Here is a clip of our web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>NtlmHttpFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.xxx.gwt.server.MyNTLMFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>jcifs.netbios.wins</param-name> <param-value></par...

spring ntlmV2 not support

i know that JCIFS not support ntlm version2 , mean i cannot use spring-nltm to do ntlm2 . in that case, what library should I use with spring to do ntlm2? ref: http://jcifs.samba.org/src/docs/ntlmhttpauth.html (see blue line) from info i get The NTLM HTTP Filter does not and can never support NTLMv2 as it uses a main-in-the-m...

KSoap-Android\JCIFS sends empty HTTP post

I created an NTLM authenticating SOAP client based on KSOAP-Android and JCIFS. The implementation looks something like this: public class NtlmServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { public NtlmServiceConnection(final SoapConnectionInfo connectionInfo, String path) { httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); ...